Monday, June 25, 2018

Zechariah's Prophecies ✡ "My Towns Shall Yet Overflow With Bounty" - Israel365

Proclaim further: Thus said God of Hosts: My towns shall yet overflow with bounty. For Hashem will again comfort Tzion; He will choose Yerushalayim again
Zechariah 1:17 (The Israel Bible™)

עוֹד קְרָא לֵאמֹר כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת עוֹד תְּפוּצֶינָה עָרַי מִטּוֹב וְנִחַם יְהוָה עוֹד אֶת־צִיּוֹן וּבָחַר עוֹד בִּירוּשָׁלִָם
Hear the verse in Hebrew

OD k’-RA lay-MOR KOH a-MAR a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT OD t’-fu-TZE-nah a-RAI mi-TOV
ni-KHAM a-do-NAI OD et tzi-YON u-va-KHAR OD bee-ru-sha-LA-im

Zechariah's Prophecies

The prophet Zecharya lives at a very exciting time in Jewish history, when the Persian King Darius allows his Jewish subjects to return to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and rebuild the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple). While there are some who heed the call, many do not respond with the proper enthusiasm. Zecharya tries to encourage the children of Israel to return by reiterating God’s promises and blessings regarding the land of Israel. According to many commentators these prophecies apply not only to the time of Zecharya, but also to the days of the future redemption. Recent years have begun to see the fulfillment of these prophecies, as many cities in Israel flourish again, and God has chosen Yerushalayim by returning His children to the holy city.
More on the holy city

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Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Sure Way to Gain Access to God's Ear - MARCUS GILL CHARISMA NEWS

(Unsplash/Marina Vitale)

A Sure Way to Gain Access to God's Ear

Waiting isn't a curse. It's a blessing. Patience is a gift from God. Your life would be so much more joyful if you learned how to wait with patience. King David said in Psalm 40:1-4:
I waited patiently for the Lord, and He turned to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet on a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our God; many will see it, and fear, and will trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man who places trust in the Lord.
Earlier he said: "Wait on the Lord; be strong, and may your heart be stout; wait on the Lord" (Ps. 27:14).
When you wait patiently on the Lord, you gain access to His ear. God hears the prayers of those who wait patiently for Him. When you wait on the Lord, He will come to your rescue. He will deliver you to safety. When you wait patiently on the Lord, your worship will go to a whole new level. When you wait patiently on the Lord, people will see what He has done for you. Your time of waiting will turn into a testimony, and all who witness your deliverance will come to fear and trust in the Lord. When you wait patiently on the Lord, you will be blessed, and your heart will be strengthened. Your patient waiting shows God that you trust Him with your whole life, and He rewards faith like that in big ways. Listen, you can't tell me that waiting on God isn't worth it.
Prepare your heart to begin to wait knowing that God is going to take care of you. Get ready to understand what it really means to trust God with your when.
As I have said before, we are all in the same boat when it comes to waiting. We all need something. We can also be in the same boat of victory, if we learn that waiting is always worth it.
If you've previously testified to having a struggle with waiting, my prayer for you is that your perspective on why you're waiting will change. Don't see the answer to your prayer as denied, believe that it's only delayed. Delayed means that something has been released and it's on its way, and at that perfect time—on God's clock—you'll be able to celebrate your answer's arrival.
Many of us have such a hard time waiting on God because we haven't asked Him to give us that characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit called longsuffering. Join me in prayer right now to ask God to give you this gift.
Father, I thank you for this time in my life. I pray that You would give me limitless strength to endure this waiting season. I don't want to live without Your anointing for longsuffering. I pray that you will empower me to wait on You with a joyful heart, knowing that Your best is being prepared for me right now. Thank You for causing me to win because I choose to trust You. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.
Don't get discouraged during your waiting season. God has a plan to bless you in His perfect timing. The blessing may not look the way you thought it would or come the way you expected, but it will be just what you need. Don't quit! God has a miracle with your name on it, and it's worth the wait.
everybody wants win nobody waitAdapted from Everybody Wants to Win but Nobody Wants to Wait by Marcus Gill, copyright 2017, published by Charisma House. This book encourages you to trust God's timing by helping you discover why God makes us wait, why we can trust His timing, why we must have a vision, goal and plan while we wait and why we must worship to see breakthrough. To order your copy, click on this link.
Prayer Power for the Week of June 17, 2018
This week, thank God that He is working the virtue of patience in your life by allowing you to wait for His timing concerning certain answers to your prayers. Declare by faith that you trust Him in all areas. Use the Word of God to make declarations of faith concerning trust. Continue to pray for worldwide revival; ask God for more laborers for His harvest and to show you what part you should play in expanding His kingdom. Continue to pray for the nation and its leaders, allies, first responders and those in the military. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 1 Timothy 2:8 and James 5:17.

Jonathan Cahn Exposes Ancient Blueprint of Current Events at Charisma Conference - TAYLOR BERGLUND CHARISMA NEWS

Jonathan Cahn
Jonathan Cahn (Taylor Berglund)

Jonathan Cahn Exposes Ancient Blueprint of Current Events at Charisma Conference

Jonathan Cahn gave a prophetic message Saturday afternoon at the Charisma Conference 2018 in Orlando, Florida.
Cahn, the best-selling author of The HarbingerThe Paradigm and The Book of Mysteries, received a standing ovation from the crowd upon taking the stage.
"We are called to be prophetic and a prophetic witness for this time, so we need to know the signs of the times," Cahn said.
Later, Cahn said, "We have moved from the days where the people of God can be status quo to the days where we must become prophetic. We must become radical. These are the days when we must become a revolutionary people to live a revolutionary life. Some of you are afraid of the end times. Don't be. If God didn't want you in the end times, he would have put you in the middle ages. But he put you here now."
Before delving into the prophetic significance of current events, Cahn gave a disclaimer to the audience.
"It is so explosive that I have to say this: I will name names, but remember, we have no enemies, only the enemy," Cahn said. "We must oppose what is evil and we must pray for those who commit it."
He said that, because of the culture wars, an acceleration of wickedness has taken place in culture over the past 25 years. He then explained that ancient biblical figures mirror modern-day political figures, including Bill and Hillary Clinton and President Donald Trump. 
Watch his full teaching above.

Alane Haynes: "3 Types of Warriors Being Released: The Implacable, the Audacious and the Eagles" - The Elijah List

Alane Haynes: "3 Types of Warriors Being Released: The Implacable, the Audacious and the Eagles"

The Elijah List  Jun 24, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
God is really calling His saints to rise up in fresh bold ways in this hour.
There is much happening and at stake around's going to take bold faith rising up in us to take the lands and go after the great harvests He is calling us to.
I really enjoyed reading this word of the Lord from Alane Haynes in which she shares about 3 types of warriors of the Lord:
I heard that there are three categories of warriors that are being advanced for new assignments: the implacable, the audacious, and the eagles.
"My Audacious ones, you have taken bold steps of faith and I am enlarging your capacity for increase to your borders. It is time to rise up and spread your wings on the currents of My Spirit, and the more will be yours. As you step forth in faith, many signs and wonders will be coming forth by your hands, and My territory will be expanded."
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Recently, I received a very unusual vision. I saw an eagle soaring over the ocean, then it turned into a large ship, and I heard the words, "Aircraft carrier." As I began to seek the Lord, I heard the word "Audacious." I don't know anything about ships, so I know when I see something by the spirit that is outside my area of personal knowledge, there is something the Lord wants to tell me about it.
As I began to research these things, I was very surprised to learn that there was an aircraft carrier class known as Audacious, which was renamed Eagle. The Audacious class was originally designed as an expansion of an earlier class named Implacable. These had double storied hangars that had to be enlarged to accommodate the newer aircraft. The Implacable became Audacious, and the Audacious became the Eagle.
Implacable means unable to be placated; to be unstoppable or relentless. Audacious means bold, fearless, intrepid, daring, brave, courageous. I began to think about the eagle and what it represents – strength, great vision, using the winds to soar. I knew that they are incredible hunters. The Holy Spirit prompted me to do a little more research. (Photo via Unsplash)
Eagles fly higher than any other birds, using the wind thermals, even as high as some aircraft. Their vision is so keen that they can see two and even three miles away. I was astonished to learn that they have two sets of eyelids. One is called a nictitating membrane, and is a clear eyelid that allows them to see when their eyes are closed and also to see during storms. They can use their eyes as both monocular and binocular vision – independent of each other or together. They can focus in two ways, forward or at a 45 degree angle. They can also see in UV range, so they can see a urine trail of their prey.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
As I was meditating on all of this, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me. An aircraft carrier carries and deploys airplanes ready for battle, but the carrier itself is also fully armored. I heard that there are three categories of warriors that are being advanced for new assignments: the implacable, the audacious, and the eagles.
For the Implacables
I heard Philippians 3:14 to describe the implacables. "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14 KJV). I heard, "My implacable ones, you have been relentless in your pursuit of Me. You have disciplined and positioned yourselves well. I am opening doors for you to walk in great courage. Take those giant leaps of faith, it is now time to become audacious. Be bold and advance for I am with you."
For the Audacious
For the Audacious, I heard, "These are those with strong faith, staggering not at the promises through unbelief (Romans 4:20). My Audacious ones, you have taken bold steps of faith and I am enlarging your capacity for increase to your borders. It is time to rise up and spread your wings on the currents of My Spirit, and the more will be yours. As you step forth in faith, many signs and wonders will be coming forth by your hands, and My territory will be expanded." Acts 14:3"Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of His grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands."(Photo via Flickr)
For the Eagles
For the Eagles, I heard, "You have carried many upon your wings, but there are many more that are coming forth. I am now giving you increase of spiritual sight. You will see in the midst of the storm and give direction to others that are caught in the thermals and unaccustomed to the heights. You will see more, even as you sleep, as the eyes of your spirit will be alert to My leading and you will receive instruction in your dreams and remember more clearly what I have shown you in the night.
"You have exercised your gifts well and more acuity to your vision is coming so that you will see more clearly the plans of the enemy. For the signs of his territorial markings will be clear. I am filling you with a strength and power to uphold the many in intercession. Greater wisdom and strategy is being given. You will have precision in your warfare. I am bringing you to an open door; you will see what was before, take from there and bring to the fore, intercept and win this war." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Alane Haynes
Eternal Truth Now Ministry
Alane Haynes was radically saved in 1981, when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to her and she immediately received salvation, deliverance and a supernatural healing of her body and mind. Alane has authored three books: "Moses – Shocked in the Desert, Learning God's Ways So We Can Enter the Promised Land," birthed from a prophetic dream and written from subsequent nights of being awakened by the Holy Spirit, to "Write what I tell you."  She has also written an accompanying Study Guide for "Moses..." and a compilation of Holy Spirit inspired poetry, "Called Unto His Presence." Alane and her husband Kerry founded and minister together through "Golden Vessels," a ministry to the elderly. Alane is also a leader in Women's Ministry at the Rock Church San Diego and has been teaching the Word of God and mentoring women since 2001. When they are not ministering, Alane and Kerry enjoy spending time with their daughters and five grandchildren, and being outdoors enjoying the beauty of God's creation.
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Prophecy is Alive in Israel ✡ "And The Squares Of The City Shall Be Crowded" - Israel365

And the squares of the city shall be crowded with boys and girls playing in the squares.
Zechariah 8:5 (The Israel Bible™)

וּרְחֹבוֹת הָעִיר יִמָּלְאוּ יְלָדִים וִילָדוֹת מְשַׂחֲקִים בִּרְחֹבֹתֶיהָ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

u'-re-KHO-bot ha-IR YEE-ma-LU ye-la-DEEM ve-ye-la-DOT me-sa-kha-KEEM BEER-kho-vot-TAY-ha

Prophecy is Alive

We know more about Zecharya (Zechariah) than we do about most other prophets. Like Ezekiel and Jeremiah, he was a priest, and his grandfather, Ido, is mentioned among the priests in Ezra and Nechemya. His contemporaries include the prophet Chagai, who began prophesying two months before him, and the high priest Yehoshua. However, his message differs from that of Chagai, whose single-minded focus was the encouragement of the Jewish people to build the Temple. To this message, Zecharya adds a religious and moral dimension. He encourages the people to repent, emphasizes that God’s rule stands in contrast to military might – “Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit” (4:6).
Witness prophecy fulfilled

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