Friday, June 20, 2014

Triumphing Over Your Taskmasters by Elaine Tavolacci


Triumphing Over Your Taskmasters

The Lord gave me an incredible word for the body of Christ this morning. In the book of Exodus chapter one, after Joseph and his whole generation had died, the Israelite’s were fruitful, and increased abundantly in Egypt because of him.  When the new king had seen this, he was fearful and put task masters over them to oppress them.  The task masters made their lives bitter with harsh labor and afflicted them with heavy burdens; but as they did this, something unusual was happening.  The more that the Israelite’s were oppressed as the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly, the more they multiplied and spread abroad.
The Holy Spirit is showing me that many of you have been driven and oppressed by the enemy, as well as used and abused by people.  Some of you have gone through situations which have been brutal.  As you fear God and not man, these afflictions are going to bring you into expansion, growth and prosperity.
The Lord says;

“Those who have tried to manipulate you and belittle you will soon recognize the favor on your life.  Those who have tried to control you and oppress you will soon withdraw because of the shield of protection that I have around you.  No one could bring harm to you as I am faithful to My word.  I will establish you and guard you against the evil one.  Don’t fear the spiritual weapon that is formed against you.  It shall not succeed, and every tongue that rises against you in judgment shall prove to be false.  The evil assignments that are coming against you will be rendered null and void.  As the enemy tries to bring devastation and destruction, I will preserve your life.  This is your heritage as you abide in Me. Listen for My voice in every situation.  Know that I am present in every assault and violation” says the Lord.

Then the Holy Spirit showed me something else in the same paragraph of Exodus chapter one.  In verses 15-21 The king Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill the first born males as they are born but the midwives refused.  When he asked them why they didn’t obey, the midwives replied: “because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them.”
And The Lord says;

“You will even observe in your own life the things that I impart to you will come into fruition and come to pass expeditiously.  The intentions that I have for you will come forth suddenly.  And just as the Israeli women, you are going to produce in a way that will amaze others.  They will witness My goodness as they see your harvest in abundance.  You will see the increase even before the midwives come to assist you.  This will release you into favor with the Pharaoh’s and the oppressors, and many will begin to submit and reverence My name.  Even your enemies will be at peace with you as they see the goodness increase in your life” says the Lord.

“Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh supply cities, Pithom and Raamses.  But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew . And they were in dread of the children of Israel. So the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigor.  And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage-in mortar, in brick, and in all manner of service in the field.  All their service in which they made them serve was with rigor”   Exodus 1:11-14.
“So the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said to them, “Why have you done this thing, and saved the male children alive?”  And the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them.  “Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and grew very mighty. And so it was, because the midwives feared God that He provided households for them”   Exodus 1:16-18,
“By this I know that You are well pleased with me, because my enemy does not triumph over me”   Psalm 41:11.
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”   Luke 12:32.

Staten Island, NY
For more: Website

Mountain Top View - Onward & Upward (paperback & Kindle) by Steve Martin

I like mountains. I like these awesome creations of the Lord around the world. Standing in front of them can overwhelm your heart with gratitude and goodness, dwelling on His majestic power and sheer love that He daily has for us. Our lives can be challenging as we face mountains ahead, but we can be overcomers as we keep our eyes fixed on Him, and make the climb with the Lord at our side, and His Holy Spirit as our Guide. 

As you read these inspired and encouraging chapters, I trust they will bring more hope, faith and love into your spirit and soul. Experiences shared by those who have walked ahead enable others to choose more wisely and confidently in their walk. I hope these words do so for you. These messages that I share with you in this book were originally written for my blog as NOW THINK ON THIS. You can read those on a weekly basis. Please see the info and contact pages at the back of the book. 

Shalom and ahava, 

Steve Martin 
Charlotte, NC

1. In the 7th Year Page 7
2. These Feet Are Made For Walking Page 14
3. A Picture Does Say… Page 18
4. Community in the Last Days Page 30
5. Patience. Just Wait A Minute Page 33
6. The Lion’s Den Page 38
7. Gifts – You Have One To Share Page 42
8. The Tide Is Turning Page 45
9. Let Go & Let God Page 47
10. Release! Page 52
11. Anything Goes. NOT! Page 55
12. Blessed To Be A Blessing Page 59
13. Sarah Believed Too Page 62
14. Learning To Prophesy Page 70
15. Coffee Time With Jesus Page 74

16. God Don’t Make Junk Page 77
17. Birthing & Raising Page 80
18. Teams – It Takes Two… Page 84
19. Overwhelming Heart Page 89
20. Burdens Lifted Page 92
21. What If…You Are Not
      Raptured Out First? Page 96
22. Let It Be? Page 100
23. Pursue Me Page 104



Steve Martin’s books, as well as his blog, have an engaging dimension of making you feel a part of the journey he’s on. He’s always reaching for something more in God while facing the realities of life. He’s very real as he traverses the pathways of life. What’s important to him is not arbitrary, but the result of the honest reflections he describes as he makes the reader to relate and feel a part of his journey. His writings reflect the adventure that God intended our lives to be, with Him at helm. He has not fallen short in the adventure that his life has been and is. Encouraging, inspiring and highly recommended.

   About the Author

Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries from 1987-2010, all having a national and international outreach focus. During that time he made 14 ministry trips to Israel, China, India, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. 
On his overseas journeys Steve enjoyed sharing written journal entries with family and friends back home, through Internet media. His light-hearted stories gave an up close and personal touch for those reading along. Many could imagine being there themselves. His extensive collection of photos taken during these trips, of both local scenery and common people on the streets, has touched thousands through their varied images. 
In 2010, Steve and Laurie began Love For His People, Inc, a 501©3 non-profit humanitarian aid ministry. This work touches the natural and spiritual lives of those around them with needed encouragement and strength.

Product Details

             Book cover photo by Andy Cook of Colorado Springs, CO

Lord of the Harvest, Lord of the River - James Nesbit Prophetic Art

   View all his work:

Banqueting Table - Prophetic Artwork by James Nesbit

James Nesbit - Banqueting Table

View all his works of prophetic art for purchase: 

The Open Door - The Lion of Judah - James Nesbit art

    Great artwork! James Nesbit Prophetic Art

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Faith in the waiting...

...and for some, they need to hear this...

4 Hours of Non Stop uplifting Christian Music

Israel Abduction Case Explodes on Social Media - ISRAEL TODAY

Israel Abduction Case Explodes on Social Media

Related Stories


While Israeli soldiers scour Judea and Samaria in search of three abducted Jewish teens, average Israelis and Palestinians have taken to social media with their contrasting views on the situation.
The Palestinian side has exploded in a celebratory campaign distinguished by a three-finger salute. Local Arabs of all ages have been posting photos of themselves and their children holding three fingers aloft to commemorate the kidnapping of three defenseless Jewish youths.
Those participating in this campaign are calling the abducted Israelis the “three Shalits,” in reference to Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted in 2006 to Gaza where he was held captive until Israel finally agreed to trade 1,027 jailed terrorists for him in 2011.
Palestinians and their supporters abroad hope to blackmail Israel into freeing even more terrorists in exchange for the currently missing youths.
Israelis distraught by the abduction have also taken to social media,primarily Facebook, in a campaign dubbed “Bring Back Our Boys.” Israelis, Jews living abroad and supporters of Israel worldwide have been uploading photos of themselves holding signs with the slogan.
Even fans at the World Cup in Brazil have seen in photos supporting the campaign.
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Promises Fulfilled - Derek Prince

WATCH: Beyoncé Reunites With Destiny’s Child to Sing About Jesus in New Gospel Song

Beyoncé Knowles, Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland

WATCH: Beyoncé Reunites With 

Destiny’s Child to Sing 

About Jesus 

in New Gospel Song

Beyoncé in
Beyoncé Knowles in the "Say Yes" music video (ABC News)
Beyoncé Knowles hasn't necessarily been the ideal Christian female role model lately. But that isn't stopping her from singing about Christ.
A new song called "Say Yes" features the reunited trio from Destiny's Child singing an unadulterated Gospel tune.
"When Jesus say yes, nobody can say no," rings the hook of the soulful chorus over a catchy dance beat.
Trading parts with former group mates Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland, Knowles picks up the second verse, singing:

I'm not worried about a thing
'Cause I know You are guiding me
Where You lead me, Lord I will go
I have no fear 'cause I know Who's in control
There's no limit to what You can do
'cause it all belongs to You
You're almighty and all-powerful
And it all belongs to You
The song is part of an effort on Williams' part to live out her faith in her music. In a recent radio interview with Raj Nair, Williams said, "I kind of started noticing that, even with my platform with Destiny's Child, my individual calling has something to do with evangelism, but not with the traditional way in a pulpit."
Williams called the genre of the new song "urban-inspirational"—one with "biblically themed" and "life-themed" messages but that is more pleasing to the hip-hop attuned ear than traditional gospel music.
"I am to speak the word of God through my music, and I even have opportunities, say in theater or other things that I do individually, to just be a light," Williams said.
"God gives us different platforms for His will to be done."

    Michelle Williams

   Beyonce' Knowles
   Kelly Rowland

Watch the video here.

Huge Underground Ocean Discovered Beneath Us Could Help Prove Genesis Flood

Huge Underground Ocean Discovered Beneath Us 

Could Help Prove Genesis Flood 

A massive reserve of water near Earth's core might lend support to the "fountains of the deep" which helped cause the Genesis Flood. (Flickr/Paloika [edited])
Geologists are hailing the fact that an underground ocean could be the source of our seas on the planet's surface, according to Time.
Researchers from Northwestern University have determined that underneath the continental U.S., near the core of the earth, lies an underground body of water three times larger than any ocean on the surface.
The subterranean ocean's existence was presumed when the researchers' seismic waves slowed near a layer of blue rock, called ringwoodite, indicating the presence of water.
"It's good evidence earth's water came from within," lead researcher Steven Jacobsen told NewScientist.
Creation scientists have long held that much of the water in the Noah's Flood came from the "fountains of the deep" referenced in Genesis 7:11 and 8:2.
Today, it is thought that much of that water remained on our planet's surface, eventually covering ancient land bridges that allowed humans and animal to migrate across continents. Today, Earth's surface is 71 percent underwater.
Mid-ocean ridges, which span the Earth's seas like the seam of a baseball, may be the remnants of this explosive water release from below, some creationists hold.
That same catastrophe in the book of Genesis is believed to best account for Earth's plate tectonics.
The researchers are still unsure whether similar subterranean water exists elsewhere within the planet.
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Israel's History - a Picture a Day - scenes from the Holy Land

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 

Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee (circa 1890, colored slide, Presbyterian 
Research Centre, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand)
The Presbyterian Church Archives Research Centre holds a fascinating collection of 144 glass Lantern slides of various scenes from the Holy Land. The majority appear to have been taken in the latter years of the 19th century.

See Part I here.  


The Tower of David's Citadel at Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem. The clock tower on the left was built in 1908 and torn down in 1922, enabling the dating of the picture. (Presbyterian Research Centre, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand)

Western Wall (1867, (Presbyterian Research Centre, 
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand) and here

The picture of the Western Wall is from the Presbyterian Research Centre, but it also appeared in the Israel Daily Picture two years ago.  It was taken by Frank Mason Good in 1866/67 and published by the Palestine Exploration Fund.

Note in both photos the single figure praying and the buckets (?) hanging on the wall.

Hebron and the Cave of the Patriarchs (circa 1890)

Jacob's Well, near Nablus (Shechem) and 
Joseph's Tomb. (1868)

Click on photos to enlarge.
Click on captions to view the original photographs.

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Strong Tower