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Monday, February 5, 2018

Ingathering of the Exiles Tied to Rainfall - Breaking Israel News

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Ingathering of the Exiles Tied to Rainfall - New Study


US, Argentina Agree to Tackle Hezbollah’s Drug Trafficking and Terror Operations

“The face of Hashem is set against evildoers, to erase their names from the earth.” (Psalms 34:17)

IDF Plans Biggest Parachuting Exercise in Years to Prepare For War Away From Home

“Hashem will battle for you; you hold your peace!” (Exodus 14:14)

Norwegian MP Nominates BDS for Nobel Peace Prize

“Thus said Hashem... Kings shall see and stand up; Nobles, and they shall prostrate themselves— To the honor of Hashem, who is faithful, To the Holy One of Yisrael who chose you.” (Isaiah 49:7)

PLO Calls For New Offensive Against Israel at UN and ICC

“For they schemed against You; they laid plans, but could not succeed.” (Psalms 21:12)
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King Abdullah II: Trump’s Embassy Move to Jerusalem is ‘Complication’ for Jordan

Jordanian King Abdullah II told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that US President Donald Trump’s decision to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a “complication” for Jordan.

PSALMS 115:15

Throughout the Bible, God promises to increase the numbers of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Over the past 70 years, the Land of Israel has welcomed home Jews from the four corners of the earth...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA