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Monday, July 2, 2018

IDF Reinforces Armor and Tanks On Golan In Response to Syrian Escalation - Breaking Israel News

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IDF Reinforces Armor and Tanks On Golan In Response to Syrian Escalation

The IDF reinforced the Golan on Sunday with armored units, tanks and artillery, in response to heavy fighting on the Syrian side of the border

Russia Will Move Embassy to Jerusalem--But Only After City Is Split

Russia's embassy might be moved from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, but only after Israel and an independent Palestinian State have settled all their issues

Hamas Says No Deal On Missing Soldiers, Unless Israel Releases Hundreds of Terrorists

Hamas will refuse any deal to return two Israeli civilians in its custody, as well as the remains of IDF soldiers unless it is part of a wide-scale prisoner exchange

WATCH: How Syrians Are Beginning to Trust Israel

Hananya Naftali describes how the crisis in Syria is showing the people that Israel, their sworn enemy, is actually a friend they can trust more than their own government

Pastor Calls for Global ‘Shema’ as Prophesied In Zephaniah

Pastor Mark Biltz called for churches around the world to recite the “Shema” prayer on July 29, as a powerful act of solidarity with Israel
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA