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Sunday, January 10, 2016

The True Biblical Honey ✡ "A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey" - ISRAEL365

He brought us to this place and He gave us this Land, a Land flowing with milk and honey.


וַיְבִאֵנוּ אֶל הַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה וַיִּתֶּן לָנוּ אֶת הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת אֶרֶץ זָבַת חָלָב וּדְבָשׁ

דברים כו:ט

va-y'-vi-NU el ha-ma-KOM ha-ZE va-yi-TEN la-NU et ha-a-RETZ ha-ZOT e-RETZ za-VAT kha-LAV u-d'-VASH

Jerusalem Inspiration

Here is an interesting tidbit you might not have known: the ‘honey’ that Israel is blessed with does not refer to bee’s honey, but according to Jewish tradition, refers to date honey which was a rich delicacy in Biblical times. From hardly growing any food 100 years ago, miraculously, Israel today is an agricultural exporter and in fact, produces  over 50% of the world’s Medjool dates. For the first time in centuries, it is truly the land flowing with milk and honey!  Take pride in the beauty and bounty of Israel each day with the fabulous photos in our Israel365 2016 Calendar!

Lights On in Jerusalem

Prepare to be dazzled by this awesome footage from the Jerusalem Lights Festival.  This years festival begins in May!

Pictures of the Nation of Israel

A Picture is worth a thousand words! These photographs are far more than snapshots; they tell the story of the Jewish return to Israel, and the poignant defense of the Jewish people, against the backdrop of the stones of the holy Western Wall.

Jerusalem Nano Bible Gentle Star of David Necklace

In the incredible Nano Bible, the spirit and technology of Israel have come together to produce the world’s smallest bible, printed onto a single 5mm x 5mm surface, and set into a beautiful piece of silver jewelry so that you can take the Bible with you wherever you go.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Jodi Sugar captures the beauty of the pink almond blossoms that start to appear right around now, all across Israel.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Esther Susanna.
Todah rabah!

“Grateful to be Connected to Jerusalem365

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send mean email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  I am from the United States and am so grateful to be connected with Jerusalem365.  I  belong to a fellowship of Gentile  Christians who love Israel, the Jewish people and Jerusalem. We are learning the Torah in depth and celebrate the Festivals. Contrary to our current administration, we believe in supporting Israel as many Americans do.  Thank you!- Mark Deaton
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA