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Friday, April 7, 2017

Trump Strikes Back At Syria: "No Child Of God Should Suffer Such Harms" - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Trump Launches Syrian Airstrikes FollowingAttack: "No Child Of God Should Suffer SuchHarms"
Donald Trump has been moved to compassion and action following the brutal chemical attack that left children suffocating to death in Idlib,...
Marco Rubio Warns Syrian President With Bible Verse Following Chemical Attack 
Sen. Marco Rubio decided to invoke the scripture when warning Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of a US response following the horrific...
Christian Farmer Who Kicked Provocative Rihanna Off His Land Writes HUGE Bible Verse Across His Barn 
When Northern Irish farmer Alan Graham allowed Pop Star Rihanna to shoot a music video in his beautiful barley fields outside Bangor, Cou...
Did Trump Just Commit To A Syrian War And Fulfil A Biblical Prophecy? 
In the wake of the horrific chemical attack perpetrated by the Syrian government on innocent civilians, President Trump said that the a...
Target CEO Regrets Controversial Bathroom Policy Announcement 
Since megastore retailer Target announced its controversial transgender bathroom policy last year, there has been outrage in many sect...
Abortionist Says He Kills Babies Out Of 'Christian Compassion' 
Willie Parker is an abortionist who works in both Alabama and Georgia. He claims that he aborts babies as a result of 'Christian compassio...
Norweigan Evangelicals Boycott Franklin Graham's Preaching Event 
A group of Norweigan evangelical leaders have decided not to attend Franklin Graham's preaching even due to his political views. Gr...
Kim Daniels Gets Bill Passed To Protect Religious Expression In Florida's Public Schools 
Rep. Kimberly Daniels (D-Jacksonville) a pastor who introduced a measure to protect religious expression in public schools. She live-stream...
How To Celebrate The Success Of Others 
One of my closest friends, Scott Dalton, recently had an article published (which you should read here because it's so good), and when...
Here's How Christians Can Effectively Share Their Faith With Atheists 
Talking to atheists about your faith in God can be a tough thing to do. When trying to convince a devout unbeliever about the existence...
How Am I Going To Do Three Kids? 
There are some days when I think I'm going to totally rock (or maybe it's more like simply survive) this three kid thing, and then...
Franklin Graham: "Christians Are Under Attack, And It's time For Us To Do Something" 
Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has called on the Christian community to do something about the increased persecution of believers arou...
Here Are Some Simple Ways You Can Help The Victims Of Syria's Chemical Attack 
You will have probably seen the horrific images cropping up on news networks across the nation; children gasping for breath as a nerve a...
3 Ways Christians Can Break Spiritual Apathy 
Spiritual apathy is one of the most destructive things that can happen. Perhaps you feel disappointment by God, let down by Christians,...
Christians Have Hope During Chemical Attacks 
Tuesday’s deadly attack in Syria has an outraged global audience pointing fingers. The chemical bombings that struck rebel-held ter...
US Senators Urge Pakistan To Release Asia Bibi 
On Tuesday, Senators Rand Paul and Chris Coons introduced a resolution that urges Pakistan to release Aasiya Noreen; she is otherwise...
Iraqi Christians Will March For Peace 
Iraqi Christians are planning to spend their Holy Week marching for peace. Said to begin on Palm Sunday, this march will extend for 87 mil...
China Has Formally Detained South Korean Pastors 
China has now formally detained two South Korean pastors accused of helping North Korean defectors enter into China, reports Persecu...
Bomb Survivor Testimony: "I Saw An Angel Catch A Bomb Headed Towards Me" 
Chuck Pollack was working as a radio station manager in Lebanon when he experienced the worst nightmare for those living in the midst...
Carman Faces Another Cancer Trial, Says He's Desperate To Live Longer For Jesus 
Gospel music star Carman Licciardello is facing yet another cancer trial. The 61-year-old has been battling cancer over the last few year...
UK To Display Bible Verses Across Buses During Easter 
Buses in the UK are set to feature quotes from Scripture this Easter season as part of a campaign called the “Quote Jesus&rdquo...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA