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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lana Vawser: "My Writers will Change and Shape History and Bring Worldwide Shifts" - The Elijah List

Lana Vawser: "My Writers will Change and Shape History and Bring Worldwide Shifts"

The Elijah List Nov 29, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a most powerful word for all of you writers...who've been writing for quite some time or just starting out.
We've received words like this before about the impact God's writers will have in this day.
From one powerful writer herself, Lana Vawser, God released this word through her:
"My pioneering writers: your hearts are branded as you yield to Me. Your hearts are being branded with a fire and a hunger of Jeremiah 33:3'Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish' (AMP). I am releasing to My pioneering writers, who have a listening ear, these deep secrets of My heart. These secrets I entrust to My writers will CHANGE and SHAPE history and bring WORLDWIDE shifts."
Now that's how important your writing I encourage all of you new and seasoned writers...get ready for a great increase! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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I have been feeling the intention of the Lord's heart for writers this week. Whether it's through books, songs, plays, movies, poetry, teachings etc., there is an encouragement on the heart of God for you right now. Press in for there is an increase, a shift and transition, taking place for writers in this new era.
As I leaned in and asked the Lord what was on His heart for the writers, I had a vision and I saw the word "TRANSITION" in large letters over them. I watched as some were writing, and it felt like they were writing against a "hard surface." Others were feeling "battle" as they wrote, and others were feeling an "unsettledness" and lack of clarity, while still others were writing with power and flow; they were feeling their writing was taking a different form, shape and direction to what they expected.
Breaking New Ground
"He is looking for His writers to be laid down, yielded, deep in the Word, and seeking His heart..."
As I watched all this take place I heard the Lord say: "Writers, take heart. You are breaking new ground in your writing." Then I heard Him speak a loud decree: "DEEPER REVELATION than you have ever received! GREATER HEAVENLY STRATEGY than you have ever seen."
Writers, there is a significant breaker anointing that is falling upon you as you write. As you yield to Jesus, as you lean in to hear what the Spirit is saying, the revelation He is releasing is breaking new ground in your writing. This is an extremely significant transition that is taking place right now, and I feel the Lord's heart of encouragement, "Steward it well." Don't try and write what you think is expected. Don't try and write what you think is "popular." There are many things the Lord is writing through the writers right now; things that are going to see a greater increase of the volume of His voice of truth, purity and justice.
I watched as the winds of the Spirit began to blow fiercely around the writers. It was like a gale-force wind—so strong. The Lord decreed: "The pioneering writers are arising! The pioneering writers are ARISING."
"It's Bigger Than They Think"
In my vision, I then our beautiful Jesus inviting the writers deeper into a place of revelation of His heart and His Word. His invitation led them into a room that they had never entered into before. As I looked around this room, the walls were dripping in honey and oil. I could hear the decree in the heavenlies:
"The pioneering writers are arising, carrying My oil and the honey of My healing, the sweet honey of My presence. The oil and honey are costly. They are precious and found in the place of surrender, close to My heart. It's the place of no impure agenda but simply the agenda of knowing My heart and hearing what I am saying. The anointing that is increasing upon the writers right now is such a heavy breaker anointing. It will bring MAJOR breakthrough, shift and change in the lives of individuals, cities and nations. It's bigger than they think.
"Many of My writers have been through the fire. Many of My writers have been through serious opposition. Many of My writers have been brought to the threshing floor and now they shall carry such deep secrets of My heart. The pioneering writers are arising now, their books are being birthed, their songs are being birthed. My messages through them are being birthed on the earth to release secrets and revelations of My heart deeply contained within My Word.
"They are carving new pathways in the earth to release My purposes like never before. I am releasing revelatory secrets of My heart right now that have not been released before in the earth. They are deeply rooted and anchored in My Word, but now is the time for the pioneering writers to arise, releasing deep revelatory secrets of My heart not known or seen before.
"My pioneering writers: your hearts are branded as you yield to Me. Your hearts are being branded with a fire and a hunger of Jeremiah 33:3'Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish' (AMP). I am releasing to My pioneering writers, who have a listening ear, these deep secrets of My heart. These secrets I entrust to My writers will CHANGE and SHAPE history and bring WORLDWIDE shifts." (Photo via Pixabay)
Mandate Upon the Writers to Bring Healing to the Nations
In this vision I kept seeing HUGE leaves covering the manuscripts, songs, poems, teachings, etc., of the writers and I heard Revelation 22:2 booming all around: "The leaves of the tree are for the HEALING OF THE NATIONS" (emphasis mine). The Lord spoke again: "My writings through My writers upon the earth right now – those who are penning My heart and from the pure flow of My Spirit – and those writings to come, have an increase of the nations' mandates and anointing upon them to bring healing to the nations."
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Suddenly I saw manuscripts, songs, poems, teachings, etc., landing on desks, on presidents, on people of influence, and infiltrating the seven mountains with acceleration in such significant increase that it was leading many into deep encounters with Jesus—releasing the wisdom of Heaven into the hands of those who can bring major change. I saw the winds of the Spirit carrying these writings into media circles. I watched supernatural change, leaving people astonished, changing their words from, "That could never happen" to "LOOK WHAT HE DID!" God is going to get His written words into the hands of the people who need to read them and who will bring major change and shifts in culture.
"Writers, take heart. You are breaking new ground in your writing."
There was such a rest upon these writings. There were tangible impartations of His heart and revelation contained within these writings that were going to bring significant life changes to the hands He got the writings into, causing healing to flow to and through them, bringing healing to nations. The rest that I saw was also decreeing that God would get the writings where He needs them to go, and for the writers to be at peace and rest, not try and "make something happen" knowing that in obedience to what He asks and where He's leading He will get the manuscripts and writings into the most unbelievable places.
There is GREAT FAVOR that is going to fall upon these writings as the Lord gets His messages out. There will be an increase of testimonies in this new era from the writers. They will say, "I simply did what He asked, I wrote what He said, and LOOK what He has done and where He has taken His writings as I placed it all in His hands."
There has been much "writing over nations" that has not been the Lord's heart, nor His plans and purposes; but that is going to radically change in this new era as His writings go forth to shape and change history, activating His decrees over the nations.
A Key to Bringing in the Harvest
The Lord spoke again: "My writings will be KEY to bringing in the harvest! My writings will speak!"
I saw a heavy anointing over His writings in this new era for evangelism. MANY are going to come to know Jesus and there is going to be a MAJOR increase of salvations as people encounter Jesus through reading the writings of His heart. I kept seeing fish jumping into a boat. The boat was covered in His Words, the revelation of His Word, and the writing of His heart that is being released in this new era through many writers.
Writers—what He is releasing and what He is going to do through you and your written words—is going to blow your mind. What He is having you write now, what you have written, and the new writing assignments that are upon you are WEIGHTY! He is looking for His writers to be laid down, yielded, deep in the Word, and seeking His heart. He desires for them to write His truth when it's not popular, to write messages of His heart in places where it hasn't been heard or released before, and to write messages that are unique to your anointing and to not try to write how someone else does. There is an increase of anointing and power that will flow through the writers as the deeper yielding continues to write only what He is saying and releasing. He is going to do more through His writings, through you, than you can imagine.
There is going to be major increases of influence and impact on His writings. He will have an increase of "BEST SELLERS" on the shelves of the world. They will change, impact and influence secular society and bring people to the goodness, revelation, love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. (Photo via Unsplash)
Some of you have had the greatest battles of your lives over your ability to write, but that is because of the INCREASE of the breaker anointing upon the written words and the FAVOR that He is releasing and going to release. Steward it well. Steward His heart well. Steward the platform where He will give His writings through you well. Steward it with purity, giving Him glory for He has accomplished it. It's by Him and through Him. It's ALL FOR Him.
Many of you are entering into the greatest writing anointing of your lives. It's time! It's time for the heartbeat of God to get even louder on the earth through His writings through you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA