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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Science Proves It, God Created Water - CBN News

Science Proves It, God Created Water


CBN News
For years, science and the Bible have seemed at odds over the source of the Earth's water.  In Genesis 1, the Bible explains that God created Earth as a water-covered sphere and in Genesis 7 the author explains that "springs of the great deep burst forth" and flooded the Earth.
However, scientists have debated for years over where the planet's abundance of water originated.  Some have believed that the Earth's water must have come from external sources like asteroids.
A new study published in the journal "Nature" appears to support the Bible's account.  Christian News reports that the research suggests that water actually originated deep inside the Earth.  A summary of the study notes "it is not clear just how much water resides within the solid Earth and where it is to be found."   
CBN News' Heather Sells spoke with Regent University's Dr. Robert S. Stewart, a microbiologist and chair of the Science, Technology and Mathematics Department about the findings and what they mean for understanding the truth of the Bible's creation account.
Watch report here: God Created Water

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA