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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Mike and Diane Bickle Drop Bombshell News About International House of Prayer - Charisma News

Mike and Diane Bickle Drop Bombshell News About International House of Prayer

5:00PM Charisma News 11/28/2018 
The International House of Prayer made a surprise announcement late yesterday, posting a new video titled, "Why This Is the Last Onething Conference." In the video, Mike and Diane Bickle say the Lord has stirred them up for a new season of reflection, fellowship and slowing down, and that means doing less with the ministry so that they can prepare for the next "move of the Spirit."
Mike says, "We feel like there's a mighty move of the Spirit right around the corner, and this mighty move of the Spirit is going to require that we're in connection in a deeper way with his heart and with one another. We've got to do it with a sense of we're in this thing together. So in the last months, the Lord has really spoken this to us: 'Slow the pace down of what you're doing. Do less, so you can take more time to go deep with God and deep with each other.' Because you can't go deep on the run."
In a YouTube comment, the International House of Prayer clarified, "This will be the last Onething for some time in Kansas City. We do not actually host or manage the other Onething conferences. Sometimes our teams or leaders are invited to be a part of those, but they are generally hosted by other houses of prayer. IHOPKC only exists in Kansas City; we don't have other prayer rooms outside of KC."
Watch the full video announcement here.IHOP

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA