Thursday, August 29, 2024

Build On. Each Doing Their Part. - Steve Martin


Build On. Each Doing Their Part.


“We kept at it, repairing and rebuilding the wall. The whole wall was soon joined together and halfway to its intended height because the people had a heart for the work.” Nehemiah 4:6, THE MESSAGE

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Bible normally don’t get a lot of attention these days. They can easily be dismissed among those having the “that was for then, but we have today” mindset. But all the Word of God is for our edification, teaching, and training, and we need to pay attention.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17, NKJV

 When I spent time reading how the Lord put in the heart of Ezra and Nehemiah to go from Persia (roughly modern-day Iran), having been in captivity there for many years, to return to Jerusalem and build up the ruined walls and burned down gates of the Jewish city, the Holy Spirit specifically pointed out two things to me.

1.      The King of Persia (a Gentile/non-Jew) provided the protection and the provision.

2.      Each one rebuilding the walls alongside Nehemiah was called by name and listed accordingly, with each person having a specific part and role in the building.

Regarding #1, Nehemiah records this historic fact as he wrote, “Furthermore I said to the king, "If it pleases the king, let letters be given to me for the governors of the region beyond the River, that they must permit me to pass through till I come to Judah, and a letter to Asaph the keeper of the king's forest, that he must give me timber to make beams for the gates of the citadel which pertains to the temple, for the city wall, and for the house that I will occupy." And the king granted them to me according to the good hand of my God upon me.” Nehemiah 2:7-8, NKJV

A non-Jew had been appointed and set in place by God to perform the needed actions, assisting the Jews in their return to the Land and rebuilding. As a Gentile myself, this is a very important fact, as today we have been given the same role – to provide for the Jews to return to Israel and rebuild their cities and lands. This worldwide phenomenon is known as aliyah in Hebrew.

“Thus says the Lord God, "Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations and set up My standard to the peoples; and they will bring your sons in their bosom, and your daughters will be carried on their shoulders.” Isaiah 49:22, NASU

As for topic #2, I was amazingly aware that the Lord had also assigned very specific roles and locations for each one to do their part in the rebuilding. And Nehemiah, under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, records each name and what exact section they were given to do in the rebuilding.

It is the same today for you and me. Each of us has been given specific gifts, talents, and means to do our part in the building up of the Church body here and now, but we also have a very vital part in providing for the Jews in their fulfillment of the vast number of prophetic words in the Bible, whereas the Lord Himself would bring them back to their Land in our day (aliyah) and restore them as a sign to the nations of His eternal faithfulness and commitment.

What an important role we each have!

Each time I travel back to Israel from the USA, I recommit myself to do my part, carrying on my shoulders the task and responsibility to be a part of this tremendous work our God is doing, as He brings the Jews home. May you become more aware of your part too and walk it out along with others.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin

Love For His People


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Believe It Or Not - Steve Martin


Believe It Or Not

"Then this word of Adonai came to him: “Get up; go to Tzarfat, a village in Tzidon; and live there. I have ordered a widow there to provide for you.” 1 Kings 17:8-10, Complete Jewish Bible

We all know the verse, “Give and it shall be given to you.” Not enough most likely believe it though. I purposely didn’t share that verse at the top of this message for it may have become one of those, “Yeah, I have heard that plenty of times. Usually right before the offering. What else have you got?”

The verse I did share from 1 Kings tells of Elijah the Prophet going out as the Lord had instructed, then speaking to the widow as he asked for food. As you also know the story, she gave what she had, knowing that her son and herself were running out of provision themselves. It is a good, factual, story to learn from in our walk with the same God.

If one believes something, he, or she (not “it”, or any other pronoun) they do it. And the more often they do, the more it becomes a way of life.

We are given many examples in the Lord’s Word of giving something in faith and then seeing the Lord give it back, over and abundantly beyond what the giver thought possible.

We have many examples of His faithfulness and honesty. The widow and her bread and oil. Yeshua (Jesus) and the fish and loaves from the young boy, before feeding the multitude who had followed Him. And then of course His first miracle, taking the jars of water at the Cana wedding and turning them into the best wine. Each one had to first give something for His to use. He then multiplied it in return, benefiting many, including themselves.

Stories only? Or are these all factual moments for us to read, hear, and believe that the Lord is “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

Most Americans don’t really believe that verse from Hebrews because we can always go around the corner to the grocery or big-box store, or order on Amazon and get whatever we want the next day, or even within hours now. For many there is no need to trust the Lord for provision.

And with our checking account usually having some money in it, why trust the Lord for anything such as these stories tell us?

I tend to think we are about to learn many lessons in these days requiring us to trust more, in faith.

How can we walk in the ways of the Lord if we don’t practice walking in the ways of the Lord?

I recently told a young man this very thing. If we say we know the Lord, and do things our way, do we really know the Lord? If we don’t do things His way, then how can we say we are believers? How can we say we know Him? How can we say we do what He says to do in His Word, when we don’t even know what His Word says or take the needed time to ask Him daily what He wants to say to us, to hear and obey?

Are we living His life or our own? For Him or for ourselves?

I personally would doubt what you tell me if your life shows me you actually believe something else. True?

Givers give. And the Lord says, once again, “Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back — given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity." Luke 6:38, THE MESSAGE

I encourage you to practice, yes practice, what you preach. Does your walk keep up with your mouth? I hope so!

And no, this is not a request for contributions! It is a desire to see more believers believe what the Lord asks us to believe.

Believe it or not.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin

Be Not Whitewashed or Woked - Steve Martin


Be Not Whitewashed or Woked


“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness.  "So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” Jesus Christ, Matthew 23:27-28, NASU


With the watered-down gospel preached in many churches these days, Jesus (Yeshua) will never be quoted saying what He said when He walked the land in Israel in 30 A.D. In fact, much of that being taught, if you want to call it that, from the pulpits in the churches where many don’t read the Bible for themselves, Jesus is portrayed as an “all-loving”, “don’t rock the boat” type of nice man. And thus, you can do what you want, when you want, how you want, and He will always love you no matter what.

Truth can easily be lost when you mix it with deception and lies. Those who don’t teach the full truth are as deceived as those who stay and listen to it.

How do I know? During the COVID months years ago, how many, after being “locked out of their churches for those months” (some with no fight or push back at all against government control) have returned to fellowship and solid teaching? You know the lost numbers too as well as I do.

Many Christians will fall away during these times, in these last days, because they have not been taught Who Yeshua (Jesus) actually is. They have been fed a “love me for who I am” gospel, which is not THE Gospel.

And thus, we have “wokeness” abounding even in so many American churches. Tickle the ears of the people, and when reality hits home, they will lose what faith they had and fall away. Their hearts have been made cold because men and women have chosen to water down what Jesus truthfully said and did when He came the first time.

He previously asked if He would still find faith when He returns the second time. He was right.

“Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit. He said, "There was once a judge in some city who never gave God a thought and cared nothing for people. A widow in that city kept after him: 'My rights are being violated. Protect me!'

"He never gave her the time of day. But after this went on and on he said to himself, 'I care nothing what God thinks, even less what people think. But because this widow won't quit badgering me, I'd better do something and see that she gets justice — otherwise I'm going to end up beaten black and blue by her pounding.'"

Then the Master said, "Do you hear what that judge, corrupt as he is, is saying? So what makes you think God won't step in and work justice for his chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won't he stick up for them? I assure you, he will. He will not drag his feet. But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns?" Luke 18:1-8, THE MESSAGE

“Persistent faith”, or as it is simply stated in the NASU version in Luke 18:8, “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" will not be found in as many Christians as we would hope. These have been quietly, routinely, regularly been fed too much pablum, baby food, and no meat to chew on, and thus will not have the faith to stand when the heat gets turned up. As it is certainly these days.

They looked for the “worship experience” rather than the One Who is to be worshipped.

Preachers and teachers who do not give out the truth are whitewashed, having a “clean looking” appearance on the outside but nothing worth keeping on the inside.

Wokeness will eventually kill what faith you have if you are not founded on the truth of the Bible, and the faith that comes from reading it.

Cold hearts will not be able to pump out faith when the time is most needed. No solid foundation produces weak and soon fallen buildings.

Be not whitewashed nor woked. Have faith. In Yeshua (Jesus) and His Word only.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin, Love For His People founder