Thursday, July 17, 2014

7 'Reasons' We Don’t Empower Women Leaders - J. LEE GRADY

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady

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Why doesn't the church empower more women?
Why doesn't the church empower more women? (iStock photo)
This week the Church of England overturned centuries of tradition by voting to allow women as bishops. Anglicans already approved women priests 20 years ago, but on Monday they opened the door for women to serve in the highest office in the church.
Reaction to the landmark decision was mixed. Government leaders in England applauded the move. Others vowed to fight it. And some observers scratched their heads, wondering why it took this long. After all, Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady, served as Prime Minister for almost 12 years, and Queen Elizabeth has been on the British throne since 1952.
Here in the United States, the issue of women in leadership is a hot potato. Many conservative denominations bar women from top positions, citing a biblical mandate that men must always be in charge. Meanwhile, Pentecostal and charismatic groups, while biblically conservative, allow women to function as top leaders—yet their policies are reflected more often on paper than in actual practice.
Many Spirit-filled women still feel resistance if they volunteer to lead anything other than a women's Bible study. Why is this? During the 14 years that I have been a vocal proponent of women in ministry, I have observed these key reasons why conservative evangelicals tend to limit women in the church:
1. We misunderstand Scripture. Conservatives who bar women from leadership typically cite 1 Timothy 2:12 or 1 Corinthians 14:34 ("women are to keep silent in the churches"), and yet they ignore verses affirming women's spiritual gifts. Deborah, who served as senior leader of ancient Israel, is ignored, and New Testament women leaders such as Priscilla, Phoebe, Euodia, Syntyche, Junia or the daughters of Philip are dismissed. We also conveniently forget that Peter announced on the day of Pentecost: "Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy" (Acts 2:17b). Scripture actually calls certain women to leadership rather than banning them from it.
2. We are bound by religious tradition. Martin Luther was a prophetic voice to the church when he exposed religious corruption and heresy. Yet he was still so bound by his own 16th century bias against women that he believed God created females only for the purpose of childbirth. Many conservative Christians still hold antiquated ideas about female inferiority. This explains why so many churches didn't allow women to wear pants or makeup a decade ago, and why women today are still expected to serve only as cooks or babysitters in some denominations.
3. We don't give the Holy Spirit full control. Paul the apostle wrote: "There is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28b). He understood the amazing equality of the Holy Spirit, who gives spiritual gifts to "each one" (1 Cor. 12:11)—not according to gender, class or race but simply according to God's choice. Scripture teaches that God chooses whom He wills; He does not qualify based on human criteria. This means we must affirm the valid gifts and callings of our sisters. If God calls an Esther to lead, we should not hide the scepter from her.
4. We are afraid of "feminizing" the church. Some insecure Christian guys have complained that there are already too many women making decisions in the church. One author even demanded that flowers be removed from church altars because they are feminine! My response: The same God who created deer antlers and buckskin also made carnations and orchids. Genesis 1:26-28 says God created male and female in His image. Only when we have men and women functioning in their full capacity in the church will we see His image fully manifested. It's silly to try to rid the church of women's influence when God appointed both fathers and mothers to run a family. It took Abraham and Sarah to give birth to Israel; God wants both genders involved in His work.
5. We associate women leaders with a liberal agenda. In the United States many of the women who hold political office do not reflect Christian moral values. For this reason some people automatically associate women preachers or pastors with a radical feminist agenda. This is unfair. In America's past, some of the greatest leaders of social change were women who held Christian beliefs—brave women like Harriet Tubman, Phoebe Palmer and Sojourner Truth—and they would have never advocated abortion or same-sex marriage. We need an army of women leaders who will speak as prophets on the national stage.
6. We don't see enough positive examples of female leadership. In the early Pentecostal movement it was not uncommon to see women preachers traveling across our nation planting churches and conducting evangelistic campaigns in roadside tents. Women preachers including Aimee Semple MacPherson, Carrie Judd Montgomery and Myrtle Beall made a huge spiritual impact on their generation. Today, while there are significant numbers of women pastors and missionaries in the Assemblies of God and other Pentecostal groups, the most prominent Christian women featured in mainstream media tend to stay in their place. They are incredibly gifted, but they are viewed as Bible teachers to women only.
7. Some Christians hate women. It's sad but true. Misogyny is alive and well, and sometimes it is even preached from pulpits. In one prominent evangelical church in a Central American country, the pastor often jokes about women and seems to trivialize adultery. It's no wonder domestic violence thrives in that country. Until some brave men have the guts to challenge the sexism of the good ol' boy network, abuse will remain a problem among Christians. (I am not saying that there aren't women who hate men, or that men are never abused—but statistics show the majority of abuse cases involve women victims.)
Why am I so passionate about women in ministry? When our spiritual enemies are attacking and the hour is late, both Deborah and Barak are needed on the battlefield. This is an issue that is on the Lord's heart. I pray we will affirm and celebrate all women who sense a call from God to lead.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. His next book, The Truth Sets Women Free, will be published in September.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Bob Hartley: God Is Calling Forth the USA as the Good Samaritan Nation

Bob Hartley:
The Elijah List

Bob Hartley
God's Heart For the United States of America

Have you ever wondered what God has called the USA to be? I want to share with you the prophetic name the Lord has spoken to me this last 4th of July about the United States of America –"The Good Samaritan Nation," and the great hope He has in His heart for the USA. Despite our national problems, God has slated us for Hope Reformation.

God Is Calling Forth the USA as the Good Samaritan Nation

Jesus' outreach and ministry to Samaria is very instructive to us...especially in light of this revelation about how our Heavenly Father views the role of the USA in His purposes as "The Good Samaritan Nation." In Luke 9, the Samaritans, who had the serious spiritual problem of mixing the Jewish faith with false religious notions, wanted Jesus to leave their region. Jesus' disciples were terribly offended for His sake:

"When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, 'Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from Heaven and consume them?' But He turned and rebuked them, and said, 'You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.' And they went on to another village" (Luke 9:54-56 NASB).

However, even after being initially rejected by the Samaritans, in the very next chapter, Jesus uses them as a surprising symbol of God's kindness in sharing the Parable of the Good Samaritan (see Luke 10:25-37).(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Later on, in the Book of Acts, the whole region of Samaria responds to Jesus. 

God is calling the USA to show forth His kind and benevolent heart to other nations, and many will respond to the Lord of Reformation.

God is calling us as a nation to get ready to go to these nations and reap a harvest.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

God's Hopeful View of Cities and Nations

Jesus is not commissioning His followers to call fire down in angry judgment upon the USA when He has actually slated a second reformation of hope for our nation and many others places. The Lord spoke a new name to me over certain locations as well: "God as King" China, "Faithful" France, "Zealous" Zimbabwe; as well as cities, such as "Caring" Kansas City, "Affectionate" Atlanta, and "Beautiful Redeemed" Redding.

Remember that there was a whole village in Samaria that believed in Jesus through the testimony of the woman at the well (see John 4:39-42). It was also the Samaritans that received the Gospel and a great move of the Holy Spirit under the ministries of Philip, Peter, and John in Acts 8:9-25. (Photo via Flickr)

No, our nation is not beyond the reach of God's good purposes. And, we will be surprised at some of the unlikely hope reformers that He will redeem and raise up as catalysts for this next great move of God(see Acts 3:19-21 and Isaiah 60).

God is anointing us to arise and re-present Jesus to many who unknowingly long for Him. Our nation...and all the our day will receive the best chance they have ever had in world history to believe in the reality of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 66:8 asks, "Can a nation be saved in a day?" The answer is "Yes!" And the Lord is saying to us now:

"Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days – you would not believe if you were told" (Habakkuk 1:5).

Bob Hartley
Deeper Waters Ministry

Bob Hartley is the founder of Hartley Institute/Deeper Waters Ministry in Kansas City, Missouri. Bob served as a pastor at Metro Christian Fellowship with Mike Bickle before entering the marketplace in 1983, with a vision to see the marketplace redeemed and cities established that value and love the person of Jesus. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Hartley Group, a "Hope Center" for the marketplace, consisting of Hartley's Executive Cleaning, Swift Chemicals & Supply, Prize Properties, and H&H Management in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Bob is a frequent speaker to youth, churches, businesses, and national leaders throughout America and the world. His quest has been to bring the Kingdom of God into every arena of life and give spiritual tools and equipping to those seeking to know and love God in the midst of their everyday lives. Currently, Bob resides in Kansas City with his wife and four children.

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Canada Unequivocally Backs Israel, Urges Others To Do So

Canada Unequivocally Backs Israel, Urges Others To Do So

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Given his behavior over the past several years vis-a-vis the Middle East conflict, it will come as little surprise that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been the most clear and unwavering among world leaders in his support for Israel as it combats the Gaza rocket threat.
“The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification,” Harper said in a statement issued this week. “It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.”
Whitewashing Hamas or drawing moral equivalence between it and the Jewish state will only prolong the conflict, Harper warned fellow world leaders.
“Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions,” he insisted, concluding with an open call for Canada’s “allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.”
A day earlier, Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird slammed Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, for blaming Israel for the civilians deaths in Gaza and for demanding ceasefire terms that would leave Hamas and its offensive abilities intact.
Baird said that Pillay’s remarks were “neither helpful nor reflective of the reality of this crisis.” In particular, Baird took issue with Pillay drawing moral equivalence between a democratic state that is taking extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties and a recognized terrorist organization.
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Jerusalem Neighborhood Explodes After Christians Leave

Jerusalem Neighborhood Explodes After Christians Leave

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  Israel Today
The Jerusalem suburb of Shuafat was this month the scene of some of the worst street violence the city has experienced in decades. And wouldn’t you know it, the situation exploded just 24 hours after the neighborhood’s only significant Christian presence was forced to leave.
The situation in Shuafat became violent two weeks ago after Jewish extremists kidnapped and murdered a young local Arab boy in retaliation for the earlier abduction and killing of three Israeli youths.
Arab youth in Shuafat and many other neighborhoods took to the streets in a spirit of vengeance.
This war-like scenario erupted less than a day after Calvary Church was forced to relocate from Shuafat, Pastor Steven Khoury told Israel Today. “It hasn’t been the same since then,” he added.
Calvary Church is the local congregation of Khoury’s Holy Land Missions, a ministry dedicated to bringing Palestinian Arabs to genuine faith in Yeshua.
We reported last year that in addition to facing regular arson attacks, Calvary Church was operating out of temporary facilities, and landlords were becoming increasingly hesitant to rent to these Christians.
Earlier this month, these pressures came to a head, and, as Khoury explains in the following video, his congregants had to remove everything from the premises and move elsewhere.
The timing couldn’t have been worse.
In the following video, Khoury is explaining the move and the sudden eruption of violence when he is approached by a young Arab who demands to know who he is. Khoury cautiously and compassionately feels the boy out, informing him that Khoury is a Christian and “comes with a message of forgiveness.”
The Arab youth is having none of it. “There is no forgiveness [for the Jews],” he insists.
It is clear that Shuafat, even more so than most places in this land, is in desperate need of a strong Christian presence. Khoury remains hopeful that his congregation will be able to return in the future.
Watch the video:

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Chuck D. Pierce: A Time to Choose Your Wars Carefully!

Chuck D. Pierce:
The Elijah List

Chuck D. PierceDear Warring Saints:

In Corinth, TX we have three flagpoles in front of the Center. At the Center, 200+ are meeting at 5:15AM each morning and praying into the next move God. There is a Movement that has begun. We just moved the "Appeal to Heaven Flag" to the Miracle Birthing Center where we are praying.  

With Israel in crisis during this time, we raised the Israel Flag. In the last two weeks, I have had this thought in the midst of a changing war season: "You must establish the appropriate standards that represent the warfare you are encountering." 

"But God's equipment was that of no ordinary warrior: He strapped on righteousness as His breastplate, put on the helmet of salvation...passion as a cloak, GOD PREPARED FOR WAR! When the enemy comes in...He will come on like a torrential flood driven by the Eternal's winds...His standard will rescue those of Jacob's holy line. The Redeemer will come to make Zion right again." (paraphrased from Isaiah 59:16-21 in The Voice).

War is arising in the land. This is a Kingdom war.

I can't say that writing is my favorite pastime. However, I know when the Lord wants me to communicate with those connected and pressing forward in this ministry. I have written several books through the years. As a matter of fact, over 75% of the books that I have written have been related to understanding personal, corporate, territorial, worship, and generational wars in the Kingdom of God.

God's Unfolding Battle Plan has been a prophetic war manual foretelling the wars of God's people in the Kingdom. In fact, I am presently working on three books right now: The Apostolic Church Arising: The Triumphant Reserve's Call to Gather, The Watchman's Call to See and Decree, and A Time to War: The Next Season of Covenant Contending. This third book will help us understand the conflicts through 2026. Thinking about this book, along with the scenario going on in Israel, has compelled me to write you.

I have been asked the question of "WHY?"

"Why do you write about the warfare that the Body is called to enter? Why does war have to become part of our future thought process? 

Some have even said, "I would rather not know the war ahead. I want to live a peaceful life as long as I am on earth."

My answer is usually the same: "I want to live a peaceful life also, but in reality there is conflict; this conflict is accelerating, and the Lord says to be more shrewd than our enemy. He also says that He does nothing without first telling His prophets. Therefore, not knowing is not reality. Reality is linked with true worship in spirit and truth. I would rather live in the reality of His Presence than in denial."

Thus, understanding the reality of the war around you is important as to whether you triumph or experience defeat.  

We have Now Entered a New Reality of Warfare!

via pixabay.comThe Heavens, as well as the Earth, are now in a new dimension of conflict. Nations are in conflict. Generations are in conflict. 

Israel, God's covenant land, is in conflict. 

Our friends and family live there. We feel the brunt of this warfare. Not only is this war personal, but we are devoted to the land of Israel, the people of Israel, and the God of Israel. (Photo via

Warfare can create great emotional upheaval. For instance, Amber Pierce, with two small children, had to process two rockets exploding above the apartment they live in, in Jerusalem, earlier this week. Our son, Daniel, stayed and has been helping to provide for those in southern Israel, the Beersheba area. Many couples who live in the land are having to process this war.

Norma Sarvis said it this way, "Borders of war are shifting. I have a friend who always guarded the borders far away from Jerusalem. But now the border of war is nearby with the rocket attacks now in Jerusalem as well."
I believe all of our borders and boundaries are shifting in war. 

Warfare can produce fear. War causes our will to make choices. This war is over boundaries. The war in Israel is over a new State trying to form and develop their identity for the future.

On November 29, 2012, the General Assembly accorded Palestine non-Member Observer State status in the United Nations. Since that time, this State has been openly and fully opposed to the Hebraic nation that exists. The State has in mind a new type of government in the earth that will use many creative forms of weapons to defeat God's ordained boundaries. 

Frankly, this means that this State is openly portraying themselves as an enemy of the God who made covenant with Israel. If you war along with this State in its formation and development, you are actually warring against God's covenant plan in the earth. This war is not just with flesh and blood but with powers and principalities.

If you are a Covenant Believer, submitted to the Lord Jesus Christ and empowered by Holy Spirit, this war is affecting you in your daily life in some way! You are probably sensing some warfare in your personal life and sphere. So why do we have to war if the work of the Cross defeated all powers and principalities?

A Kingdom By Force to Be Enforced!

When our Lord overcame death, Hell, and the grave, He broke the headship of satan in the Earth. He ascended, gave us gifts, and then called us to enforce this victory! Now, we must enforce! To enforce is to compel obedience to, to obtain by force or compulsion, or impose a course of action on a person or entity, in this case satan (the one who opposes us). Yeshua said, "And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force"(Matthew 11:12).  

(Photo by Jennifer Page His Flame via

From the days of John till now...John started opening up in earth a new realm of aligned conflict that would bring forth Messiah. Jesus and His disciples had to take what John had accomplished and use a new dimension of power to take the movement to a new level. Jesus even connected into John's baptism, but then received a new baptism by going into the wilderness. Jesus' disciples would then baptize their followers into this new baptism.

In Matthew 11, this passage on force has a dual meaning. The question in this passage is:Who will win this enforcing battle, concerning the Kingdom of God? The Lord explains that one form of religion would attempt to produce a force to stop the next manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven in the earth. Conversely, those representing the new movement would have to use power to advance the Kingdom against the religious and civil government. The war of the Kingdom would be: denial versus reality, stumbling versus standing, law versus grace, teaching versus revelation, soft religion versus Kingdom power. There is no place for SOFT RELIGION in war!
Choose Soft Religion or Kingdom Power!

What do I mean by "soft religion"? These are people that have embraced one form of religious moral influence in their lives. This type of individual loves the portion they have received that helped their conscience come alive. They have learned laws and principles. They operate out of the teachings they know. However, they are open to new messages and limited manifestations beyond their last experiences. They will embrace these, if they enhance their personal advancement. Nevertheless, if a manifestation comes that is beyond their ability to understand, they stumble in their advancing.

In this passage from Matthew 11:6, Jesus says, "Blessed is he who is not offended, put a snare or stumbling block in the way because of Me." (In other words, is there something that would hinder you, personally, from continuing to perceive and advance the Kingdom of God?) If any issue threatens their present thinking, religious conscience, and comfortable form of worship, then they shrink back or actually attempt to enforce present boundaries rather than enlarging their territory to receive the new release of God's presence. They stumble, rather than embrace the accompanying change in their atmosphere. The Lord instructed us to not shrink back in times of war.

"Soft religion" embraces what will allow credibility from the world but rejects new power that makes a person uncommon from surrounding familiar relationships, families, and norms. There were many that accepted John's leadership, his message, and the baptism he offered linked with repentance. However, the same ones (including some of John's followers) fully rejected the new wineskin and set themselves to be a stumbling block to Yeshua's movement.

This would become a pattern, from generation to generation. Each generation would have to choose to use the Kingdom force of love and power that comes from Christ, to advance His Kingdom. This is the remnant that is now arising to war and triumph today. We must receive a new anointing and new power to triumph.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Remnant's Covenant War!

This remnant group will always go before the whole, with a mission and heart to see the Good News of the Gospel shared, demonstrated, and embraced. This group would have both Testaments, Old and New, as Torah, for their field manual. This group would allow the government of the Kingdom to form within them. This is the movement that will fully advance and impact their culture.

In every generation, there is a group that has to choose to war for God's covenant. Judges 3:1-2 says, "These are the nations which the Lord left (in Canaan) that He might test Israel by them...this was only so the generations of the children of Israel might be taught to know war, at least those who had not formally know it."

A covenant war always includes embracing the ROOT of the COVENANT and WARRING FOR THE FRUIT OF THE COVENANT. 

In our case, that root goes back to the land promised to Abraham, the Hebrew. A land and a people called Israel, and led by Judah, would always be included in the war of all those being grafted into this covenant. The same blessings in the root can manifest in the fruit of your war today.

You do not have to be in Israel to be warring for God's Kingdom plan, nor do you have to be in Israel to receive the same blessings that were offered to Abraham. However, you must know that you are connected to this land and people.(Photo by Jennifer Page His Blessing via

Abraham's blessings included a territory or boundaries, multiplication, generational inheritance, wealth and provision, and a sphere of authority and rule. Your wars are linked with the same blessings that Abraham was given by the Lord.

The Time and Rules of the War!

There is a time for war (Eccl. 3). There are rules or laws of war (Deut. 20). There is a commitment and choice to war (Luke 14). There is a garment for war. There is a stand that we must take in war (Eph. 6). There is an age-long warfare (Rev. 12). There is a TRIUMPHANT PEOPLE who must choose today to enforce Kingdom principles on earth!

Yeshua told His disciples in Luke 14:25-33: "...If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it – lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish.' Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple."

How to Make a Wise Choice in Your War!

The above passage gives us a list of questions to ponder in the NOW! Take an inventory of your call to war at this time. Know your border. Ask the questions:

1. What is my sphere or boundaries? Is this warfare inside my boundaries?

2. Am I willing to war in those boundaries? Do I go to war or stand and wait? Timing is key. Am I willing to war in these boundaries? What is my responsibility in the war?

3. How does this warfare affect my inheritance or portion? Am I willing to war for my present inheritance or a new added portion?

4. What responsibilities do I have that could clutter my decisions in my present warfare? Children? Job? Debts? Parents? Ministry?

5. Do these responsibilities usurp the voice of God in my life?

6. What emotions are ruling me? Does any emotional alignment in my life stop me from hearing the voice of God? A spouse? A child? A friend? A co-worker? Etc. Am I ruled by fear? Am I decisive or double-minded over every situation?

7. Do I know my role in the Kingdom? How am I serving? Am I communing with the Body or walking independently?

8. Am I advancing or stumbling? What issue has made me stumble or would make me stumble?

To conclude, this is a season of war. I am sure you are experiencing some sort of conflict in your life. The boundaries of your war are changing. Will you choose to triumph in your conflict? Will you join the Lord in the battle around you?

God is calling forth a triumphant people. I choose to believe that you are one of those! Let the TRIUMPHANT RESERVE rise!


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. 

Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers The Worship WarriorGod's Unfolding Battle PlanInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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