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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Prophecy Fulfilled: Hundreds of Jewish Immigrants Come Home to Israel this Summer - CBN News Julie Stahl

Prophecy Fulfilled: Hundreds of Jewish Immigrants Come Home to Israel this Summer
CBN News Julie Stahl
TEL AVIV, Israel - Thousands of Jewish people from around the world are expected to immigrate to Israel this summer, fulfilling the words of the biblical prophets. CBN News was at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport when the first planeload of the summer arrived.
 A big welcome party awaited two hundred new immigrants who arrived in Israel to make the Jewish State their home. 
“I feel so happy and loved and I don’t know how to explain. It’s so crazy the people here waiting for us – the party, the music, the entire joy of this. It’s magic,” said Carolina Carolina Hidalgo, a new immigrant from Argentina.
“I’m always excited when I see new immigrants coming on Aliyah to Eretz Israel to the ancient homeland. I’m very moved by this because it encompasses three continents: Europe, Latin America and Asia,” said Isaac Herzog, Chairman of the Jewish Agency, the organization responsible for “Aliyah” or immigration to Israel.
“They’re all here in one big event, which epitomizes the great plight of the Jewish people in their return to their ancient homeland,” Herzog told CBN News as he waited to welcome the newcomers.
These are the first arrivals on special flights this summer.
“We’re working all over the world.  This year we’ll have 30,000 immigrants from 40 countries. It’s an incredible story,” Herzog said.
Among the newcomers are Brazilian and Argentinian singles who will study in an intensive Hebrew-language school called “ulpan” for several months.  Then they’ll look for jobs or continue with higher education.
“I’m an actress so I’m going to try to work with that. I’m also a makeup artist so I came with that idea,” Hidalgo told CBN News.
“Here I’m going to study Hebrew in Kibbutz Magan Michael and then I’ll be in the army for a year and a half.  And then like all Israelis, I will travel and then I’ll return to study music in Jerusalem,” said Octavio Moshe Peron, a new arrival from Argentina.
“First I want to really learn Hebrew, so I’m going to do Ulpan, very intensive right now, then I will start searching job as a scientist, in hi-tech,” said Ari Korenvais, another new immigrant from Argentina.
They came for different reasons.
“I came here because when I was little, I was living here with my family for a while, like four months and I fell in love with this country and the people and the culture so I always want to come back here and now I have the possibility, I came,” Hidalgo said.
“The economic situation is really great. OK neighborhood countries are not the best things but I don’t have to worry when I walk through the streets really here,” Korenvais said. 
“I came to Israel because I’m a Zionist. I love Israel and I’m hoping to make it my home,” said Abraham Chevelen from Ohio.
Chevelen, who has been here for just one week, came back to the airport to welcome the newcomers.
“I learned some Hebrew back in America. Thankfully, I’m very good at languages. I speak Chinese fluently. I plan on doing business with China in Israel and if I can do Chinese I can hopefully do Hebrew, right?” he said.
Many would see the arrival of these new immigrants as the fulfillment of God’s Word when He said He would re-gather Israel and plant them in their land.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA