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Friday, April 11, 2014

Congratulations from Sweden & Others - on the Celebration of our 4th Year Anniversary of Love for His People

Shalom Steve and Laurie!

I want to congratulate you, your wife and also other people involved in the ministry "Love For His People"! Thank you so much to you and your wife for starting this ministry and that you are moving forward with Yeshua in strong passion for Him!

Thank you for blessing many people and that you bless Israel and the Jewish people strong in a time of increasing anti-semitism!

Thank you for following Yeshua in working in this ministry. Thank you to your wife and you for being so mature leaders in a time when several are not and for your love to Yeshua! God will give you back for what you have sown into the Kingdom of God and your reward is big in heaven!

Maybe I have a word for you. Please check all words! I think it is a new time for you! God will show you new things! Isaiah 43:18-19. I am thinking about that God is rejoicing so much over you! I also think Yeshua is celebrating today!

I send many blessings to you, your wife, family and to people involved in this ministry! Thank you so much, Steve and this greeting to your wife, too, for starting this ministry!


Eva Haglund


From Others Who Sent In Blessings 

Curtis Loftin, Beit Yeshua
Lincolnton, NC

Congratulations!  In some ways it's hard to believe it's been four years - my how time flies!  Your accomplishments in four years have been astounding and very impressive.  Way to Go!  We're so pleased to call you "friend".  Adonai's continued blessings upon all that you do. B'Shem Yeshua.

Cathy Hargett, Highway To Zion, Charlotte, NC
Bless you, Brother! I will be reading all of this in detail later but wanted to immediately say Mazel Tov and to tell you and Laurie how blessed I am to have you in my life and to be on this journey together.  You have persevered and He has given you much fruit for your labors.  Bless you all day long!  Love you!  Cathy. 

PS Which of your books is the one that has the large amount of photos? (Book - "Now Think On This - The Inspiration Continues" has over 165 photos.)

Peter Wyns, Christians For Messiah Ministries, Antioch Intl. Church - Fort Mill, SC
Well Done Steve,
Keep up the good work for Israel.
Thank you for your support for Antioch’s first Sunday.
Many Blessings,

Mary L. Smith, Charleston, SC
VERY NICE Steve!! Great work!! Love you!!
Have a blessed day,

Karla Shrake, Mantles of Glory Ministries, Fort Worth, TX
Hello Steve,
Congrats on the four-year mark, that is awesome. It is amazing all the publishing and all the media sites and development you are doing ....and doing so well...glory to God!
Your four books being published and all the other made me remember how God spoke of you as Jacob/Israel while he had to serve Laban...and then was tricked into serving Laban again.   But how God gave him that supernatural strategy of putting the rods in front of the sheep, etc. so they would reproduce, etc to Jacob's benefit.   When you first sent me the finishing of the fourth book, the photo of all four together, that’s what instantly came back to my  spirit /mind...about how the flocks and herds had supernaturally reproduced and increased, I do think that was definitely a Holy Ghost thought.
And the awesome tours to Israel, and your ministry "Love for His People". Good-good-good!  Rejoicing with you and believing for more and more doors of teaching, mentoring, touring and traveling to open for you and Laurie. 
Blessings to you and Laurie --

Moses Jilius, Shalom today Worldwide Ministries, Pakistan (Lehore)
Dear Brother Steve!
Well done, Brother and your coworker! I can't express how much I appreciate your efforts. It's great to have someone as special as you to work for His People. I am proud to be a part of your organization.

Yes the same thing was happened to me since 2011 when God spoke to me to Work for His people here in Pakistan.

Congratulation with depth of my heart,

Love and Blessing Emoji 

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA