Monday, April 11, 2011

Ahava Love Letter - "Seeds Within"

Ahava Love Letter
Seeds Within
" …His seed abides in him…” (1 John 3:9 NASB)

Dear family of friends,

Did you know that ancient seeds discovered in the past few years, which were found from centuries ago, still grow? Amazing isn't it? To know that what is seemingly “lifeless”, being over 2000 years old (some as far as back as 4000 years) later sprouted. (At the bottom of this letter are two further short articles describing these amazing occurrences.)

Do you ever wonder if the spiritual seeds planted in you, some maybe from as far back as 10, 20, even 30 years ago, will ever sprout too? That that seed, coming to you as a spiritual move of Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit), maybe when you were a young whipper snapper, will yet grow and bear fruit?

As a kid growing up, surrounded by acres and acres of corn fields, row after row near the towns in Iowa, I really never gave it much thought of the annual progress that farmers went through. But each fall, they would disc the fields of the leftover harvest, to turn over the crop remains back into the soil. Then after the winter snows came, followed by the warming of the sun, they would begin to plant the corn, beans or even sunflower seeds in the rich, “black as black can be” loam dirt.

When you hold a small kernel of corn seed in your hand, it looks and feels like just a hard, yellow shell, with a little knob at the end. And yet it contains within the very life to grow over eight feet tall, bearing many more ears, of hundreds of more seeds.

Sometimes when I ponder on this, one of the ways we can learn of the Lord God of Israel Whom we serve, He gives me thoughts of encouragement, that what He put within me will yet come to pass. In His time.

To think what a seed goes through when it is buried in that dark, black, out-of-sight tomb in the ground. It seemingly “dies”, as the dirt itself, then the spring rain, work on it. Then further penetration of the surrounding forces crack that hard seed, permitting the life form within to wrestle its green way up through the blackness to reach the yellow sun.

Those spiritual seeds within us, planted by the Lord Himself, buried as if dead, will come up. We have been given that hope. External and internal pressures, difficulties that may daily come our way, are forcing those spiritual seed shells to break. He is causing His people to be raised up, along with Him, to perform the work that those seeds, once mature, are meant to bring about.

This will bring further advancement for us. As we face the tribulations and the daily trials that certainly can wear us down at times, I believe that He is still using these actions to produce a harvest that the world has yet to behold. And the timing will be perfect, and so needed.

My prayer is that your seeds will continue to germinate. Allow the pressures all around to bring about the needed force to cause His gifts within to come forth, and touch the lives of those around us. We all need each others’ fruit, and the resulting harvest that He promised to reveal.

So be encouraged, and have a good “seed-pressured” day.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. Our 2nd annual “Ahava Adventures” service trip to Israel is set, with flights, hotels, and ground transportation in place. On the date of  Oct. 29, 2011, only ten will depart from Charlotte (or join us in Philadelphia) to spend six days/nights in Jerusalem and two days/nights on the Sea of Galilee in Tiberias (only $2495 for the entire trip!) Our Israeli friends will meet us there, as we further connect with the believers in The Land.
This isn’t your “basic tour” time. We go where not many can, or would go, for we want to be more adventurous, more supportive, and experience even more what Israel’s people and land is about in this day and age. We do see spiritually and historically important locations, but our primary focus is to bless the ones living the day to day life there. Curious enough to find out further? Contact info is below.
Can’t go yourself? Please consider sponsoring a friend, family member, or person in your church, especially of  “the next generation” age group. Trust the Lord to highly impact their lives for life, to impart to them a heart for His people that will never leave them, and give them an adventure they will never forget.  (Heh, it is tax-deductable for you too. In part or full, it doesn’t matter.)
Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider donating now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

Twitter: martinlighthous  and  LovingHisPeople   and ahavaloveletter

Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage!)  

Ahava Love Letter #22   Date: April 12, in the year of our Lord 2011    


Judean Date Palm (From Wikipedia  the free encyclopedia)

The Judean date palm is a cultivar of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera).
Prized for its beauty, shade, and medicinal properties, the cultivar was thought to have become extinct sometime around AD 150. However, in 2005, a preserved 2,000-year-old seed sprouted. It is the oldest known human-assisted germination of a seed. The palm, named Methuselah (not to be confused with Methuselah, a bristlecone pine tree), is about 1.5 m (5 ft) tall as of June 2008.

4,000-Year-Old Lentil Seed Successfully Germinates

Biblical Archaeology Review
December 23, 2009
"An ancient lentil seed dating back 4,000 years that was discovered during an archaeological excavation has successfully germinated. The Middle Bronze Age site in the western Turkish province of Kütahya provided researchers with a number of seeds from the excavation—several of which were still viable. Scientists are hoping the plant that grows from the ancient seed will produce its own seeds, which would then allow researchers to compare the ancient organic lentil seeds with their modern, genetically modified counterparts.
The seeds were discovered within a structure that archaeologists believe was an ancient silo constructed for grain storage. The discovery of such an ancient live seed is extraordinary and seems to be a result of fire damage to the container the seeds were stored in, which created an environment capable of preserving the seeds for millennia."

Almonds in Steve Martin's hands - Israel

His Seed was put in the ground and He rose from the dead.
(Photos by Steve Martin)

Vietnam Report from Morris Ruddick

                                                         Morris Ruddick

Luis Palu meeting in Vietnam

Luis Palu meeting in Vietnam

The dimension of the spirit is subtle. It was of prime focus as Jesus imparted the seemingly paradoxical contrasts the operation of the Kingdom has in this world.

Simultaneously, it incorporates an order established by God reflecting the wisdom from above. That order is foundational to the normal conduct of life for individuals, communities and societies. The constant struggle between good and evil has its resolution in this realm of the spirit.

The simplicity and timing of my return to Vietnam bears the earmark of the Spirit. Without realizing it, the dates scheduled for this trip coincided with the return of Luis Palau, whose role in bringing change to Vietnam is yielding fruit. As a naturalized American citizen, he has a great sensitivity to the subtleties of this Asian culture.

Tactical Inroads

In 2009 Mr. Palau set up a meeting of 500 pastors and Vietnamese government officials in Hanoi. He gave a simple message of believers being good citizens and honoring the authority of the government. Not that these pastors needed to be schooled in this way; but the authorities needed to see these leaders receive it and understand that the unofficial, home church movement was not a counter-revolution or threat to the government. This message had an impact and was well received by these senior officials in this nation's seat of power.

However, while it has brought about some positive inroads, persecution has continued in Vietnam. Far too many among the authorities only used the Hanoi event as an opportunity to draw "unregistered" church leaders into the open, as a ploy to shut them down. So, the progress has been something of a two-edged sword.

Current Steps

Still, Luis Palau's return has been with a goal of conducting stadium-level, evangelistic gatherings in two of the major cities. Secondarily it serves as a positive demonstration of the many Vietnamese in the home-church movement, as well as an attraction to the huge number of those who are spiritually open and hungry. The spiritual void and persecution in Vietnam has gone on for far too many years.

Conducting meetings of this type in Vietnam requires a government approved license. So it was that Luis Palau arrived last Tuesday with the first meetings scheduled in a south Saigon stadium at 7 p.m. Saturday and last evening. As of 4 p.m. Saturday afternoon the approval had not yet been given.

But in the last few days, all over that this nation, believers have been gathering in homes and the places they normally worship to fast and pray. I've been a part of participating in these times of intense group intercession and there is little I can think of to compare to it. The fervency and commitment of the house church movement understands the place of spiritual resolution.


Then shortly after 4 p.m. Saturday afternoon, the license to hold the meetings was granted. Saturday evening the first meeting was held. It lasted beyond midnight. Click on this link and enjoy the photos of this historic gathering toward the bottom of the page:

It was then, just after the first eventful meeting, when my jet-lagged body had finally fallen asleep that I experienced a night of tossing and turning gripped by a most unusual and vivid spiritual dream, which I don't often have.

The Dream

In this dream there was a control room from which everything concerning a planned event was to be released. There was great activity in and out of this control room with the purpose of alignment of all the factors tied to the event.

Next to the control room was a secondary room, designed for the event's follow-up. It was clear that the event was only the gateway; as the follow-up room held the real treasures and potentials of what could unfold.

So in the dream, finally everything for the event was aligned. Everyone was elated as the event began taking place. Those coming and going began leaving as the event was concluded and the activity subsided. Then a key individual in charge came out of the control room and went to open the door of the follow-up room. It was locked. He looked around in desperation asking "where is the key?"

My entrance into all this activity had come through a back door of this follow-up room. At the time I entered I had been handed a key to this back door. So I spoke up as I pulled the key out of my pocket. We went and unlocked the back door of the follow-up room, and people began coming for this pivotal stage of what was unfolding.

Our Part in the Big-Picture

Indeed, this dream portrays the subtlety, simplicity and order that the Lord is orchestrating in the many roles being played out, at many levels, within this nation and indeed around the globe today. Our program has significance in mobilizing and equipping the Vietnamese church as leaders of influence and "community builders."

So it is that we've entered a time when we need to be acting on the right things at the right time, in order to avoid the distractions that divert; as we enter a rhythm and precision of divine timing being released in the realm of the spirit.

My First Days

Since my arrival back among these most remarkable people a few days ago, there has been an intensity and sense of entering the Lord's strategy for this time. It goes beyond the best our human efforts could produce. Yet, it is that mix between our best and the entrance into His flow that produces that "something more."

My primary contact here is a man who has paid an enormous cost for his faith. Our time together on this trip has been far more strategic than in previous ones. Our discussions begin each day at an early breakfast and have touched on uniquely parallel insights God has given us individually, some going back more than 40 years. We've woven our way through traffic, as I blend in on back of his motor bike, as we embrace this intensity of purpose with the expectation of that "something more."

Our first workshop of three, across three cities, begins tomorrow morning. Yet since my arrival my days have already been filled with meetings, preaching at individual congregations, teaching Spirit-filled Vietnamese Catholics along with other collaborations in this tapestry being woven together by this nation's committed players; whose lives have pierced the veil with their priorities set on advancing the Kingdom. One woman from our local host ministry just returned from a northern village, where she brought 282 new converts into the Kingdom, but not before leaving having set up the structure for their discipleship.

My pastor friend and host, who has been so instrumental in arranging my God's economy program across so many regions of this nation, feels there has been nothing that has come from the West to compare with it, in its strategic importance to mobilizing the Vietnamese church and turning the tide in the spiritual realm. The timing is indeed key and it is now; as I am convinced that this nation is key to God's grand strategy for this time.

Thank you for praying AND continuing to pray!

In His love and mine,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Sunday, April 10, 2011

101 Names of Messiah

101 Names of Messiah
By Israel Today columnist Dr. Tzvi Sadan

This breakthrough book introduces the reader to the rich background and meaning behind the names of the Messiah, such as "Majestic," "Breaker-through," "Glory," "Stone," "Date Tree," and "Lebanon." Tsvi Sadan provides an unusual lens through which we are able to view one hundred and one of these names, highlighting the little-known significance of each. In ancient Israel, naming represented—and still represents to this day—a profound spiritual act, because the names given indicate hopes for, as well as the personality and character, of the name-bearer. That the Messiah is assigned various names in the Bible and other traditional Jewish sources establishes the Jewish understanding of the Messiah as being a distinct and recognizable person, in contrast to more modern approaches to the Messiah as more of a concept. Through the variety of titles bestowed upon him, we are able to form a fuller and deeper picture of him, his nature, and his office.

Accessible yet profound, this book impacts readers across the gamut. Those with no knowledge of the Hebrew language, as well as those who are comfortable with Hebrew, will receive new insights from the rich meaning of the Hebrew names.

101 Names of Messiah provides a fascinating glimpse into the person of the Messiah as presented by biblical texts as well as ancient, medieval and modern Jewish sources, taking the reader on an intriguing tour of the titles, tags, and tasks assigned to the Messiah. Get your electronic copy today

Click here to go to the website of: Jerusalem Depot - Israel Today products

Other books that might interest you

Life At The Times of Jesus
Life At The Times of Jesus
Extensively illustrated with pictures, maps and much more!

Jewish Literature Books
Jewish Literature Books
Includes the book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Talmud, and the Sayings of the Fathers.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ahava Love Letter
“Who Will Stand?”
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15 NASB)

Dear family of friends,
Before Laurie and I got married on Oct. 8, 1977, I said to her that we would never speak or consider the “D” word in our marriage. Divorce would never be an option. We would make that commitment to each other. By God’s grace upon us, there would never be an “out.” We would covenant together to make our relationship last during our time on earth. And by the Lord’s grace and sustenance, we have kept that promise to each other these past 33 years (and counting!)
In 2006, while on my fifth trip to Israel (thanks to Hannele Pardain, Executive Director of “CFI-USA, Christian Friends of Israel”) the Lord had me again visit my Ben Yehuda Street gift shop owner/friend, Avraham Saiden. I had met Avraham the year before, and after helping him make a phone call back to the USA, he made me his “instant” friend. We continue that friendship to this day.
While in one of his two stores, Dan and David, I was looking at men’s rings, with the help of his son, David. I am not sure why I was. I had never worn a ring, other than my wedding ring. (I couldn’t afford my high school graduation ring, which was OK, being I still am not much on personal jewelry for myself.) But I sensed Holy Spirit speaking to me about getting a ring. With the Star of David on it. So I obeyed.
When I got home, I put the ring on my bedroom dresser, laying it among all the other “souvenirs” I had collected. Looked real nice sitting there.
I don’t remember the exact time (senior moment probably) when it happened, but the Lord later told me to put it on. I said, “What?!” He said, “You are now married to Israel.” I said, “What?!” again. “I am already married. I can’t have two wives!” He didn’t respond further. I knew what that meant. (Sometimes you don’t have to be told twice. Or at least we shouldn’t have to be told twice.)
So…I put the ring on. From that point on, my commitment to stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people has continually increased. I am committed.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This verse is found in a few locations around our house now, in prominent places. It is a verse Laurie and I are committed to walk in.
Standing up for Israel will take even more commitment in the days ahead. It is not a popular stand to have. It will cost everything, if we choose to do so.
Each of us will have to make that choice, as part of God’s eternal plan, for each person and nation on earth. Will we stand for His purposes and His people, or will we back down in self-protection and fear?
Who will stand with us? Who will stand with the Jews? Who will stand with the Lord, Who chose them?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15) We will stand.
Ahava to you my family of friends,
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. Our 2nd annual “Ahava Adventures” service trip to Israel is set, with flights, hotels, and ground transportation in place. On the date of  Oct. 29, 2011, only ten will depart from Charlotte (or join us in Philadelphia) to spend six days/nights in Jerusalem and two days/nights on the Sea of Galilee in Tiberias (only $2495 for the entire trip!) Our Israeli friends will meet us there, as we further connect with the believers in The Land.
This isn’t your “basic tour” time. We go where not many can, or would go, for we want to be more adventurous, more supportive, and experience even more what Israel’s people and land is about in this day and age. We do see spiritually and historically important locations, but our primary focus is to bless the ones living the day to day life there. Curious enough to find out further? Contact info is below.
Can’t go yourself? Please consider sponsoring a friend, family member, or person in your church, especially of  “the next generation” age group. Trust the Lord to highly impact their lives for life, to impart to them a heart for His people that will never leave them, and give them an adventure they will never forget.  (Heh, it is tax-deductable for you too. In part or full, it doesn’t matter.)
P.S.S. Beit Tikvah – Passover Seder on Good Friday, April 22, 2011 at Antioch International Church, Fort Mill, SC!
Special Note: March of Remembrance – May 1, 2011 – all around the world. China Grove in the Charlotte, NC area. Come join us and many others. Show your support for Israel and the Jewish people.

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider donating now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      E-mail:
 Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       Twitter: martinlighthous  and  LovingHisPeople  
Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage!)  

Ahava Love Letter #21   Date: April 5, in the year of our Lord 2011    

Steve Martin's hand with Star of David ring
- on the mezzuzah at the entrance to the City of David, Jerusalem, Israel.

Prophetic Ministry - a real need in our lives for these days.

From India To Vietnam, with the Jewish Culture

The Context
With a full schedule of workshops planned, we will be extending our program into new VN regions. Something new and something more seems to be the theme burning in my heart that bears not only on what I've just returned from doing in India, but for what lies ahead in Vietnam.

The charge to understand the times and know what to do has long been foundational to the various dimensions of my calling: from intercession to writing; to both the mobilization of the top-down Joseph-Daniel calling and the equipping of the bottom-up community-builders. Likewise, the significance of the Jewish roots to our faith has been key to this equation driving my calling.  Another crucial piece of this mosaic has been to reach out to bring transformation to "the least of these our brethren."

An Emerging Strategy for Something More
In the early days of the God's economy program, a time of prayer gave me a glimpse of what I discerned as a strategy of the Lord that would mobilize an overlap of segments between the persecuted church, the oppressed church and the Messianic Jewish community. It seemed to carry the mark of God's hand of simplicity, order and the extraordinary, to spark societal transformation in a time of turmoil.

With these thoughts in mind, there were times during our India quest when spiritually I experienced a sense of almost being overwhelmed, without fully grasping more than the surface-level of what we were walking out. Yet, there seemed an unsuspected dimension being unveiled as we proceeded, of an awareness of the enormous Messianic potential hiding under the ashes left by the inquisition.

There clearly is something more to what I'm walking out. I've come to realize through the three years we've worked in Vietnam, how through simplicity and obedience, that God exceeds our wildest expectations. The God's economy program that was birthed after a heart-cry prayer from my exposure to a group of impoverished Ethiopian believers in 1999 has been the catalyst of a simple, but growing, grass-roots movement within the persecuted church in Vietnam. Despite this significance, the witness of the Spirit is of there still being "something more."

Reaching Beyond the Obvious

Deuteronomy tells us that "the secret (or hidden) things belong to the Lord, but those that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever." Reaching beyond the obvious to understand the times and know what to do places us in the dimension of the generational.

Historically, the 4000 years that the Jewish people have outlived the civilizations they have been a part of is a reflection of how the Jewish community has wielded what has become an historic and remains the prophetic mantle that God gave to Abraham that "through you all the nations of the earth will be blessed." 

In short, the Jewish people have consistently operated as "a culture within a culture;" becoming an entrepreneurial middle class in societies without one and serving an integral role of proactive influence in seats of power, especially economically and governmentally, in furthering the positive aims of their host cultures.
"Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare."  Jeremiah 29:7

The Something New to the Something More

The God's economy program conforms to this biblical standard and strategy. It begins by making God's people the head and not the tail. It then develops proactive "community builders" who provide practical hope to their community in challenging times. Its mandate coincides to the Jewish strategy of operating as a "culture within a culture," by exercising the charge to Abraham "to be blessed to be a blessing."

Yet the time in India has left me with the brand-mark of there being something more, not only in what we're doing in India, but in Vietnam and beyond.

Could it be possible that the unveiling of the hidden will point to something more in terms of the Jewish roots of our faith? Could it be that the strategy of "a culture within a culture" may bear on this whole issue of transformation at a time when many around the world are losing hope and seeking answers that bears on a people who demonstrate the reality of God in some very practical ways, as the Jewish people have done over the generations.

I seem to have more questions than I have answers as I proceed, but I know that the Lord has been guiding and providing the tools and strategies with which to help those we serve "to be blessed to be a blessing." 

Jesus said, "That which is covered will be revealed and that which is hidden will be made known." There's a key that unlocks the hidden and the bondages that have immobilized generations. Indeed, we walk by faith and not by sight as we move toward "something new and something more."

So, despite the already tangible results from these ventures to this point, there seems to be an unveiling, pointing to the overlapping role of segments between the persecuted church, the oppressed church and the Messianic Jewish community. Something beyond the obvious is in motion with these agendas. Something new and something more;  something that is clearly beyond me;  "something beyond" that is being orchestrated by the Spirit of the Lord.

I can't begin to tell you how much your prayers mean as I head out; and how much I'm depending on them as I impart, equip, mobilize -- and continue this amazing unfolding venture of discovery.

In His love and mine,

Morris Ruddick

Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt ministry

Global Initiative Foundation | PO Box 370291 | Denver | CO | 80237

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Prayers of Yeshua

I heard someone once say, with understandable regret, that with only three exceptions, we have no record of Yeshua’s prayers.  In actual fact, this is not entirely true, as I’ll explain a little later in this article.  But first, let’s look at the three prayers that are recorded.
The first prayer is, of course, The Lord’s Prayer – recorded in Matthew 6:9 and Luke 11:2.  This is a fascinating prayer, because in this prayer, Yeshua seems to be making reference to a host of Scriptures found throughout the entire Tanak (the Old Testament).  Let’s take a look at some of them.
“Our Father, Who art in Heaven…”  The Fatherhood of God can be found in many places, such as Psalm 68:4-5; Psalm 89:24; and Isaiah 9:6.  That God dwells in Heaven is abundant throughout Scripture, such as Genesis 24:7; Joshua 2:11; 2 Chronicles 6:14; and Psalm 136:26.
“Hollowed be Thy Name…”  The Tanak is replete with references that the Name of God is Holy and to be treated with reverence and sanctity.  Examples such as Exodus 20:7; Leviticus 22:32; Psalm 103:1; Ezekiel 39:7 can be found throughout Scripture.  To this day, an observant Jewish person will neither pronounce the Name of God, nor even write it.  To the Jewish person God is referred to most commonly as Adonai (Lord) or HaShem (The Name), and when writing His Name, the vowel is left out rendering the written form as L-rd or G-d.
“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven…”  The Kingship of God and the endurance and domain of His Kingdom is also a major reoccurring theme throughout the Old Testament (Tanak) Scriptures.  Yeshua was undoubtedly referencing such passages as Psalm 22:28; Psalm 103:19; and Daniel 7:18, to name only three.
“Give us this day our daily bread…”  The uncompromised belief that all of humanity’s material blessings are gifts from God is a central foundation of the Jewish faith.  Here Yeshua underscores the fact that the Father is the Source of everything we have, from the provision of “manna in the wilderness” (Exodus 16:15-33) to the ongoing recognition that God is the giver of all things (Deuteronomy 8:18; Isaiah 42:5; and Job 33:4).
“And forgive us our sins, as we forgive everyone who sins against us…”  Yeshua here emphasizes the Biblical Principle of Reciprocity which is stated in Malachi 3:10 and Proverbs 3:9-10, and which He Himself expands in Luke 6:37 and Matthew 7:1.
“Do not lead us into temptation…”  Here Yeshua may be referencing Psalm 5:4 which states that “Thou art a God that has no pleasure in wickedness, neither shall evil dwell with Thee.”  And the Holy Spirit, speaking through the Apostle James puts it even more forcefully when he writes, “…God cannot be tempted with evil, neither does He tempt anyone.”  (James 1:13)
“But deliver us from the Evil One…” And finally, Yeshua quotes Psalm 140:1, “Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil one; preserve me from the violent one.”

The second of Yeshua’s prayers that have been preserved for us is found in John’s gospel, chapter 17.  In this passage of Scripture Yeshua is praying that God will glorify Him through the work that He has accomplished, and also through the work yet to be accomplished by His followers.  He then asks the Father to preserve and protect His followers in the world.  He asks that the glory He shares with the Father will likewise be shared with us, who believe in Him.  Finally He prays that the love that exists between Himself and the Father will be manifest within us, His Church, as we walk with Him in unity with each other.  It’s a powerful and humbling prayer!
The third prayer is Yeshua’s supplication in the Garden of Gethsemane on the eve of His crucifixion.  Gethsemane is Hebrew for olive oil press, and that night in the garden, Yeshua’s very spirit and soul were being pressed to the maximum.  “Father, if it be Thy will, remove this cup from me; nevertheless, not My will but Thine be done.”  (Luke 22:40).

But are these the only prayers of Yeshua that we know about?  Actually, the answer is “No”.  I believe that there are at least five or six other prayers that we can know conclusively were prayed by Yeshua.  Moreover, in these additional prayers that are mentioned, we can confidently know their exact words!  Where are these prayers and what did Yeshua say?
In Matthew’s gospel, the apostle wrote about several additional events in which Yeshua prayed.  In chapter fifteen he writes, “And He [Yeshua] took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks…”  (Matthew 15:36).  Likewise, in chapter 26 Matthew records this event at the Last Supper Passover meal, “And as they were eating Yeshua took bread and blessed it…” (Matthew 26:26).  In both of these instances we can know exactly what Yeshua said, even though His words are not recorded.  Indeed, every Jewish person reading Matthew’s account during the first few centuries of the Church would have known what words He spoke.  This is because the blessing of the bread has been a standard Jewish prayer from time immemorial.  Visualize those moments with me.  Yeshua would have covered His head with His tallit (prayer shawl), as was the custom in the first century and remains the Jewish custom today.  He then would have lifted the bread toward heaven and said aloud these words, “Baruk atah Adonai Eloheynu, melek haOlam, Ha’motzi lechem meen haEretz.”  (Blessed are You, O LORD our God, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.)
In the first instance recorded above, when Yeshua gives thanks for the bread and the fish, Matthew’s record suggests that He gave thanks only once.  However, it’s more likely that Yeshua actually offered two prayers – one for the bread and a second blessing for the fish.  If, indeed, that is the case, then His second prayer would have been, “Baruk atah Adonai Eloheynu, melek haOlam, she-ha-kol ni-he-yah bid-va-ro.”  (Blessed are You O LORD our God, King of the Universe, Who brings about all things by His Word.)
The Apostle Mark records another poignant event in which Yeshua prayed.  He writes, “And they brought young children to Him that He should touch them…and He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them and blessed them.” (Mark 10:13-16).  To this day, as part of the Shabbat (Sabbath) ritual every Friday night, the Jewish father will lay his hands upon his sons and say, “Ye-sim-khah Elohim ki-ef-rayim v’ki-me-na-shah.”  (May God make you like Ephraim and Manassah.)  Likewise, he will lay his hands upon his daughters’ heads and say, “Ye-sim-khah Elohim ki-sarah v’riv-khah v’ra-khel v’le-ah.”  (May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah.)  There is no question in my mind that Yeshua would have blessed the children with these very same blessings that are still said today.
Also, at the Last Supper Passover meal it is recorded “And He took the cup and gave thanks…”  (Matthew 26:27)  Here again, we know for certain Yeshua’s exact words -- “Baruk atah Adonai Eloheynu, melek haOlam,bo-ray pre-ha-gafin.” (Blessed are You O LORD our God, King of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of the vine.)
And finally, we come to Yeshua’s last blessing upon His disciples before He ascended into Heaven.  The physician Luke records the event with these words, “When He had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany He [Yeshua] raised up His hands and blessed them.”  Once again, by this simple description, we can know Yeshua’s exact words and how He performed the blessing.  He blessed them with what is called today the “Aaronic Blessing”.  This blessing is also called “The Raising of the Hands” and is performed in a very specific way.  One’s head is covered with the tallit, as mentioned before.  The hands are raised so that the thumbs are touching; the index and middle finger are held together; and the ring finger and little finger are likewise held together, like this –
Yeshua raised His hands and said, “Y’varekh’kha Adonai v’yish-merekah.  Ya’er Adonai panav eleikha vich-u’nekka.  Yissa Adonai panav eleikha v’ya’sem l’kha shalom.”  (May the LORD bless you and keep you.  May the LORD make His face shine to upon you and be gracious unto you.  May the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”)

Jewish tradition requires that we bless the LORD for each detail of our daily lives.  What a delight to know that in these Hebrew prayers, we are repeating the exact same words to the Father that Messiah Yeshua did so long ago.  In these Hebrew blessings we, like Yeshua, vocalize our gratitude to God for His daily provision and care.
Baruk HaShem (Blessed be The Name)

Bill Duerfeldt, North Carolina

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

israel today | UN to Israel: Surrender! - israel today

israel today UN to Israel: Surrender! - israel today

Japanese View of the Palestinians

Japanese View of the Palestinians'
Couldn't have said it better.
One Picture = 1,000 Words

Is the world just plain stupid? An interesting questionnaire for Palestinian Advocates, by Yashiko Sagamori

If you are so sure "Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history," I expect you to be able to answer a basic questions about that country of Palestine
1. When was it founded and by whom?
2. What were its borders?
3. What was its capital?
4. What were its major cities?
5. What constituted the basis of its economy?
6. What was its form of government?
7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
8. Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?
9. What was the language of the country of Palestine ?
10. What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?
11. What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese Yuan on that date.
12. And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?

You are lamenting the "low sinking" of a "once proud" nation. Please tell me, when exactly was that "nation" proud and what was it so proud of?

Here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people that are mistakenly called"Palestinians" are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over -- or throw outs of -- the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War?

The truth: these people are Illegal squatters on the land in the Country of Israel.

(Added note: The Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish nation of Israel, as promised over 4000 years ago by the Living God of Israel. He shall regin forevermore! And we will stand with them.) Steve Martin, Founder/President, Love For His People Charlotte, NC

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Mahdi: Why Iran is Seeking Global Destruction

The Mahdi: Why Iran is Seeking Global Destruction

Inside Iran: Signs of the Apocalypse

Inside Iran: Signs of the Apocalypse

Ephraim Shaul & the Orphans in Liberia - March 28, 2011 Update

March 28, 2011
Liberia, West Africa

Hello family of the Most High,

I bless the Most High God who has made us to be counted among the living at this time.
I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to all those that contributed towards our trip to Liberia from Ghana at the beginning of March. With the unrest in the refugee camp that had developed, we needed to flee quickly. Many of our friends are still back in Ghana.

 I'm very grateful to all of you.  Since we arrived here in Liberia we been facing problem with accommodations. We're sleeping outside at the bus parking station. The owner of the place has given notice that he will put us out this week, which is Friday, April 1.

I'm kindly appealing to you all to please do your possible best to help us with the amount of $3,500 for the renovation of the three bed rooms apartment which one lady gave to us to use. We don't know any body here in Liberia and we don't know what will become of us if we're kicked out of station.

Liberia is a country that  is going through war and there are lot of criminal activities going on here every day and night.

We pray that the Lord will speak to you to help us. You can do so through "Love For His People, Inc.", (a 501 (c)3 ministry in the USA, founded by Steve Martin. Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt. Please use this secure, online "Giving" link. ( "Give now through Love for His People, Inc.") This organization has been helping us here since the summer of 2010.  And we pray that you will help us through them.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for your understanding.

May the Most High bless you all.
Ahava and Shalom,

Ephraim Shaul and the kids

                                Location of Liberia in the bottom west coast of Africa (in yellow.)

Map of Liberia

Ephraim with orphans last fall, before they left Ghana.

Ephraim (hands raised) in the Shabbat morning service, while yet in Ghana.

On-line Giving through secure website: Support Ephraim & the orphans

Gifts can also be sent through the mail to:
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 470035
Charlotte, NC 28247

(All gifts are tax deductible. USA Fed. ID #27-1633858)

Fear Not Little Flock - Ahava Love letter

   Ahava Love Letter
“Fear Not Little Flock”
"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32 NASB)

Dear family of friends,
Growing up in Iowa, one of my summer joys was to spend a week or so at my cousins’ farm near Hazelton, Iowa. Pulling blood suckers off our feet from the shallow creek; chasing the scared chickens around the yard; throwing corn cobs at the lazy huge hogs lying in the thick, gooey mud… You know, just a few things young whipper snappers do for fun in the hot sweltering sun.
Shearing the sheep was an annual event too. I tried to avoid that particular task, for it was not easy. My Uncle Roger and cousin Jim did it. Aunt Marilyn was always involved for sure too! Being quite the farmer’s wife that she was, she did as much as the guys did, and then even took care of the ongoing household jobs. I admired her very much. (She sent me a birthday card every year too!)
Sheep are a rare breed. They come in several colors of white, grey and black, and wool varieties. I am certainly not an expert on raising them, but did observe some things in those youthful days now gone by.
They tend to be very frisky, timid and jittery. A watchful shepherd is usually nearby, looking out for invaders, varmints above and below the ground, and caring for their daily needs. If you want a good “product” for the market, with valuable wool and meat, you best care for them as required. You don’t raise sheep just as a pet.
I tend to think that the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) had a very good reason why He told stories about sheep. He knows humans can very much act like them. We need continual care, proper nourishment and a faithful leader at all times. He knows our very being, for He is, of course, the Creator of all, and most especially of us.
So when He tells us to be not afraid “little flock”, I find comfort in that very fact. He is the one taking care of us. My trust is not in the USA government, the military, or another institution of mankind’s making. My foundational trust is, and will continue to be, in Him, the One who created me and you.
Assurance comes when we daily realize and apply in our lives His proven words of protection, guidance, and provision. That they are ours to hear and walk in. Did He not say that He is the Good Shepherd? Did He not say that He is the One who knows what is going on all around us, as the shaking increases? Yes He did. That settles it in my heart. May it be settled in yours.
Fear not little flock. It is a true statement. Jesus (Yeshua) is the One to believe in for today, and when tomorrow comes. In fact, for all eternity. Just do it, heh?
Ahava to you my family of friends,
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. Our 2nd annual “Ahava Adventures” service trip to Israel is set, with flights, hotels, and ground transportation in place. On the date of  Oct. 29, 2011, only ten will depart from Charlotte (or join us in Philadelphia) to spend six days/nights in Jerusalem and two days/nights on the Sea of Galilee in Tiberias (only $2495 for the entire trip!) Our Israeli friends will meet us there, as we further connect with the believers in The Land.
This isn’t your “basic tour” time. We go where not many can, or would go, for we want to be more adventurous, more supportive, and experience even more what Israel’s people and land is about in this day and age. We do see spiritually and historically important locations, but our primary focus is to bless the ones living the day to day life there. Curious enough to find out further? Contact info is below.
Can’t go yourself? Please consider sponsoring a friend, family member, or person in your church, especially of  “the next generation” age group. Trust the Lord to highly impact their lives for life, to impart to them a heart for His people that will never leave them, and give them an adventure they will never forget.  (Heh, it is tax-deductable for you too. In part or full, it doesn’t matter.)
P.S.S. Beit Tikvah – Passover Seder on Good Friday, April 22, 2011 at Antioch International Church, Fort Mill, SC!

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider donating now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      E-mail:
 Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       Twitter: martinlighthous  and  LovingHisPeople  
Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage!)  

Ahava Love Letter #20   Date: March 29, in the year of our Lord 2011    

Friday, March 25, 2011

Small Nation, and yet...

Israel is a country surrounded on all sides by enemies, but the people's headaches are caused by the neighbors upstairs.

Israel is the only country in the world where the coffee is already so good that Starbucks went bankrupt trying to break into the local market.

Israel is one of the few places in the world where the sun sets into the Mediterranean Sea.

Israel is the only country in the world whose soldiers eat three sets of salads a day, none of
which contain any lettuce (which is not really a food), and where olives ARE a food and even a main course in a meal, rather than something one tosses into a martini.

Israel is the only country in the world where one is unlikely to dig a cellar without hitting ancient archaeological artifacts.

Israel is the only country in the world where the leading writers in the country take buses.

Israel is the only country in the world where the graffiti is in Hebrew.

Israel is the only country in the world that has a National Book Week, during which almost everyone attends a book fair and buys books.

Israel is a country where the same drivers who cuss you and flip you the bird will immediately pull over and offer you all forms of help if you look like you need it.

Israel is the only country in the world with bus drivers and taxi drivers who read Spinoza and Maimonides.

Israel is the only country in the world where no one cares what rules say when an important goal can be achieved by bending them.

Israel is the only country in the world where reservists are bossed around and commanded by officers, male and female, younger than their own children.

Israel is the only country in the world where "small talk" consists of loud, angry debate over politics and religion.

Israel is the only country in the world where the ultra-Orthodox Jews beat up the police and not the other way around.

Israel is the only country in the world where inviting someone "out for a drink" means drinking cola, coffee or tea.

Israel is the only country in the world where bank robbers kiss the mezuzah as they leave with their loot.

Israel is one of the few countries in the world that truly likes and admires the United States.

Israel is the only country in the world that introduces applications of high-tech gadgets and devices, such as printers in banks that print out your statement on demand, years ahead of the United States and decades ahead of Europe .

Israel is the only country in the world where everyone on a flight gets to know one another before the plane lands. In many cases, they also get to know the pilot and all about his health or marital problems.

Israel is the only country in the world where no one has a foreign accent because everyone has a foreign accent.

Israel is the only country in the world where people cuss using dirty words in Russian or Arabic because Hebrew has never developed them.

Israel is the only country in the world where patients visiting physicians end up giving the doctor advice.

Israel is the only country in the world where everyone strikes up conversations while waiting in lines.

Israel is the only country in the world where people call an attaché case a "James Bond" and the "@" sign is called a "strudel".

Israel is the only country in the world where there is the most mysterious and mystical calm ambiance in the streets on Yom Kippur, which cannot be explained unless you have experienced it.

Sunsets in Jerusalem are gorgeous every evening, regardless of the season.

Israel is the only country in the world where people read English, write Hebrew, and joke in Yiddish.

"I Believe There is More" - Don Moen

Israel Peace Week & Free Speech at Boston University

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem