Showing posts with label Messianics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Messianics. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Watch the Feast of Tabernacles Live from Israel - ICEJ

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Watch the Feast of Tabernacles Live from Israel
Feast of TabernaclesThe Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, is the third great annual pilgrimage festival when the Jewish people gather together in Jerusalem not only to remember God's provision in the wilderness but also to look ahead to that promised Messianic age when all nations will flow to Jerusalem to worship the Lord.

"And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the king, the lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles." Zechariah 14:16

For the past thirty-five years, thousands of Christians from all over the world have come up to Jerusalem each fall to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. They come with much expectancy to take part in a dynamic worship experience, knowing the One we worship will soon be sitting on His throne in this great city. Indeed, celebrating Sukkot now gives us a foretaste of the joy of the age to come.

Now, if you're unable to join us in Jerusalem, you can enjoy every evening of this amazing celebration via a free live stream from Israel. Just log onto from September 27 to October 1, 2015.

And don't forget to sign up for our email alerts while you're there to get the latest info on the live streaming schedule.

May the Lord bless you from Zion!

Learn more

Feast of Tabernacles
© Copyright 2015 Charisma Media, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Since last Yom Kippur, millions of Jews have begun searching for the Messiah - Joel Rosenberg

Over the past year since the last Day of Atonement, millions of Jews around the world have begun a quest to find the Messiah.
Over the past year since the last Day of Atonement, millions of Jews around the world have begun a quest to find the Messiah.

New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

A big, untold story: Since last Yom Kippur, millions of Jews have begun searching for the Messiah, and for atonement for their sins. The media isn’t reporting this. But it’s worth examining.

by joelcrosenberg
At sundown, we begin Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This is the highest holy day on the Jewish calendar, and one of great Biblical and historic and cultural importance to my people.
I so wish I was home with Lynn and our sons in Israel tonight. Instead, I am in the U.S. speaking at a number of events, from Dallas to San Luis Obispo to Washington, D.C. to Toronto. I am speaking about the darkness that is falling in our world. But I am also explaining to people about a fascinating phenomenon that I'm observing.
Since last Yom Kippur, millions of Jews have begun a quest to find the Messiah. For reasons I cannot fully explain, Jews are suddenly searching for answers to the deepest and most important questions concerning life and death and God and atonement and eternity, in numbers unprecedented in history. Some are searching through the Hebrew Scriptures for answers. A stunning number are actually reading the New Testament, most for the first time. They are searching on Google for information about the Messiah. They are even watching a new series of videos by Jews who claim to have found the answers. The videos -- some of which have gone viral -- were produced and posted on a new website called
To me, these are fascinating developments. They certainly aren't being reported by the media. But they are worth examining. That said, more on all that in a moment.
First, a few thoughts about Yom Kippur itself.
In the Scriptures, the Israelites were commanded by the Lord to fast and pray and bring their sacrifices to the Temple in Jerusalem, and then to ask for the Lord’s forgiveness for all the sins they and their nation had committed that year. And the Scriptures were clear: only the sacrifice of a perfect animal -- a sacrifice performed with a humble, repentant, sincere heart, and with faith in God’s mercy and grace -- could bring about forgiveness of sins.
  • “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” (Leviticus 17:11)
  • “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” (Hebrews 9:22)
But here's the problem we Jewish people have face since the destruction of the Temple: What does one do to receive atonement in the modern age, without a Temple?
How can one make sacrifices, and thus receive forgiveness of sins — and thus the right to enter the holiness of heaven and live with the Lord in heaven forever and ever — without being able to sacrifice a perfect lamb at the Temple in Jerusalem, where the Lord designated all sacrifices to occur?
The destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. was a huge blow to Judaism for many reasons, but chief among them because it deprived us of the one place to receive atonement from God.
The good news was found in Daniel 9:24-26. The Hebrew prophet Daniel explained to us that:
  • someday the Messiah (or “Anointed One”) would come to us
  • when the Messiah came, his purpose would be “to atone for wickedness” and “to bring in everlasting righteousness”
  • the Messiah would then be “cut off and will have nothing”
  • after the Messiah was "cut off," then Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed
  • Daniel specifically noted that foreign invaders “will come and will destroy the city and the sanctuary”
Think about that. Daniel told us something extraordinary — that a coming Messiah would bring atonement for our sins before the Temple would be destroyed. That, in retrospect, makes sense, right? Why would the God of Israel take away the Temple before providing a new way for atonement?
Now, add in what the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah explained to us that not only was the Messiah coming to the Jewish people, but that He would bring a "new covenant," a new and exciting and God-ordained way by which we would have a personal relationship with the Lord our God.
The Hebrew Prophet Isaiah gave us still more details about this coming Messiah. He explained that the Messiah would serve as King of the world eventually, but first the Messiah would be our "Suffering Servant." That is, He would be rejected by the people, would suffer, and then die as our atoning sacrifice.
Consider these extraordinary passages from Isaiah 53:
3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
And who can speak of his descendants?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was stricken.
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After the suffering of his soul,
he will see the light of life and be satisfied;
by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
13 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.
Who does that sound like to you?
When I was younger, I tried to process these and other Hebrew prophecies of the Messiah. Among them:
  • the Messiah will born in Judea, near Jerusalem, in Bethlehem Ephratah (Micah 5:2)
  • the Messiah will live and minister in the Galilee (Isaiah 9:1-2)
  • the Messiah will teach in parables (Psalm 78:2)
  • the Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9)
  • the Messiah will be the Savior of the Jews but also a “light to the nations” (Isaiah 49:5-6)
These were fascinating, specific, detailed clues as to the identity of the One the Lord was sending to save and rescue our people. Each piece of the puzzle was helpful, but two clues I found especially interesting -- first, that the Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem Ephratah, the city of David; and second that the Messiah absolutely had to come to bring atonement and righteousness to His people before the Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed in 70 A.D. Why? Because the God of Israel told us so through the Hebrew prophets.
I came to the conclusion that Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth is, in fact, the Messiah that Moses and the prophets spoke of. His death and resurrection were foretold by the prophets, and they prove that He is who He said He is: the “Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him” (John 14:6). Jesus’ shed blood provides the only atonement for sins for Jews and Gentiles today. Jesus brought us the “New Covenant” — the new deal, as it were, between God and man — that the Hebrew Prophet Jeremiah told us to wait for.
True, many Jewish people have rejected Jesus over the centuries. But have we really stopped to examine what Moses and the prophets said, and how Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled every single one of those prophecies?
By God's grace and kindness, my eyes were open. I received Jesus as Messiah, Savior and Lord when I was young. I humbled myself, confessed my sins to God the Father, believed in my heart by faith that Jesus died on the cross, and was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures. I confessed with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord. And so, as He promised, Jesus atoned for my sins. He washed them away, all of them, never to be remembered or held against me for all of eternity. He gave me eternal life. He -- the King of the Universe -- adopted me into His royal family. He gave me peace that passes all understanding. He gave me hope as an anchor for my soul. He gave me a purpose and a meaning for me life.
Why? Because I deserved it? No. Because I earned it? No. Because I could buy it? No. He gave all this to me for free, because He loves me, because He wanted to rescue me. And so I received Him into my heart by faith. For as the Scriptures explain so clearly, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12)
When my father, who was raised an Orthodox Jew in Brooklyn, discovered in 1973 -- after a careful study of the Gospel According to Luke -- that Jesus of Nazareth is the long-awaited Jewish Messiah, and received the Messiah by faith, my father thought he was one of the first Jews in history who believed this. He had never met a Jewish believer in Jesus. He had never heard of such a person. And in 1973, there were fewer than 2,000 Jewish people on the planet who were followers of Jesus.
But today, some 300,000 Jews around the world are followers of Jesus. And millions of Jews are searching for the Messiah and thus reading the Hebrew prophecies, and comparing them with the writings of the New Testament, and trying to decide whether Jesus really is the Messiah we have desperately longed for over so many centuries.
More than 10 million people have watched these videos just in the past few months.
Remarkably, more than 900,000 Hebrew speakers have watched the Hebrew-language versions of these videos in just the past four months. Given that there are only about 7 million Hebrew speakers in the world today, this means that nearly 1 in 7 of them have recently watched videos by Israeli Jews explaining how they came to discover that Yeshua is our Messiah.
The website is Please visit, watch the videos, share them with family and friends, think about them and discuss them. And then I encourage you to humbly pray to God and ask Him to show you whether Jesus -- Yeshua -- is, in fact, the Anointed One who came to rescue and redeem us and atone for our sins and write our names in the Book of Life.
It is my earnest hope you will discover — or rediscover — Jesus for yourself this Yom Kippur and the days that follow. I’m praying for you to find His amazing love, grace and forgiveness, and the hope and joy that only He can give us.
May the God of Israel and His Anointed One bless you and your family beyond what you can hope for, dream of, or imagine.
joelcrosenberg | September 22, 2015 at 12:24 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Evening To Honor Israel

 The shofars being blown to start the meeting.
(Left to right - Paul Miles, Wane Daroux, Pastor Bill)

An Evening To Honor Israel
Beit Yeshua, Highway To Zion and Love For His People
Lincolnton, NC July 24, 2015

Gathering together to stand in support of Israel and the Jewish people, the annual event "An Evening To Honor Israel" was hosted by Beit Yeshua (Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams, Founders) in Lincolnton, NC. Together with the ministries of Highway To Zion (Cathy Hargett) and Love For His People (Steve Martin), we gave thanks to the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) for what He has done in regathering the Jews back to the land of Israel.

With song, dance, and a message by Messianic leader Warren Marcus, the evening was an encouragement for all to share unwavering love and appreciation to those who have brought us the Messiah and His Word to the nations. We are a blessed people because of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ).

 Wane Daroux of Hickory, NC

 Paul & Susan Miles begin the Shabbat with the candle lighting, 
and the bread and wine blessing.

Curtis Loftin, Beit Yeshua Co-Founder, greets the guests.

 Messianic dance to the music of Joshua Aaron.

Cathy Hargett, Highway To Zion Founder

 Warren Marcus begins his message on the regathering of Israel and One New Man.

 Doug Williams, Beit Yeshua Co-Founder

Together with these ministries and those of the same heart, we continually stand for the Lord's purposes to be fulfilled, as He regathers His people to the land of Israel, as promised from the time of Abraham. Blessings on their heads!

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Messianic Video Series Answers Rabbis' Objections to Jesus

Messianic Video Series Answers Rabbis' Objections to Jesus

Tuesday, December 02, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
What started as a brief set of video responses to anti-Messianic activists in Israel (see below) has blossomed into a new online initiative featuring no fewer than 52 short clips answering the most pressing rabbinical objections to Yeshua (Jesus).
A new Hebrew-language website ( presents the videos produced by local Messianic media professionals Eitan Bar and Moti Vaknin of the Internet-based ministry “One for Israel.”
The videos and website are “our most advanced production so far, and perhaps the most advanced in Jewish Evangelism until today,” wrote Bar. “In these videos we expose how the Rabbis have been keeping Jesus a secret from Israel for over 2,000 years. We even quote ancient Jewish sources showing that the Old Testament prophecies we refer people to were interpreted in the past just as we interpret them today - as being about the Messiah!”
Israel Today has written before about One for Israel, which is taking a fresh approach to evangelism in the Jewish state. Israeli society is one of the most “online” in the world, and recent statistics showed that every month 18,000 Israelis search Google for the term “redemption,” and over 22,000 search for “Yeshua.”
Some of the topics addressed in the new video series include:
  • Why do the rabbis really reject Jesus?
  • Can you be Jewish and believe in Jesus?
  • Is the Messiah supposed to rule like King David or suffer like Joseph?
  • Is the Messiah an incarnation of God in flesh and blood?
  • Is the New Testament Anti-Semitic?
  • Son of God: a pagan concept, or a Biblical one?
  • Does the New Testament claim that Israel have been rejected or replaced?
Below are the two original videos published by Eitan and Moti with English subtitles:

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Messianics Respond: Christians' Appeasement of Islam Won't Save Them - Ron Cantor

Messianics Respond: Christians' Appeasement of Islam Won't Save Them

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 |  Ron Cantor  ISRAEL TODAY
Ron Cantor is the executive pastor of Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv. He is the author of several books including Identity Theft: How Jesus was Robbed of His Jewishness. You can read Ron's blog at
The following is the third in a series of responses by Israeli Messianic Jewish leaders to a problematic video produced by Bethlehem Bible College regarding this summer's Gaza war.
While others may focus on the content of this video, let me share what was lacking.
The New Testament Congregation is to be the courageous voice of morality and honesty to the world. However, this video by Bethlehem Bible College lacked the courage to confront Islamic Terror.
At a time when ISIS, a group with the same ultimate goal as Hamas - Islamic domination and the destruction of Israel - is murdering Christians in Iraq and Syria, the Bethlehem Bible College accused the only democratic nation in this region of genocide.
Let me address you (the Bethlehem Bible College) directly.
Have you forgotten that under Hamas, Rami Ayyad was tortured and murdered for being a Christian?
We know that a Hamas cell was planning to overthrow the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. While you are sympathetic to Hamas in your video, can you imagine the West Bank under Hamas rule? No freedom of speech, religion or expression. Masked gunmen roaming the streets, indiscriminate killing. And who informed Mahmoud Abbas about this plot? Israel! The government that you accuse of genocide just possibly saved your lives.
Indeed, we would hope for something more balanced coming from a Christian institution. But your video, while deep with emotion, was far from reality.
  • Not a word against Hamas, which took over Gaza in a coup, killing Palestinian Authority officials and throwing some off of the tallest buildings in Gaza.
  • Not a word of condemnation over the fact that Hamas has used CHURCHES to fire their rockets.
  • Not a word about Hamas executing 20 or more Palestinians who protested their war.
  • Not a word about Hamas using women and children as human shields.
  • Do you not care that Hamas has executed scores of tunnel diggers out of fear they could give information to Israel? After hiring these men to work for them, Hamas murdered them in cold blood.
As Christians, does it not concern you at all that, "Since Hamas' 2007 takeover of Gaza, residents say it's imposed strict Taliban-style Islamic laws on the people."
Is this what you want for Bethlehem?
What about the words of Archbishop Alexios of Gaza: "Islam is the rule of this place and whatever Hamas says we must obey or face consequences." He is the most prominent Christian in Gaza and is clearly living in fear of Hamas.
A former tunnel digger just smuggled a letter out of Gaza detailing how Hamas killed his father and dumped his body in a pit. Why? No one knows. Hamas does not need a reason to kill.
Two weeks ago, 20 armed men showed up at PLO activist Sami Abu Lashin's house in Gaza, shooting in three times in the legs for the crime of breaking his house arrest (which in itself was illegal). My dear brothers, if they are willing to shoot their partners in the unity government, imagine what these savages will do to Christians preaching the gospel.
In your video, you speak of the disappearing Palestinian Church. Indeed, this is true. At one time Christians made up 15% of the West Bank population. Now it is 2%! But how is this Israel's fault? Do you really think that Israel prefers Muslims to Christians? If that were true, you'd see the same decline amongst Israel's Arab Christian population.
You know as well as I do that the PLO and Islamic extremists are to blame! The Christian population under Israel flourished in Bethlehem. Its decline began exactly when Israel turned over control to Yasser Arafat and the PLO.
"Under the Palestinian Authority since 1995, [the] numbers have plummeted. Palestinian gunmen seized Christian homes—compelling Israel to build a protective barrier between them and Jewish neighborhoods—and then occupied the Church of the Nativity, looting it and using it as a latrine. Today, Christians comprise a mere one-fifth of their holy city's population."
It is one thing to embrace Replacement Theology (Jer. 31:35-37), to say you don't believe that Israel is still chosen (Rom. 11:29), even to seek a Palestinian State (Ez. 36:24). It is another thing all together to portray Hamas as something noble, fighting for the people of Gaza.
Hamas' goals are murder and destruction—Sharia law! Do you think that Hamas' leaders are losing a wink of sleep over 2,000 dead Palestinians? In fact, they are rejoicing at the propaganda coup! If they are willing to execute so many of their own people, do you actually think they care about innocent Gazans? They are far more concerned about saving face in the wake of defeat.
Imagine if and when Hamas replaces the PLO in the West Bank—as they clearly wanted to do. Do you think they will remember the cute video that some Christians made? No, like ISIS, they will demand conversion or death.
Additional responses will be published in the next issue of Israel Today Magazine. Don't miss them - SUBSCRIBE NOW
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Evangelical Donations to Israel - What Christians Should Know - ISRAEL TODAY

Evangelical Donations to Israel - What Christians Should Know

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 |  Michael Decker  israe
What should Evangelical Christians know before donating to Israel-based ministries? How is it possible to make sure that these donations will be used for the purposes they were donated for? These important questions and others will be dealt with in the article below.
A breakdown of Evangelical donations to Israel
Evangelical Christians donate hundreds of millions of dollars towards Israeli causes each year. It is our desire at the Jerusalem Institute of Justice to protect these donors at the highest level possible so they can know that their donations are being used for the purposes to which they are designated.
Israelis of all walks of life appreciate Christian donations, a large portion of which is donated towards Jewish entities which advance various forms of humanitarian activity, and/or the general advancement of Zionism, and/or even towards the advancement of settlements in Judea and Samaria. 
A lesser portion of these donations go to Christian and/or Messianic ministries, some of which are involved in humanitarian activity, Zionism, and the building of Jewish Christian relations, others which are involved in Church/Congregation planting, and the advancement of the local Christian and/or Messianic movement in Israel, and a large portion is also donated toward the direct spreading of the gospel in Israel.
Other donations go to charities of the Christian Evangelical Arab community that exists in Israel, in order to build the Christian Arab community, and also in order to spread the gospel in Israel.
Ever since Israel has opened its gates to migrant foreign workers from various third world countries, and also as a result of a large amount of asylum seekers in Israel from various third world countries, many Churches of foreign workers/asylum seekers were established, and many times this was done in the name of a large Evangelical Christian ministry from Africa, Asia, etcetera, and many of these Churches registered local charities. These charities in Israel have received some donations from the mother entities, even though they are probably mainly funded by the local Christian Evangelical community of these migrant workers, and/or asylum seekers. 
The largest among all of the aforementioned charities in Israel are also established as 501c3s in the USA, and in other countries (according to the relevant legislation), but then are registered locally in Israel as well, for local operational purposes.
How to make sure your donation is meeting its purpose
It should be noted that the vast majority of Israeli charities and aid organizations, faith-based or not, are honest and transparent organizations. Israeli law is quite clear regarding management and reporting of funds by aid organizations.
However, some "charitable organizations" operate outside of the law either by incomplete disclosure of activity or by flat-out deception. Moreover, international donors are often unaware of Israeli regulations and therefore are unable to litmus-test aid organizations before making a donation. They are often too far away, moreover, to take legal action or any kind of other legitimate action, if they discover that they have been taken advantage of.
For example, in one case which I have represented, an "Israeli evangelist" solicited funds amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars from several specific donors in order to renovate a "ministry center." Fake photos of this "ministry center" were sent out to these specific donors, as evidence to the presumed need for urgent funding.
This "Israeli evangelist" mentioned to these donors that it is not possible for him to register an official charity, or even to receive these funds through an official bank wire to an actual bank account in Israel, since, according to him, evangelism in Israel is illegal, and he therefore cannot risk that these funds will be traced.
However, evangelism is not illegal in Israel. It is also perfectly legal to register an Israeli charity, even if the sole purpose of this charity is to propagate a certain religion, philosophy, worldview, etcetera.  Jews for Jesus, for example, is a registered official non-profit (Amutah) in Israel, and their registration can be viewed by the public on the website of the Registrar of Amutot.
Had the well-intentioned donors been aware of this, they could have avoided being robbed. 
I hope that the investigation of these cases will expose what really happened, and I am happy that the Israeli police forces, and the prosecution office of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel, are seriously investigating these matters.
The legal framework for the protection of donors
We do not want to discourage Christians from giving towards biblical causes, but believe that any potential donor from within the Evangelical community should take advantage of the legal framework which exists in Israel in order to protect donors.
Our purpose is that Christian donations be used for the purpose to which they were designated and that donors will be protected from scoundrels. Accordingly, I have provided below a review of the Israeli legal framework regarding donations.
There are essentially two types of charities in Israel: Amutot and "Companies for the Benefit of the Public."
Prior to 2007, a Company for the Benefit of the Public was not obligated to register with the Registrar of Public Endowments, and therefore many Companies for the Benefit of the Public operated without real legislative supervision.
Today, however, both Amutot and Companies for the Benefit of the Public are subject to legislative supervision, and those that meet basic requirements are issued a Proper Management Certificate, which serves as a validation that the organization in question is efficiently structured and run.
The requirement for a Proper Management Certificate was established in 1998 as a prerequisite for government funding, and since 2001 every Amuta which provides services to the government must hold a Proper Management Certificate. This can also help to protect donors, and many donors will only donate towards a charity which holds a Proper Management Certificate. 
Amutot that do not hold a Proper Management Certificate are usually in a primitive stage of funding and development, really are not functioning properly, or are simply oblivious in good faith to these very basic requirements. There is no reason for an Israeli Christian/Messianic charity not to possess a Proper Management Certificate.
For the sake of clarification, in this article I am focusing only on donations which are given directly to Israel, not via registered charities in the USA, or any other country in the world.
An encouragement to give
In light of the above article, I strongly encourage any potential Evangelical donor to consider requesting information regarding the ministries you are supporting. I encourage you to see to it that they are within the confines of biblical principles, as well as possessing a Proper Management Certificate, which would confirm legal registration.
I invite you as Evangelicals to continue supporting Israel. Your generosity is a tremendous blessing to the reputation of Evangelicals within Israel. Your generosity is both a provision and a statement of support, both in prayer and in finances.
I hope this article solidifies how to properly investigate where donations are going in order to guarantee that these donations are fulfilling their purposes, which will, in effect, hopefully increase the donations that are generated into Israel.
The information stipulated above is obviously generic, and should in no way replace official legal consultation.

About the author:
Michael Decker has a B.A. in law and is a licensed attorney in Israel. He is a partner in the law offices of Yehuda Raveh & Co., which represents more than 150 charities in Israel on a regular basis. Michael also serves as Senior Legal Advisor to the Jerusalem Institute of Justice.
For further inquiries regarding the issues mentioned in this article, please do not hesitate to contact Michael at:
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