Monday, September 26, 2016

Truly Nothing is Impossible ✡ "He Will Not Depart" - ISRAEL365

Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it.

חֲנֹךְ לַנַּעַר עַל פִּי דַרְכּוֹ גַּם כִּי יַזְקִין לֹא יָסוּר מִמֶּנָּה

משלי כב:ו

kha-nokh la-na-ar al pee dar-ko ga-m kee yaz-keen lo ya-sur mi-me-nah

Today's Israel Inspiration

In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon wrote of endless important lessons that are crucial to teach the next generation. Among the many  teachings is that of treating the less fortunate with dignity and respect, and to aid your fellow when he or she is in need (see Proverbs 19). This wonderful trait of giving is emphasized in the prayers on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, where it is written "Repentance, Prayer, and Charity: these will reverse the decree". Indeed, one organization has truly taken this message to heart. As the new year quickly approaches, Meir Panim has promised to go to any lengths necessary to bring a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year to the needy of the Holy Land.

Helping Children Make the Grade

Meir Panim delivers thousands of hot, nutritious food to hungry students every day in Israeli schools, helping children focus on what's important: learning.

The Time of Their Lives!

Meir Panim contributed countless resources to ensure youth-at-risk could have a summer they'd never forget!

Today's Israel Photo

The strongest way to show a child the important aspects of life is by experiencing it with them first-hand. Here, a father shows his young son the pure joy in visiting the holiest spot in the world: the Western Wall.
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My name is Vincent Earl Murry Sr. and I love the music the history and everything about Israel. I have no idea why, it's just in me and I will never be ashamed of that. God Bless the people of Isreal forever. Amen!
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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26 Incredible Facts About The Economy That Every American Should Know For The Trump-Clinton Debate - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 25 Sep 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Are you ready for the most anticipated presidential debate in decades?  It is being projected that Monday’s debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could potentially break the all-time record of 80 million viewers that watched Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter debate back in 1980.  Many Americans probably hope to see some personal fireworks between the two nominees, but the two candidates have both expressed a desire to focus on substantive issues.  

There will likely be quite a few questions about the economy, and without a doubt this is an area where Trump and Clinton have some very sharp differences.  The mainstream media would have us believe that the U.S. economy is in pretty good shape, and if that was true that would seem to favor Clinton.  But is it actually true?  

The following are 26 incredible facts about the economy that every American should know for the Trump-Clinton debate…

#1 When Barack Obama entered the White House, the U.S. government was 10.6 trillion dollars in debt.  Today, the U.S. government is 19.5 trillion dollars in debt, and Obama still has several months to go until the end of his second term.  That means that an average of more than 1.1 trillion dollars will be added to the national debt during his presidency.  We are stealing a tremendous amount of consumption from the future to make the economy look much, much better than it otherwise would be, and we are systematically destroying the future in the process.

#2 As Obama prepares to leave office, the rate at which we are adding to the national debt is actually increasing.  During the fiscal year that is just ending, the U.S. government has added another 1.36 trillion dollars to the national debt.

#3 It isn’t just the federal government that is on a massive debt binge.  Total U.S. corporate debt has nearly doubled since the end of 2007.

#4 Default rates on U.S. corporate debt are the highest that they have been since the last financial crisis.

#5 Corporate profits have fallen for five quarters in a row, and it is being projected that it will be six in a row once the final numbers for the third quarter come in.

#6 During the month of August, commercial bankruptcy filings were up 29 percent compared to the same period a year ago.

#7 The rate of new business formation in the United States dropped dramatically during the last recession and has hovered at that new lower level ever since.

#8 The Wall Street Journal says that this is the weakest “economic recovery” since 1949.

#9 Barack Obama is on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history to never have a single year when the U.S. economy grew by at least 3 percent.

#10 In August, the Cass Freight Index dipped to the lowest level that we have seen for that month since 2010.  What this means is that the total amount of stuff being shipped around the country by air, by rail and by truck is really dropping, and this is a clear sign that real economic activity is slowing down in a major way.

#11 Capital expenditure growth has turned negative, and history has shown that this is almost always followed by a new recession.

#12 The percentage of Americans with a full-time job has been sitting at about 48 percent since 2010.  You have to go back to 1983 to find a time when full-time employment in this country was so low.

#13 The labor force participation rate peaked back in 1997 and has been steadily falling ever since.

#14 The “inactivity rate” for men in their prime working years is actually higher today than it was during the last recession.

#15 The United States has lost more than five million manufacturing jobs since the year 2000 even though our population has become much larger over that time frame.

#16 If you can believe it, the total number of government employees now outnumbers the total number of manufacturing employees in the United States by almost 10 million.

#17 One study found that median incomes have fallen in more than 80 percent of the major metropolitan areas in this country since the year 2000.

#18 According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.

#19 The rate of homeownership in the U.S. has fallen every single year while Barack Obama has been in the White House.

#20 Approximately one out of every five young adults are currently living with their parents.

#21 The auto loan debt bubble recently surpassed the one trillion dollar mark for the first time ever.

#22 Auto loan delinquencies are at the highest level that we have seen since the last recession.

#23 In 1971, 61 percent of all Americans were considered to be “middle class”, but now middle class Americans have actually become a minority in this nation.

#24 One recent survey discovered that 62 percent of all Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.

#25 According to the Federal Reserve, 47 percent of all Americans could not even pay an unexpected $400 emergency room bill without borrowing the money from somewhere or selling something.

#26 The number of New Yorkers sleeping in homeless shelters just set a brand new record high, and the number of families permanently living in homeless shelters is up a whopping 60 percent over the past five years.

Despite all of the facts that you just read, the truth is that there is one particular group of people that have been doing quite well during the Obama years.  I really like how Charles Hugh Smith made this point in one of his recent articles
The top 5% of households that dominate government, Corporate America, finance, the Deep State and the media have been doing extraordinarily well during the past eight years of stock market bubble (oops, I mean boom) and “recovery,” and so they report that the economy is doing splendidly because they’ve done splendidly.
By recklessly creating money out of thin air and pumping it into the financial markets, the Federal Reserve has greatly enriched the elite, but they have also dramatically increased the gap between the very wealthy and the rest of us.  Since he has been in the White House during this time, Barack Obama has gotten the credit for this temporary stock market bubble, and most of the elite love Obama anyway.

But in the process the stage has been set for the greatest economic and financial implosion in U.S. history, and the pain that is coming is going to affect every man, woman and child in this country.

During the debate, Trump and Clinton will talk a lot about tinkering with tax rates and regulations, but those measures are essentially going to be meaningless when compared to the massive economic tsunami that is coming.  The next president is going to inherit the biggest economic problems that this nation has ever faced, and it is going to take a miracle of Biblical proportions to turn the U.S. economy in the right direction.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog Showdown: 100 million expected to watch first presidential debate.


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Showdown: 100 million expected to watch first presidential debate. But here are three critical issues I guarantee you they won’t discuss.

by joelcrosenberg
(Denver, Colorado) -- It could be the biggest event in the history of television. Experts say an estimated 100 million Americans could to tune into the first presidential debateon Monday night, the largest audience for a debate ever. Here's why.
Polls consistently show two-thirds of the American people believe the country is going in the wrong direction. People genuinely fear for the future of the country. They know the stakes could not be higher. Yet Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the two most disliked and distrusted nominees in the history of our Republic. Supporters of each candidate are deeply worried that the other one will bring the country to ruin, perhaps implosion. Many suspect both candidates could be ruinous for the country and are planning to sit this election out. Still, a small but important sliver of the electorate do plan to vote on November 8th but simply can't yet decide which candidate is less dangerous.
Indeed, Americans instinctively sense/believe/fear that almost anything could happen on that stage at Hofstra University on Long Island, and because the outcome matters to all of us -- indeed, to the entire world -- an enormous number will likely be watching.
The top issue for most voters, understandably, is the economy. One-in-three Americans (32%) say the issue of how to improve the economy and create more jobs is their top concern at the moment, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll. Thus, people will be watching closely to see what kind of ideas for change and growth the candidates are bringing to the table, if any.
But voters say the second most important issue -- and a close second, at that (29%) -- is the issue of which candidate would truly strengthen U.S. national security and stop the threat of terrorism. These concerns are, of course, being fueled not just by all the headlines regarding war in the Middle East and terrorism throughout the epicenter, Europe and around the world. They are also being heightened by terrorist attacks right here inside the American homeland, from the mass shootings in Orlando in June to the bombings in New York and New Jersey and the stabbings in Minnesota in recent days.
These are critical issues, and it will be important to listen carefully to what the candidates say, what they don't say, and how their statements fit their past statements and actions.
It's been interesting to me that both Clinton and Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu today, and both met several days ago with Egyptian President el-Sisi. These are clear indicators that both candidates regard the future of Israel and the epicenter as critical to the future of U.S. national security.
That said, while I wouldn't try to predict what Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump will say and do Monday night, I can tell you with absolute certainty three important topics that will not be discussed:
  • First, what exactly is Apocalyptic Islam, how does it differ from Radical Islam, and how is Apocalyptic Islam posing a grave and growing threat to the U.S., Israel, our  Sunni Arab allies like Jordan and Egypt and all nations?
  • Second, in the midst of the darkness that is falling over the Middle East and the Islamic world -- even as ISIS wages outright genocide against Christians -- is there any reason for hope? Are there any signs that Muslims are turning against ISIS, turning away from Islam, and even turning to faith in Jesus Christ?
  • Third, what can followers of Jesus Christ be doing to be a light in the darkness, to love our neighbors and even our enemies, to advance the Gospel and strengthen the persecuted Church, especially in light of Bible prophecy?
The candidates absolutely should discuss the first topic, and in depth. They certainly won't discuss the second two matters, not should they. It's not their place.
But we as Christians should address all three matters, and that's why I'm in the U.S. this month, meeting with Members of Congress, faith leaders and the media. This week, I'll be also addressing these questions at two events in the Denver area.
On Tuesday, I'll be addressing the student body at Colorado Christian University (CCU).
On Saturday evening, October 1st, I'll be speaking at Calvary Chapel South Denver (CCSD).
The CCU event is not open to the public. But the CCSD event is, and I hope you'll join us.
The occasion will be the annual fundraising event for Ministry Architecture, Inc. This is the ministry that my parents, Len and Mary Rosenberg, founded around almost two decades ago. They provide architectural services for evangelical Christian ministries operating in developing countries who need orphanages, training centers, medical missionary hospitals, and other facilities to show the love of Jesus. As they do, they also teach the Scriptures, share the Gospel, and encourage and counsel pastors and ministry leaders around the world.
Before I speak, my folks will share about the exciting work God is doing through this ministry. Then I will discuss the latest developments in the epicenter, including an update on what we're seeing now that we live in Israel. I’m especially looking forward to answering your questions — always my favorite part of the evening — and I’ll be signing books, as well.
This event will take place at Calvary Chapel South Denver in Littleton, Colorado, from7:00pm to 9:15pm on Saturday, October 1. Doors will open at 6:15pm. A contribution of $25 per person is requested to help support Ministry Architecture. There will also be an offering taken during the event, and all contributions are tax deductible.
Registration is required, and you can register ahead of time at -or, if there is space available, you can register at the door. I'd encourage you to register today to join us — and I hope to see you there.
NOTE: Ministry Architecture is a non-profit and non-political organization. It does not endorse political candidates or engage in political activity. We won't be addressing the presidential campaign or the candidates. Rather, we'll be discussing important matters that the candidates are not addressing, but that the church should.
joelcrosenberg | September 25, 2016 at 6:27 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Study Finds Israeli Schools Teach Peace, Palestinians Don't - Israel Today

Study Finds Israeli Schools Teach Peace, Palestinians Don't

Monday, September 26, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Two recent studies have found that while the Israeli school curriculum makes a great effort to promote peace between Jews and Arabs, the Palestinian Authority school curriculum is doing the exact opposite in violation of signed peace agreements.
Both studies were conducted by IMPACT-SE, and organization that “monitors and analyzes education across the world to determine compliance with international standards on peace and tolerance.”
In its most recent report, the group analyzed 123 Israeli textbooks for grades 7–12 and concluded Israeli children are taught that “peace [is] the ultimate goal, and depict[ed] it as highly desirable and achievable, while war is considered a negative event, though at times necessary.”
Furthermore, the Israeli schoolbooks openly recognize the “existence of the Palestinian National Movement and events regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are, as a rule, given in a balanced and impartial manner.”
By contrast, an earlier analysis of 78 Palestinian Authority textbooks for grades 1–12 revealed that “the word ‘peace’ does not appear at all,” and that the “State of Israel, with one exception, never actually appears on maps.”
Instead, the schoolbooks used to educate young Palestinians are filled with statements, poems and instructions that glorify and encourage jihad.
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Trump Camp Boasts of Most Pro-Israel Platform Ever - Israel Today

Trump Camp Boasts of Most Pro-Israel Platform Ever

Monday, September 26, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
US presidential candidate Donald Trump not only views Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel, but will fight to keep Jews “eternally” in Judea and Samaria, too, if he wins the White House.
That was the pledge made recently by Trump’s aid on Israel affairs, David Friedman, during a meeting with Israeli officials from the Samaria Regional Council.
Trump’s “Republican platform on Israel is the strongest that either party has ever developed in the history of this country,” Friedman insisted in remarks that were recorded and uploaded to the Internet.
To prove his point, Friedman noted that in addition to echoing past presidential candidates in verbally recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital, Trump’s platform refuses to refer to the Jewish presence in the so-called “West Bank” as an “occupation” and does away entirely with the notion of a two-state solution.
Trump met on Sunday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York, where he promised that as president he would go beyond words and finally move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
Trump was also reportedly keen to discuss with Netanyahu Israel’s advanced border fences, which he sees as a model for his controversial Mexico border plans.
Netanyahu later met with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who vowed that as president she would vigorously enforce the Iran nuclear deal, an agreement that Israeli leaders see as fundamentally flawed.
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