Showing posts with label Eastern Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eastern Europe. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Most Anti-Semites Never Met a Jew

Most Anti-Semites Never Met a Jew

Thursday, May 22, 2014 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY

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According to a new world-wide survey, one in four adults are "deeply infected with anti-Semitic attitudes." That is the conclusion of the Anti-Defamation League's extraordinary new global survey.
The survey included 53,100 adults from 102 countries representing 88% of the world's adult population.
People responded true or false to typical anti-Semitic statements in their native language, such as "Jews have too much power over international markets, global media, and the U.S. government," or "Jews don't care about what happens to anyone but their own kind," and "Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars."
An estimated 1.1 billion people said that at least six of the anti-Semitic stereotypes were probably true. That means that 26% of the world's population, or one in every four adults in the world today still embrace traditional anti-Semitic sentiments.
"For the first time we have a real sense of how pervasive and persistent anti-Semitism is today around the world," ADL National Director Abraham Foxman said in a statement. "The data enables us to look beyond anti-Semitic incidents and rhetoric and quantify the prevalence of anti-Semitic attitudes across the globe. We can now identify hotspots, as well as countries and regions of the world where hatred of Jews is essentially nonexistent."
The three countries with the lowest anti-Semitism Index Scores are Laos (0.2%), the Philippines (3%) and Sweden (4%).
In the United States, 9% of respondents believed a majority of the anti-Semitic statements.
The highest levels come from the Palestinian-controlled territories at 93% and Iraq at 92%. Overall in the Middle East and North Africa 74% of the population hold to anti-Semitic stereotypes. Yet in Iran, surprisingly, 56% of the population responded negatively towards the Jews.
The three countries outside the Middle East and North Africa with the highest anti-Semitism Index Scores are Greece (69%), Malaysia (61%) and Armenia (58%). In Eastern Europe, one in three still think the Jews are responsible for most of the world's problems.
Here's an interesting fact: 18% of respondents believe that the total worldwide Jewish population exceeds 700 million people! The actual number of Jewish people in the world is just over 13 million! Obviously, people who overestimate the world's Jewish population by this amount were also much more likely to harbor anti-Semitic attitudes.
Among people familiar with all the religions tested in the survey, more are unfavorable toward Jews (35%) than toward people of any other religion.
Where you get your news also matters, especially in the Muslim world. Muslims who get their information about Jews from the internet are much more likely to harbor anti-Semitic views than those who get their information from other sources. Average Index Scores by information source among Muslims: Internet 73%, Religious leaders 54%, TV 54%, Newspapers 49%, word of mouth 40%.
People in predominantly English-speaking countries are half as likely to hold anti-Semitic views (13% Index Score) as the overall global population surveyed.
Chillingly, 74% of the people surveyed said they've never met a Jewish person, including the people who believe a majority of the anti-Semitic stereotypes are probably true.
Research the ADL report here
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Monday, December 16, 2013

CBN News - Hungary Sliding Back to Nazi-Era Anti-Semitism?

Hungary Sliding Back to Nazi-Era Anti-Semitism?

BUDAPEST, Hungary - The Shoes on the Danube is a memorial to Budapest's Jews who were rounded up during World War II and told to take off their shoes before being shot and pushed into the Danube.
Today, Hungary's Jews are fearful again because of a return of anti-Semitism.
Hungary has been going backwards economically since before the financial crisis of 2008. Old scapegoats have come back to life in a nation that was flattened by globalization: foreigners, bankers, and Jews.
Tapping Into the Psyche
Hungarian political ads are tapping straight into the Hungarian psyche.
One shows ordinary Hungarians saying:
"More and more installments we have to pay. Are banks allowed to do what they want? While we keep working they just steal. Are political criminals allowed to do what they want? I'm already afraid to go into the streets. Are Gypsy criminals allowed to do what they want? There are no Hungarian products on the shelves. Are multis (multinational corporations) allowed to do what they want? We've had enough of parasitism. If you have too, vote for Jobbik on Oct. 3."
Jobbik is now the third largest party in Hungary and some say a possible longshot to rule the country in a coalition government someday.
Far-right racist parties are fairly common in Eastern Europe. But Jobbik is different. It's stronger, better organized and offering solutions to real problems that Hungarians face - even if some are the wrong solutions and their bogeyman is an American-Israeli conspiracy.
Feeling the Anti-Semitism
Budapest Rabbi Schlomo Koves said Jews can now feel the anti-Semitism in the street, although physical attacks on Jews are rare.
"There's a joke in Hungary in which someone comes to a village and he asks, is there anti-Semitism here? And the other guy answers, 'No, but there's a great need for it,'" he told CBN News.
"When society is not in a good state, when people have a hard time making a living, all these extreme ideas can come back," he said.
One Jobbik member of parliament has called for a list to be drawn up of all the Jews in government because he deems them to be a security threat.
"They consider the entire Jewish community as the agents of America and Israel," Pal Steiner, A Hungarian Jew and member of parliament, said.
"They say that through the Hungarian Jewish community, Israel and America are turning Hungary into a colony," he said.
Steiner lost half of his relatives in the Holocaust and now, 70 years later, he is receiving death threats. He says anti-Semitism isn't returning to Hungary - it never left.
"It's clear that Jobbik's basic principles are very similar to the Nazis, especially considering the so-called 'Jewish problem,'" he said. "And I need to stress that there is a part of Hungarian society that has a secret sympathy towards Jobbik."
A Sicker Society?
Miklos Horthy ruled Hungary during World War II when it was a Nazi ally. Last month Horthy returned to a place of honor in Budapest when a bust of him was unveiled at a church. Opponents demonstrated by wearing yellow stars.
Jobbik once started a militia - the Magyar Garda - but it was outlawed. Jobbik claims it was a service organization but it looked like Arrow Cross, a Nazi-era party that killed thousands of Jews.
It's now very dangerous for Hungary's Gypsies, who have higher than average rates of criminal acts and are hated more than Jews.
CBN News asked one of Hungary's leading political consultants, Viktor Szigetvári, if Hungarian society is getting healthier, or getting sicker. He told us,
"Sadly, I have to say sicker because of growing intolerance, because of growing poverty," he said.
Could Jobbik end up in a governing coalition someday as some predict, or is it too politically radioactive for other parties?
"They are radioactive, but it is possible we might have a minority government formed after the 2014 general elections and it will be interesting to see what role Jobbik will play," Szigetvári said. "I believe (Jobbik as part of ruling coalition) is a no-go area; not in Hungary, not in Europe."
Jobbik leaders turned down our request for an interview.
"We do not want to help you on the issue of anti-Semitism," they said in a written statement. "Jobbik is dealing with much more important problems right now: the sellout of soil to foreigners and to oligarchs close to the government, the corruption scandals, the chaos in education and the catastrophic state of public safety."
Poisoning the Population
Jobbik repeatedly denies that it is anti-Semitic. On its English-language website it seems to disavow some of the positions that its leaders have spouted publicly.
They say they do not deny the Holocaust but they also do not like Israel.
CBN News spoke with one former Jobbik member from a rural area who said he never heard talk of anti-Semitism at Jobbik meetings he attended. But we also interviewed a former Jobbik leader who had to leave the party when he discovered he was a Jew.
"The problem is there are clever people in Jobbik," Hungarian Journalist Ferenc Szlazsánszky, with channel ATV, said. "It's a two-faced party - what they say amongst themselves and what they say in front of the public."
"The other problem is they are inciting hatred," he added. "They are poisoning the population in Hungary."
Steiner and others told CBN News that Jobbik should be considered "very dangerous."
And even if Jobbik never rules Hungary, critics say it's a legally elected party spreading dangerous ideas.
But many, Jobbik seems to be only a symptom in a nation that is still clinging to old-fashioned anti-Semitism.