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Friday, April 11, 2014

Top Videos of The Week - 12TribeFilms TV

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Click here to watch:Hysterical Passover Joke!
Yup, this one's funny!
Passover breakingnews
No Joke, this is happening right now.
russia jewishconcert
You MUST watch this!
IDF inteligence
Mission success.
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Learn Modern Hebrew from the comfort of your own home, with Israel’s very best teachers.
Connect with Israel, its people, culture and language, all in one simple click- Click Here to learn Hebrew today!
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Connecting, Educating, Entertaining, Inspiring - ISRAEL!
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We at 12Tribe Films are excited to introduce to you the 3rd episode of our newest production - the Joy of Israel with Jamie Geller Episode #3 - Holy Hebron and Sweet Hebron Hills! Never before has the beauty of Israel been showcased for the world to see in reality TV format with the mission of educating, exciting and connecting people to Israel. This new series will reshape the entire image of living in Israel into one that is exciting, inspiring, and beautiful.
Don't miss watching this fascinating new Joy of Israel with Jamie Geller episode. Click hereto watch and be inspired!
Thank you for signing up to receive top Israel videos. Enjoy our weekly newsletter of top Israel videos and thank you for supporting Israel! 12Tribe Films works hard to connect people with the Land of Israel. We invite you to send us videos that you believe we should promote - anything that helps people connect with the Land of Israel and the Jewish people.
All the Best,
Avi Abelow
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I Love Jerusalem
Israel in My Soul
I Love Jewish Music
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©2014 12Tribe Films | Jerusalem, Israel

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA