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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Break Away - Steve Martin


Break Away


“Then Jesus went into a house to get away from the crowd…” Mark 7:17, NLT


Even Jesus needed to get away at times, to break away from the cares and concerns of the world around Him. Not to just “escape from the world” but to take a break, to get some rest, to be with the Father and inquire of Him.

Have you done this lately? To get up earlier than normal; to turn off the news on the TV or radio; to get out of your routine and spend some time with the Lord Who created you and knows what you need?

We all need that time. We need to break away.

I think back to the days growing up, with eight kids in the family. For sure it was a house full, but for the most part, we all got along, and still do to the day. Five girls and three boys, with Dad and Mom working hard every day to keep a roof on our heads and food on the table. It surprises me today when couples struggle to raise one or two kids. Yes, I know it is a different time, but still, I wonder at times where the priorities are with people. They certainly have changed.

Dad had his two weeks of vacation the same time every year, the first two weeks in August, when the foundry shut down (they made water pumps in Cedar Falls, Iowa) and every worker was off. Saving up for the entire year prior, and working two jobs to do it, Dad had enough money for us to go on camping trips, with a big tent, and hauling all in the homemade trailer he had made to pull behind the 1960 Ford station wagon. He even painted it the same color – baby blue. Later when we could afford a camping trailer that slept eight it was much better. Two had to always sleep in the station wagon when we all went.

It was a fun time. It was family time. It was time to get away and live for two weeks in God’s creation outdoors. Campfires. S’mores. Even having a bear snatch our food in the middle of the night happened on a Colorado family adventure.

But one thing else I remember, the other 50 weeks of the year. My Mom would spend time reading her Bible and praying almost every morning of the week before the rest of us occupied her day. She would take time to be with the Lord, seek His face, and get strength and assurance for the rest of the day. Often Christian music on records would be playing in the phonograph (a record player, for the younger generation who only know of MP3 technology.)

She would wisely take time to break away.

Maybe you can’t always get that annual vacation trip or the weekend away very often. But we all have 24 hours in the day, and we need to spend more time with the Lord. Just as Jesus did, our God Who became man, and yet took time to get away and spend with His Father.

And as you give Him time to refresh you, to encourage you, to let you know of His continuing love and ongoing care, you just may be passing it on to others who will be watching and later follow your example.

Be blessed as you seek Him.

Steve Martin

Love For His People Founder

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA