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Sunday, April 8, 2018

Israel’s True Strength and Gift to the World is Unity - Breaking Israel News


Israel’s True Strength and Gift to the World is Unity

By Dr. Michael Laitman
Our mission is to unite and by doing so, allow the spreading of that heightened unified consciousness to spread to humanity as a whole. If we work on our connection, then we can attract the positive, unifying force dwelling in nature to enter our connections, thereby allowing this force to spread, setting up a new basis for a society of giving, connection and love.

Are There Arabs Who Like Israel?
The Answer is a Resounding Yes

By Dr. Mordechai Kedar
What is really important, though, is for us, the Israelis, to remember that not every Arabic speaker is an Israel-hater by definition. There are many people to be found in the Arab and Islamic world who accept Israel’s existence from the start and not just after the fact and believe in the right of Jews to live securely and tranquility in the land of their forefathers. They also believe in Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens’ lives, welfare, and health.

Hamas’ Partners in its War Against Israel

By Caroline Glick
Hamas intends to provoke Israel to shoot at the Palestinian civilians it is sending to the border. It is setting its people up to die because it expects their deaths to be captured live by the cameras of the Western media, which will be on hand to watch the spectacle. In other words, Hamas’s strategy of harming Israel by forcing its soldiers to kill Palestinians is predicated on its certainty that the Western media will act as its partner and ensure the success of its lethal propaganda stunt.

The Blame Lies with Hamas, Not Israel

By Ben-Dror Yemini
Hamas knows how to invest—but only in the death industry. More tunnels. More rockets. Had Hamas invested everything it spent on tunnels in building neighborhoods, schools and hospitals instead, the situation in the strip would’ve been much better.

The Palestinian Leadership’s Promotion of Death-Seeking Culture

By Earl Cox
Is it of no concern to Europe and other nations who claim they want to stop the suffering of the Palestinians that their leaders “desire death” but not the life for their own people? Is it not astounding that those leaders who extol and encourage death, and urge their people to embrace death, openly acknowledge that Israel values and celebrates life—not only for its own people but for the world? These Palestinian leaders do not fight in the trenches alongside the women, children and elderly they muster as human shields.
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Never Again. In Syria?

By Shoshana Bryen
Responding to its own security requirements, but also cognizant of the weight of history, the Israeli government has said Israel will not permit Iranian/Shiite entrenchment. The United States should join Israel in that determination – not because we need to determine whether Bashar Assad stays or goes, but to fulfill the promise embedded in “Never Again.”

The Sultan’s Pleasure: Turkey Expands its Operations in Syria and Iraq

By Jonathan Spyer
IN ALL three areas – the Afrin operation, the (alleged) links to Harakat al-Qiyam and the air activity and threatened incursion into Sinjar and northern Iraq – the contours and direction of Turkish activity are clear. Ankara has set as a strategic goal to destroy the Kurdish gains that resulted from the fragmentation of Syria and Iraq over the last half-decade. Turkey also wishes to present itself as the natural leader and patron of Sunni Arab communities in both countries.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA