Showing posts with label Dr. Lance Wallnau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Lance Wallnau. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

A New Level Of Ascending In On Us. From the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem | Dr. Lance Wallnau

Published on Jun 12, 2018

A strong anointing was on this Elijah List gathering that I was with. I felt free to teach SOMETHING I’VE NEVER TALKED ABOUT BEFORE. This was at the GARDEN TOMB in Jerusalem. Listen in as I give a word I believe God gave me for us, now.
What is it you're holding onto that is keeping you from ascending to the next level?


Published on Jun 12, 2018

I believe the RONALD and the DONALD have the same angel assigned. Both shifted the nation and the world in ways that advanced the kingdom and helped the church. Note the numbers 111 and 12 and 70 in the fullness of all this! This Summit takes place on 12th of June, the same month Ronald Reagan, on June 12th 1987 broke down the wall between east and west Germany. Donald Trump is breaking down the wall of North and South Korea. TWO 12’s speak of GOVERNMENT in heavens advancing! June 12 is also the 29th day of Sivan, when Moses sent 12 spies to check out the land of Israel’s inheritance. Psalm 2:8 is happening now as Cyrus Trump fulfills Isa 45:1 to align nations and break the threat of enemies. This is the Biblical month of alignment, direction and territorial/business expansion for the kingdom. MASSIVE PRAYER and BREAKING OF CURSES! Key Singapore leaders told me they had to really fight thru resistance by repenting for many prayer curses on Kim that authorized dark forces to create confusion. Once they broke thru they have pleaded for Kim to be realigned with his great, great grandparents who were Christians! Many thousands joined in prayer right up to the meeting. Thanks to all who got in on call and apologies to those who didn’t. We had an overwhelming response and I am in Jerusalem and could not facilitate as I usually would. NORTH KOREA CAPITAL Pyongyang was the center for Asian REVIVAL in 1907! That was 111 years ago. It was called the JERUSALEM of the East! Now a window is open for MASSIVE Revival by BUSINESS willing to go in and share the gospel while building up the nation. South Korea was founded shortly after Israel- Aug 15, 1948. That’s 70 years! 70... 111... 12 .. somehow it all adds up!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Let’s cross over to the other side! ( Live in Galilee) | Dr. Lance Wallnau

Lance Wallnau
Published on Jun 7, 2018

We're loading up two boats here and we're going to go off into the Sea of Galillee where I'm going to preach.

Mount Carmel | Dr. Lance Wallnau - video

Published on Jun 8, 2018

I sensed my friend Kim Clement as I stood at the Mount. Was thinking that the prophetic gift he had is now being released. The ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. Nations are in the valley of decision. It’s Israel’s 70th year and the Nations are already voting on its right to exist.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Let’s not let it be said we did nothing... - Dr. Lance Wallnau | April 27, 2018

Published on Apr 27, 2018
Let’s not let it be said we did nothing when the devil made his boldest move to abort our national destiny!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

It’s the night WATCH...and I got the urge to pray. - Dr. Lance Wallnau

It’s the night WATCH...and I got the urge to pray.
Dr. Lance Wallnau

Published on Mar 19, 2018

It’s the night WATCH...and I got the urge to pray...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Dr. Lance Wallnau - The Bible Study is back!

Dr. Lance Wallnau
The Bible Study is back!
Oct. 6, 2017

Published on Nov 6, 2017
“Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

Monday, October 24, 2016

Donald Trump Is God's Chaos Candidate - Dr. Lance Wallnau - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Donald Trump Is God's Chaos Candidate - Dr. Lance Wallnau

Businessman Lance Wallnau tells Jim Bakker that Donald Trump is God's "chaos" candidate. 
The conversation was delivered during the televangelist's seminar on the Republican nominee for president.  
"The Bible calls us sheep, but we don't have to be dumb," Bakker shares.  
"I'm excited that this man has the calling to help change America," Bakker says of Wallnau.

Watch the video to see Wallnau's powerful reasoning about how God has chosen Trump for such a time as this. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

Friday, February 19, 2016



YOU DON’T NEED TO BE NUMBER ONE! Stand beside another and hold their arms up in the cause…and God will send you those who will stand with you.

God did not call Joseph and Daniel or Esther to be the top of the mountain as a number one- but as the indispensable number two in support. Your place may be alongside a team that is collectively going to the top. If you insist on being a solo act when you are called to support someone else you are missing out on your highest calling. Maybe later God will give you your own assignment. Right now many of us are called to help another in their mission.

There is such a tangible battle going on for the soul of nations you can feel it. The book of Revelations says that there are demons released from the pit of hell to go forth to the nations. As the lust of man and the anger of man and the strife of man intensifies it puts a demand on the infernal regions and spirits are released.

The other side of this is true also. As God's people put a demand on the realm of heaven and hunger, press in and pray, heaven is released and angels break through and disrupt the works of darkness.

The status of Sheep or Goat cities, regions, nations will be determined by the people in those places and the intercessors assigned to those places.

What does it mean that one can put a thousand to flight? It means that one genuine saint hungering for God has more influence over the environment then 1000 people putting a demand on hell! What about two praying together? They cancel 10,000 people who are unconsciously conspiring with hell.

What about 2 or more coming together as a legislative assembly? A Micro church? Like Daniel and his 3 friends? Well now you have an entity that can move into even greater authority.

God wants to activate you – a new Davidic company.

Breakthrough is happening all over. There are already those in Hollywood that are making movies and developing actors. Its happening now.

There are those who are stepping into multiple millions and billions of dollars in new markets. Its happening now.

America's political landscape is getting shaken up…keep praying till God's choice emerges. When it does let us move AS ONE!

My encouragement to you is to watch the last Periscope I did and join in the soaking prayer and get your inner man conditioned to a new level of spiritual activity.


Lance Wallnau

Go here: Lance Wallnau website

Thursday, February 11, 2016




It is possible to never make a mistake in guidance. Your spirit man hits the bulls eye 100% of the time. So often after we err we say ” something was telling me not to do that.” That “something” was your spirit.
Most people miss the fact that being “led by the Spirit” means being led by your recreated human spirit. Your spirit is made up of three parts: conscience, intuition and communion.
This is one of the most mind blowing teaching ins the Bible, namely the triune nature of man. Spirit, soul and body.
With our spirit we contact the realm of God.
With our soul (mind, will an emotions) we contact the realm of men.
With our five physical senses we contact the realm of earth.
Being led by the Spirit happens in our spirit – the part of us that is born again and made a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8:16)
This is what the Bible means when it says “you are the temple of the Holy Ghost” and “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
What we miss is the fact that CONSCIENCE is the voice of the Spirit in our spirit. This is why the Bible warns about those who violate conscience ending up shipwrecked in their faith. The secret is to have a biblically educated conscience. Insufficient truth leads to lawlessness. Too much truth without corresponding grace leads to legalism. BUT- (and most people miss this) Proverbs tells us that INTEGRITY will be our guide! This is another way of saying – conscience.