Showing posts with label Scripture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scripture. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2016

History & Truth - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

History & Truth

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. (John 16:13, NKJV)

Some memories you will never forget, being reminded of them through photos, music, and conversations that are shared at gatherings, or broadcast through other media. They are passed down from generation to generation, retelling the stories that had impact on the lives involved.

History is made that way. Events happen; people want to remember them; they are written down or captured in motion. It is one way to be assured that one never forgets. It is a way to accurately describe what took place then, so another down the road cannot say otherwise.

History books are written to also pass truth from one generation to another. Through these writings, what took place decades or centuries ago are kept recorded lest anyone forget what happened, how it happened, and why it happened. By knowing our history, it hopefully will never be altered by any current pressure to change the facts.

Those who try to rewrite history attempt to break down walls that stand against their lies. If a generation does not know their true history, eventually the lies will prevail, and overcome the historical truth. The walls that stood for truth will fall.

As believers in the Lord Jesus, we are called upon to know the truth. First, truth as recorded in the Scriptures, and also truth of the Lord’s work in our nations. If we fail to stand against the attempt of our enemies to destroy truth, what results will be a nation or people so mixed up in their convictions that anything can, and will, develop. Nothing will be held as truth if we neglect to stand for the truth now.

Know your Bible. Know truth. Be strong in your convictions as you stand for what is right. Don’t let the enemy keep you from walking in that which you know is righteous and true.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

 P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, India, Hungary and Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Click here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the Year of our Lord 09.11.16 - #265 –“History & Truth” – Sunday 5:00 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Read the latest publication. Available now.

Available now on $5.95 Buy here.

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Continuing with another book edition of my latest inspirational writings of Now Think of This, I hope you are encouraged in your daily faith, to be faithful, as our Lord Jesus is faithful in all His ways. 

Our main example and inspiration is the Lord Jesus Himself, Who was faithful to the end. Others that have followed since His time on earth have stood for the truth He spoke. We do well to keep our eyes stayed on Him, so we too can practice faithfulness in the days, which I believe are near the end as the Bible speaks of before His promised return.

My prayer is that these short messages will help build your faith, stand for truth, and continue to be a light in the darkness that seeks to cover the earth.

The Lord Jesus is coming back, as the Lion of Judah, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. All eyes will see Him in the clouds, riding His mighty stead, the One Who is Faithful and True.

Even so, come Lord Yeshua.


Steve Martin
Charlotte, NC

List Price: $5.95
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
120 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1537755656 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 153775565X
BISAC: Body, Mind & Spirit / Inspiration & Personal Growth

Available now on - Paperback: 5.95 Buy here.

Kindle $1.99 Buy here.

About The Author

Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries from 1987-2010, all having a national and international outreach focus. During that time he made 14 ministry trips to Israel, China, India, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. 

On his overseas journeys Steve enjoyed sharing written journal entries with family and friends back home, through Internet media. His light-hearted stories gave an up close and personal touch for those reading along. Many could imagine being there themselves.

His extensive collection of photos taken during these trips, of both local scenery and common people on the streets, has touched thousands through their varied images.

In 2010, Steve and Laurie began Love For His People, Inc, a 501©3 non-profit humanitarian aid ministry. This work touches the natural and spiritual lives of those around them with needed encouragement and strength. 

His regular messages Now Think On This are posted on the ministries Love For His People and Now Think of This blogs. They are also on Facebook and Twitter, featuring words of spiritual enrichment, along with selected photos.

Since 1994, Steve and his good wife Laurie have lived in the Charlotte, NC area, after having homes in Illinois, Michigan and Florida. Now married for more than 39 years, they enjoy their four adult children and spouses (Josh and Chelsie, Ben, Hannah and Jonathan, Christen and Andrew), along with our seven additional grandchildren – Daniel, Logan, Dylan Joy, Jensen, Payton, Jack and Levi Zachary.

While continuing to serve organizations with his accounting skills, he enjoys writing, photography and growing the ministry of Love For His People, Inc.

Available now on $5.95 Paperback - buy here.

Kindle $1.99 Buy here.

Kindle Product Details

  • File Size: 3217 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Martin Lighthouse Publishing (September 20, 2016)
  • Publication Date: September 20, 2016
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
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Also available from Steve Martin

Amazon $6.95 Buy here: End of Days

Amazon $7.99 Buy Here: 12 - by Steve Martin

Amazon $5.99 Buy here: Arms of Love

    Friday, August 19, 2016

    Jennifer LeClaire Calls Watchmen and Warriors to 'Oil the Shields' 6:00AM EDT 8/19/2016 JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

    "Arise, you princes, and oil the shields."
    "Arise, you princes, and oil the shields." (Vicki Burton/Flickr/Creative Commons)

    Jennifer LeClaire Calls Watchmen and Warriors to 'Oil the Shields'

    Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire
    Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

    "Arise, you princes, and oil the shields." These words from Isaiah 21:5 struck my heart in a strong way Thursday morning.
    "Arise, you princes, and oil the shields."
    Isaiah uttered these words in response to a "grievous vision" that sent him into travail, perplexed and dismayed him, and caused his heart to beat fast in overwhelming fear. The Bible says he trembled all night long (Is. 21:1-5). Imagine receiving such a prophetic vision from the Lord!
    "Arise, you princes, and oil the shields."
    When Scripture leaps off the page, we need to pay attention to what the Lord is trying to show us. In this encounter with the written Word of God, verse 6 also spoke to my heart. It reads: "Go, station a watchman; let him declare what he sees."
    Prepare for Spiritual Warfare
    We must prepare for the spiritual battle in this season. We must give heed to the watchman's ministry in this hour so they can warn us of the impending attacks that will surely come. We must oil the shields, or as another translation puts it, "anoint our shields."
    Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. We need fresh oil in this season with which to oil our shields. Speaking prophetically, some Christians have run out of oil in their lamps much like the five virgins in Matthew 25. The Bible calls these virgins "foolish" because they carried their lamps but didn't take oil with them. When the Bridegroom let out a cry at midnight, the foolish virgins awoke and sought to borrow oil from the wise virgins. The wise virgins refused and the Bridegroom ultimately rejected the foolish virgins.
    In this parable, Jesus concluded: "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming." I don't know when Christ is returning, but I do discern the signs of the times, and He is coming as a "thief in the night" (1 Thess. 5:2).
    Beloved, now is not the time to run out of fresh oil. Now is not the time to depend on someone else's relationship with Jesus or someone else's anointing to carry you through the battles that will emerge in the days ahead. Now is the time to cultivate the oil of intimacy in your life—to invest in a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit—so that you can stand and withstand in the evil day. Just as Moses used oil to anoint the priests and consecrate them for service, we need to set ourselves apart to receive His anointing so we can faithfully execute His call on our lives.
    In Ephesians 6, Paul lists the whole armor of God but concludes by writing, "And above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the fiery arrows of the evil one." The warfare will grow more intense in this next season. The Holy Spirit is calling us to "oil the shields." The strategy here is not only to meditate on the Word of God to build our faith but also to pray in tongues to oil our shield. Jude 20 tells us, "But you, beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith. Pray in the Holy Spirit."
    The benefits of praying in the Spirit are too vast to list here. However, let me give you a few and encourage you to study this out yourself and discover the benefits through practical experience.
    Praying in tongues: is direct communication to God that the devil cannot comprehend (1 Cor. 14:2); activates the fruit of the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:18); releases a prayer perfectly in line with God's will; releases understanding into the mysteries of God (1 Cor. 14:2); opens up realms of revelation (1 Cor. 12:8); and positions you to engage in spiritual warfare from a position of victory (Eph. 6:18).
    The Coming Prophetic Season
    We are coming into a season where we will see "people fainting from fear and expectation of the [dreadful] things coming on the world" (Luke 21:26, AMP). We're seeing a foretaste of this even now. We must invest time to cultivate the oil of intimacy so we can oil our shields as we enter escalating end-times warfare amid a Great Falling Away that will see many deceived.
    Yesterday's manna is not going to cut it. We must live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). We must determine to press into fresh revelation, fresh understanding, fresh anointing—fresh manna. The key word is fresh. Stale manna is not going to sustain your faith in the coming season. Some in the body have been taught wrong doctrines and others are believing heresies. We must guard our hearts from these deceptions.
    Watchman ministry will receive newfound respect in the coming hour as Christians find themselves blindsided by world events. Watchman and spiritual warriors will connect in new ways, working together in unity to push back the darkness trying to stop the manifestation of the glorious church. Prophets who have been hidden in the wilderness will emerge with fresh oil on their shields and fresh revelation in their hearts to declare the uncompromising word of the Lord by faith.
    Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
    3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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    Thursday, August 18, 2016

    When Your Heart Is Heavy, This Scripture Is Ideal - GEORGE O. WOOD CHARISMA MAGAZINE

    It may not seem like it, but Psalm 135 is perfect for when you feel like the world is crashing in.
    It may not seem like it, but Psalm 135 is perfect for when you feel like the world is crashing in. (Flickr )

    When Your Heart Is Heavy, This Scripture Is Ideal

    Tears well up in the eyes of my friend Everett Stenhouse when he talks about his daughter Judy, whose life was taken instantly in an automobile crash several years ago. He tells about the time when Judy was a 3-year-old.
    Everett, then pastoring a church, was working in his office when Judy showed up in the doorway. When she had his attention, she asked for a nickel to buy a bag of potato chips. He told her he was busy, and she needed to go back to their house next door.
    She returned a second and third time, repeating her request. On the last visit, Everett sternly warned her not to bother him again—that he was very busy.
    Time went by, and he heard his office door creak open. He pretended not to notice her standing in the doorway. She remained there silent, looking at him. Finally, he slammed his large hand down on the desk and brusquely demanded, "Well, why are you here again?"
    Tearfully, she stretched out her hands and said, "Daddy, I just wanted to love on you."
    Everett held out his arms and cradled his darling daughter in his lap. When she slipped away, she had the nickel nestled tightly in her little fist.
    In Psalm 135, the writer is simply inviting us to love on the Lord.
    Even When Life Is Tough
    Psalm 135 is the first psalm following the 15 psalms of ascent, prayers which reflect the struggle and difficulty of our upward climb in life. It's as though this psalm recognizes that when God has delivered us from all our adversities, the appropriate response is for us to worship in His temple.
    Thus, this psalm contains not even a hint of trial or sorrow. The battles have all been fought and won. God's work is complete, and His ways have been found perfect.
    Perhaps you're not at the finish line in a present difficulty you're passing through. How then can you sing this psalm?
    I had to break the news to the wife of one of our church's elders that her husband had died suddenly from a heart attack that day on a ski slope. Church members gathered in shock that next Sunday morning. The announcement time had been planned days before; and in promotion of some kids' event, one of the children's workers popped into the sanctuary dressed as a clown. The clown's appearance was a total disconnection from the somberness of the hour.
    Telling you to love on the Lord when your heart is heavy may seem as emotionally out of place as a clown at a funeral. You honestly don't feel like praising God at all.
    That's why a psalm like this can be so helpful. When you don't have words of your own; when you don't feel like saying anything; when your gratitude reservoir is on empty—you can fall back on the written text of Scripture and pray these Spirit-inspired words. Let the Holy Spirit lift you out of your personal world of concern into the broad universe of everlasting truth. In your heart, remain within God's courts.
    Praise Him (vv. 1-2). Earthly cares recede during the time we spend in His presence.
    The Lord is good (vv. 3-4). His goodness is seen in choosing a people to serve Him. You are also chosen of God. You may not understand all the mystery of that, but for sure you are not some afterthought or a cheap nothing. You are God's treasured possession.
    The Lord is great (vv. 5-7). He's got the whole world in His hands. Could He really have lost control over the events in your life?
    The Lord redeems (vv. 8-12). He loves His people so dearly that He delivers them from bondage. He didn't just do it for Israel; He delivers His people for all generations (vv. 13,14). Have you thanked Him today for saving you?
    Compare (vv. 15-18). You resemble what you worship. If it's an idol (whether metal or mental), you too become unseeing, unhearing, unfeeling and lifeless. Aren't you grateful you know the living God and that you are growing into His likeness?
    Respond (vv. 19–21). The psalm closes as it began—"Praise the Lord." Will you employ these words as the bookends to the morning and evening of this day?
    Are you a lot like Everett's little girl? You show up in God's presence most often only wanting a nickel so you can have His resources to satisfy your own appetites. This psalm tells us we should take occasions to come into God's presence with nothing on our mind except to love Him. 
    George O. Wood is the general superintendent of the Assemblies of God. For the original article, visit
    Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
    Get to know the Holy Spirit and how to interact with Him on a daily basis. Learn to enter God's presence and hear His voice clearly for yourself! Go deeper in your faith with Life in the Spirit and change your life and destiny. Are you ready to start your journey?

    Thursday, July 21, 2016

    When You Absolutely Cannot Hear God's Voice - JENNIFER ROTHSCHILD CHARISMA MAGAZINE

    Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

    "Are you there? Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?" How many times have you held your phone to your ear and asked—okay, shouted, "Can you hear me?" Then, you shift positions, you move to a window, put the phone up to the other ear, speak even louder, "Can you hear me now?"
    If you're like me, you've done that too many times to count! In fact, so many of us have had this happen that Verizon Wireless featured an actor uttering those very words over and over in their famous cell phone commercials. Remember that?
    It's frustrating to know you aren't being heard when you speak, isn't it? It drives me crazy when I'm talking to my husband just to hear him say, "Oh, what did you say?" Ugh. But, we are all guilty of that sometimes and it has nothing to do with phone reception. Lots of us hear but don't listen, and the person trying to get our attention is silently asking, "Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?"
    Yes, it is just downright frustrating when you know someone can hear your voice, yet they just aren't listening. But even worse than feeling frustrated is feeling distant or alone.
    That is how I feel when I can't hear or don't really listen to God. I can feel distant from Him. I feel alone. But, I am not the one asking,"Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?" God is. He is calling to me through His Word and I am not tuned in.
    How about you? Do you think God is ever calling to you, "Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?"
    God is constantly calling out to us. We can hear His voice through His Word, but we don't always listen to what He is saying to us.
    Wouldn't you like to hear, I mean really hear, what God is saying? You can. I can. It comes from learning to listen to what you hear Him say. It's not really hard or intimidating to hear God. You don't need a spiritual bandwidth to download His voice. You don't need a seminary degree or clerical collar. You just need one verse.
    You can hear God's voice through just one verse.
    A few years ago, I was in a really stressful time waiting for final results after my lumpectomy. I was desperate to hear God's voice. I couldn't conjure up big fancy prayers. I couldn't really even think clearly! So, I found one verse. I kept it on my phone and read it all day long. I memorized it, I meditated on it. I constantly quoted Jesus words, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Heb. 13:5)
    That Scripture became God's voice to me.
    I didn't just hear it as a Bible verse; I listened to it as if my Father God was whispering it in my ear. "I will never leave you or forsake you even if you need chemo. I will never leave you or forsake you even if the doctors didn't get it all. I will never leave you or forsake you—absolutely never no matter what!" I constantly heard it in my head and felt it in my heart. (And, by the way, the doctors did get it all and I didn't need chemo.)
    Today you can listen to God by finding one Scripture and let it be God's voice to you. Sister, you don't need a whole chapter and you don't need a commentary on that one verse. Just find one verse, jot it down and read it over and over, all day long. Think about it when you aren't reading it. Try to memorize it. Meditate on it. Really listen to what He is saying to you through that verse.
    It's hard to hear just one voice calling out in a loud crowded room and that is often how we try to hear God. We try to hear Him above all the clutter of our lives and He ends up sounding more like Charlie Brown's teacher: wah, wah, wah.
    But, when you pick one verse a day to be His voice, you can hear Him more clearly. You feel Him more closely. Let the one verse you choose sink deeply in your heart and listen to what His Holy Spirit is telling you. Ask Him to speak to you through His Word. He will, my friend. I know for certain, He will. 
    Jennifer Rothschild is an author, speaker, Bible study teacher, wife and Mom. For the original article, visit
    Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
    Dare to go deeper in your faith. Our "Life in the Spirit" devotional takes you on a journey to explore who the Holy Spirit is, how to interact with Him, and how He works in your life. Are you ready to go deeper?

    Saturday, March 19, 2016

    Silence is Golden - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

    Silence is Golden

    Now Think On This
    Steve Martin

    “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight,
    O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalms 19:14 NASU)

    Have you ever caught yourself thinking about something, and then wonder how you got to that point in your mind? Day dreaming about tomorrow? Pondering over a situation that has nothing to do with what you are doing now?

    If you then catch yourself doing that, and next try to walk back to how you got there in your thinking, it can be as a maze in your mind. It is probably due to the fact that our minds have collected so much information over the years. No wonder we wander.

    In years gone by I would memorize Scripture, to help my mind be disciplined. I would meditate on good things. The shepherd David learned this lesson, as he sat watching over the sheep grazing. I can imagine that gave him plenty of time to consider what he allowed in his mind, and he made sure it was good.

    How often do we surround ourselves with the radio blaring continually, the TV turned on with meaningless content, or the overflowing noise of life which distracts us from the Lord? Far too often I am sure. How can we meditate on His Words if all else consumes our minds?

    Many times we avoid having it quiet. It is like we can’t allow “nothing” in the airwaves around us. We have become so accustomed to noise that if there isn’t any we look to have something turned on to make it. Ever walk into a hotel room and immediately turn on the TV? (Guilty!)

    It is almost like we fear having a quiet time. Something has to be going all the time, or we tend to get paranoid. Does that describe you?

    There was a song written decades ago with the lyrics “silence is golden.”* Do you believe that?

    The Lord isn’t calling us to be as hermits living in a secluded cave in the desert land of some far away country. Nor are most of us supposed to join the monastery to live as a monk, or nun, where talk is prohibited 23 hours a day. But I do think He is asking us to allow His Holy Spirit to have time to speak to us, when we are able to hear Him. Most of the time He will be that “still, small voice” which can only be heard when nothing else is filling our ears, or minds.

    Elijah was given a lesson in listening. Scripture records this about him.

    “Then He said, "Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord." And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

    “So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" And he said, "I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life."

    Then the Lord said to him: "Go, return on your way to the Wilderness of Damascus; and when you arrive, anoint Hazael as king over Syria. Also you shall anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi as king over Israel. And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place. It shall be that whoever escapes the sword of Hazael, Jehu will kill; and whoever escapes the sword of Jehu, Elisha will kill. Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him." (1 Kings 19:11-18, NKJV)

    It is amazing what we can hear when we give the Lord the opportunity to speak. For Elijah, that meant receiving instruction to go and anoint the next king of Syria. And Israel. And also the next prophet who would take his place. Wow!

    Are you afraid of what the Lord will tell you today, if you give Him time to speak a word to you during a quiet time? Personally, I long to hear the Lord speak. My life history tells me it will be for good, as I have learned it to be. His next word just may change my life’s direction, or simply give me the next step on the path I need to walk on. That could be the same for you today too.

    Seek the Lord and He will be found. Call upon His Name and He will answer you. Both promises that will eternally hold true. Even now.

    A blessed person will make it a priority each day to give time for the Lord and His Spirit to speak.

    Now think on this,

    Steve Martin
    Love For His People, Inc.

     *For you “oldies but goodies” people, "Silence is Golden" was co-written by Bob Gaudio of the American rock bandThe Four Seasons, with Bob Crewe. It was released as a B-side to the hit song "Rag Doll," in 1964. A few othes have recorded it since.

    P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

    We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

    Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

    If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

    Click here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

    Contribution checks can be sent to: 
    Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134

    Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
    Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


    Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
    Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

    Full website: Love For His People

    Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 03.19.16 - #251 –“Silence is Golden” – Saturday at 8:30 am

    All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

    Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve