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Sunday, April 8, 2018

Putting Down Roots ✡ "Plant Them In Your Own Mountain" - Israel365

You will bring them and plant them in Your own mountain, The place You made to dwell in, Hashem, The sanctuary, Hashem, which Your hands established
Exodus 15:17 (The Israel Bible™)

תְּבִאֵמוֹ וְתִטָּעֵמוֹ בְּהַר נַחֲלָתְךָ מָכוֹן לְשִׁבְתְּךָ פָּעַלְתָּ יְהוָה מִקְּדָשׁ אֲדֹנָי כּוֹנְנוּ יָדֶיךָ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

te-VEE-ay-mo ve-tee-ta-AY-mo be-HAR nakh-LA-te-kha ma-KHON le-SHEEV-te-KHA
pa-a-lat- a-do-NAI meek-DASH a-do-NAI ko-ne-nu ya-DAY-kha


Putting Down Roots

“And plant them in Your own mountain” is understood as a reference either to Har Habayit(the Temple Mount) or to the entire Land of Israel.  When Hashem (God) says that the Jewish people will be planted in the Land of Israel, He means that they will establish roots there and flourish. Jewish tradition believes that this verse is a reference to the time of Mashiach (Messiah), when the Children of Israel will be brought back to the Land of Israel, never to be uprooted again. For two thousand years, Jews have been asking for the fulfillment of this verse each week as part of the Shabbat prayers, “bring us with happiness to our land and plant us in our borders.” This verse has become a reality as Jews from around the world are returning to their ancestral homeland and the Land of Israel is flourishing both with nature (olive trees in northern Israel above) and with the Children of Israel.
Read more about the flourishing of the Land of Israel

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Todah Rabbah (thank you) to Thomas Nelson from the USA, Beverly Conn from the USA, Ellen Gray from the UK


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA