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Friday, April 7, 2017

The War Being Waged in the Biblical Heartland ✡ "Again Shalt Thou Plant Vineyards" - ISRAEL365

Again shalt thou plant vineyards upon the mountains
of Shomron; the planters shall plant,
and shall have the use thereof.

עוֹד תִּטְּעִי כְרָמִים בְּהָרֵי שֹׁמְרוֹן נָטְעוּ נֹטְעִים וְחִלֵּלוּ

ירמיהו לא:ד
od tit-ee kh-ra-meem shom-ron nat-u not-eem v'khi-lay lu

Shabbat Inspiration

For decades, Palestinians have attempted to change the narrative of the Jewish people’s presence in the Land of Israel by viciously uprooting trees planted by Jews and forcefully planting their own. They refuse to acknowledge that the Jewish people are indigenous to the Land, instead pronouncing that Israel has always belonged to the Palestinian people, deliberately ignoring all the archaeological and Biblical evidence to support the Jewish claim, such as the prophecy elaborated by Jeremiah in today's verse. In order to fight the land grab in which Palestinian farmers are illegally stealing Jewish land in Judea and Samaria, Israel365 is on a mission to help Israeli farmers plant trees and maintain a firm Jewish presence in the Biblical heartland.

Meet Amnon: a Farmer From Bat Ayin in Judea

Our friend Amnon, who lives in the sunny hills of Judea, works tirelessly to ensure the beauty of the Land of Israel by planting trees and vineyards. But there is a group of Palestinians threatening Amnon's efforts and they are relentless! Listen to his story for yourself.

Harvesting Grapes on the Mountain of Blessings, as Prophesied in Jeremiah

Motivated by a powerful desire to take part in the manifestation of prophecy, a Christian organization called HaYovel has just completed its twelfth season of bringing Christian volunteers to Israel to help farm the Holy Land.

Solidify Your Connection to the Land

Abraham is commanded to head to a land that is not known to him. Fearing that he would not have supporters or friends in the new land, God promises that He will remain on Abraham’s side by blessing those who bless him and cursing those who curse him. He concludes with the promise that Abraham and his descendants will be a source of blessing to the entire world. This promise has carried through the generations. Protecting and supporting the Jewish people benefits all the nations of the world. Boast your support for Israel and her people by engraving your name on this beautiful sterling silver Israel pendant.
Put Your Name on the Land Today!  »

Today's Israel Photo

Olive trees bask in the warm sunlight as they grow and thrive in Jerusalem's Mount of Olives. Photo by Shutterstock
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Thank You to our Israel365 Store Customers

"Todah Rabbah" to Joseph Backus from Canada; Layne Sutton from Texas; James Wagner from Oregon; Normand Begin from Canada.
Shop the Israel365 Store » 

Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Sherry Atchisson from Illinois; Robert Aspinwall from Florida; Margo Heyburn from Australia; Suzanne Pfister from Australia.
Stop the Land Grab! Plant a Tree in Israel »

Thank You to our Holiday Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Peter van den Braak from Netherlands; Robin McDaniels from Maryland; Stephan Schillerwein from Switzerland; Mercedes Ngan from Hong Kong.
Ensure a Festive Passover for Israel's Neediest »

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Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA