Love For His People – moving forward in our 14th year.
Steve & Laurie Martin: Co-Founders
On July 1, 2010, Steve Martin left the third ministry he had worked for in the past 24 years (5 years – Vision for Israel – Barry and Batya Segal; 14 years – Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda Ministries/All Nations Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and 8 years total – Derek Prince Ministries (Ft. Lauderdale and Charlotte). Some were simultaneous years.
Under the direction of the Lord Jesus, we started a new ministry, co-founded by my good wife Laurie and me. We called it Love For His People (officially formed in April 2010 with our USA non-profit, 501(c)3 approval) – primarily to bless the Jews of Israel, and specifically the believers within the nation – those who have come to acknowledge that Yeshua is the Messiah, HaMashiach.
As non-Jews, Gentiles, goyim, Christian Zionists (whatever label we have!), we began the organization/ministry to stand strong for the Jewish state of Israel, Yisrael – the Land of Israel. In this world, with nations continually becoming more anti-Semitic daily, we have been called, as the prophetic word in 2004 was spoken over us, as a “scepter for Israel.”
Our heart’s desire is to do our part in speaking up for those who, for centuries, experienced nothing more than “hate” in the “name of Christ”, from so-called Christians. That included Adolf Hitler himself, who used Martin Luther’s last completely inerrant days, of non-Scriptural theology, to espouse Replacement Theology. This totally wrong belief is that the “Christian church” has replaced Israel as the one receiving the promises of the God of Israel. Today, it continues to be totally inaccurate, both historically and spiritually.
The Jews had been given, and on many occasions even bought, the land of Israel they have now returned too. That includes all of Jerusalem.
We also are committed, as Christians, to help Jews make “aliyah” and return to their homeland. As Scripture states in Isaiah 49:22, “Thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations and set up My standard to the peoples; And they will bring your sons in their bosom, And your daughters will be carried on their shoulders.”
On an annual budget averaging $24,000 each year, through the provision of the Lord, we continue to spread His love (ahava) and peace (shalom). We ask you to join us in our ongoing efforts, as you see what is being done, through these efforts following.
This ministry, with no staff or paid contractors, sends monthly funds to families in Jerusalem. For some of these, it has been for over eight years now. Consistently. Each month.
His Lighthouse, Inc. – Nissim and Hadassah in Jerusalem
Chaim Malespin, Aliyah Return Center in the Galilee region.
Aliyah Return Center, located in Tiberias, Israel, is directed by Chaim Malespin. It operates to help returning Jews be restored in the Land of Israel.
Also: Kokeb Gedamu, Rabbi with congregations in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
Steve Martin is an ordained minister.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA