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Monday, July 2, 2018

Syrians Thank Israel for Being a 'Good Neighbor' When No One Else Will - Israel Today

Syrians Thank Israel for Being a 'Good Neighbor' When No One Else Will

Monday, July 02, 2018 |  Israel Today
Syrian civilians being mercilessly bombed by their own regime and turned away by neighboring Arab countries are thanking Israel for showing kindness even to its enemies.
The video above shows Israeli soldiers who are part of "Operation Good Neighbor" delivering tons of food, clothing and medical supplies to the Syrian refugees amassing on their nation's side of the Golan Heights.
The refugees began streaming to the border last week when the Syrian regime and its Russian allies began indiscriminate aerial assaults on their homes, which are situated in some of the last rebel-held territory.
Israeli officials said they can't possibly take in 160,000 refugees, but are trying to do everything possible to help them.
Over the weekend, six Syrians in need of urgent medical treatment were granted entry to Israel. The wounded included four young children, some of whom are seen being treated by IDF medics in the video below:

Speaking to Israel's Ynet news portal, one Syrian refugee said he and his family felt hopeless after being turned away at the border with Jordan, which has already taken in over half a million Syrian refugees, and turned toward Israel as a last resort.
They were pleased to find the Jewish state ready to help, despite the fact that Syria remains officially at war with Israel.
"We saw a very noble stance by the Israeli side, both by the aid that it sent and in its treating of the wounded," the man, identified as Sa’id, told Ynet.
Our favorite YouTuber, Hananya Naftali, asks rhetorically why the mainstream international media is paying so very little attention to this incredible display of Israeli goodwill, which demonstrates quite clearly that the Jewish state is not racist against Arabs:
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA