Friday, April 8, 2016


Iraqi security forces ride in vehicles travelling to Mosul to fight against militants of Islamic State.

ISIS Burns 15 Civilians Alive

Iraqi security forces ride in vehicles travelling to Mosul to fight against militants of Islamic State. (Reuters)
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ISIS has burned 15 civilians to death after they tried to flee Fallujah. Fallujah is ISIS' second-largest stronghold in Iraq after Mosul, according to the Daily Mail.
These acts of violence are unfortunately common in Fallujah. Last month, six men were reportedly executed after they were suspected of being Iraqi spies.
The extremist group also arrested a woman who went on television and begged Western powers to "save us or bomb us." In the woman's speech on TV, she said that people in the city were dying from hunger and lack of medicine.
Azal Obaid, a local governor in the region, told ARA News that ISIS is using Fallujah's citizens as human shields to protect their militant forces. However, he did add that "there is a military plan prepared by the leadership of the Iraqi army and local tribes to liberate the city of Fallujah. The plan cannot be disclosed to the press at the moment for security reasons."
Pray that the innocent civilians would be saved from ISIS' brutal reign.
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"As a Cluster of Henna" ✡ Find this Israel Location on our Map! - ISRAEL365

My beloved is unto me as a cluster of henna in the vineyards of Ein Gedi.

אֶשְׁכֹּל הַכֹּפֶר דּוֹדִי לִי בְּכַרְמֵי עֵין גֶּדִי

שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים א:יד

esh-kol ha-ko-fer do-dee lee b’-khar-may ayn ge-dee

Shabbat Inspiration

A beautiful interpretation of today's verse hints to the days of Joshua when the Jews entered the Land of Israel. Located near the Jordan River, Ein Gedi is on the border that the Jewish people crossed upon entering the Land. And just like the henna tree was a permanent fixture of this region, God’s presence became a permanent fixture on earth when the Jews entered Israel as a nation for the first time. See if you can find the famous oasis of Ein Gedi on The Israel Bible Map!

David's Waterfall

Come along and explore the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve in this superb HD video.

Father Gabriel Naddaf: Without Israel, Christianity Around the World Would Be "Nothing"

Israeli Christian Priest Father Gabriel Naddaf visited Houston, Texas last week in a speaking engagement where he exuded Israeli pride.

Queen Helene Aqua Quartz Earrings from Temple Times

Wear a piece of biblical Jerusalem with this earring set, designed based on archaeological finds in the City of David in Jerusalem. These earrings are related to Queen Helene, the Assyrian queen who converted to Judaism during the Temple period. The earrings are fashioned in the style of the Roman era and echo the movements of their rule in Judea during the Second Temple period. Fashion of the time was of a Roman affluence and this earring set is made with silver and turquoise aqua quartz and a pair of white pearls dangling from them.

Today's Israel Photo

David’s Waterfall at Ein Gedi by Ilan Rosen. If you're lucky, you may spot ibexes and other animals coming to the flowing waters to drink.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Thomas Bibi Vinit of Papua New Guinea. Todah rabah!

“Stunning Pictures of Israel and the Thoughtful Bible Verse That Go With Them”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Shalom, It is my prayer that the miracle that happened in the days of Esther in Babylon will be the same miracle for today, in Israel. Bless you all, Robs

Dear Rabbi Tuly, Thank you for the emails each day which contain many stunning pictures of Israel, and the thoughtful Bible verses that go with them. Would you please add to them, though, the location, since without that information many of them could be anywhere in the world. Some of them of course are obvious, like shots of Jerusalem and the 'Western Wall', but it is a shame that many others cannot be identified. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours through God's grace, Colin Wooden
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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12 Reports That Will Leave Christians Smiling - LARRY TOMCZAK CHARISMA NEWS

Let's focus on the positive news.

12 Reports That Will Leave Christians Smiling

Let's focus on the positive news. (Flickr)

Here's the Deal, by Matt Barber
If you're like me, you feel the torrent of negative news a bit overwhelming at times. We want to be optimists, not pessimists, but we must also be realists. It's not a pretty picture today.
Turn on the news and you'll hear about Trump's huge discord with Cruz and the GOP, battles about religious freedom and transgender bathrooms in North Carolina, and the latest wave of ISIS jihadist attacks. All these start to feel like the new normal, and it goes on and on.
To counter the avalanche of depressing news that seems almost nonstop, let's survey the scene to encourage ourselves in the Lord by highlighting some encouraging developments.
Remembering Our Calling as Faithful Messengers
In 1899 an article based on a true story of heroism, "A Message to Garcia", took the world by storm. In 15 years over 40 million copies were circulating, unprecedented for that time. The movie that was made of the story is still available today.
During the Spanish American War, President McKinley had to secure the cooperation of a General Garcia, leader of revolutionary forces in Cuba. A Lieutenant Rowan was commissioned to undertake alone and unguarded the top-secret, dangerous mission of delivering a sealed letter to Garcia.
Traversing hostile jungle territory with gunfire, poisonous snakes and man-eating crocodiles, this courageous messenger completed his task within three weeks. His bravery helped the United States win the war plus gain Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam. He was decorated for his extraordinary achievement in risking his life for his country.
In the author's tribute to this remarkable public servant he said the following: "Anything such a man asks shall be granted. He is wanted in every city, town and village – in every office, shop, store and factory. The world cries out for such: he is needed and needed badly – the man who can CARRY A MESSAGE TO GARCIA."
Amid our serious cultural decline, God is looking for dependable and dedicated messengers who will carry His truth to confused masses no matter what the cost. But we've got to stay encouraged "while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor. 4:18).
12 Encouraging Developments
As a 40-year board member of Intercessors for America ministry, I try to remain current on prayer developments. Here are just a handful to encourage you as His messenger and holy ambassador.
1. Our monthly First Friday national prayer call brings together prayer "warriors" from throughout America for a 30 minute prayer time with a theme, prominent leader and segments of unmuted, collective, fiery intercession! Last week featured Lou Engle and 500-600 intercessors. You have to experience it to understand this crescendo of cries to heaven!
2. At a recent Roundtable summit with Rick Joyner, Mike Bickle shared about "Houses of Prayer" with ongoing prayer and worship 24/7 exploding globally. In the past decade alone, they've gone from approximately 20 to over 10,000 worldwide!
3. This May's National Day of Prayer is expected to be the largest in U.S. history with over 49,000 gatherings nationwide. John Bornschein, Vice Chairman of their Task Force, says, "Over the last five years we charted a 226 percent increase in engagement – our largest growth in 25 years!"
4. David Butts, Chairman of America's National Prayer Committee, tells us, "There are more large prayer gatherings in 2016 then I've seen in 26 years of ministry!"
5. Last generation we had more of a disunited, somewhat competitive, denominational approach to prayer. Today we fill large venues, discard denominational labels and actually sing most of the same worship songs in both large prayer events and our local churches.
6. Serving on the Executive Committee for UnitedCryDC16, we expect upwards to 30,000 leaders, intercessors and consecrated Christians this Saturday, April 9 on the Lincoln Memorial grounds for a solemn assembly. With our nation in crisis, we will gather for seven hours of repentance, exhortation, prayer for awakening, and challenge to return courageous in addressing the controversial issues of our day. We invite everyone to join in this historic experience!
This is not an outreach, worship experience, political event or one day rally, but a movement of men and women of God who take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously, "If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
7. On the West Coast on the exact same day (totally unplanned!), "Azusa Now" takes place at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Tens of thousands of young and old will gather under the leadership of my 35-year friends, Lou Engle and Mike Bickle, for over 12 hours of worship and prayer.
This culminates 10 days of fasting and prayer prior to the event. The reason? The original Azusa Street revival began with a nucleus who came to L.A. and started a 10-day fast that precipitated the greatest Holy Spirit outpouring since Pentecost. Over a century ago, pioneer William Seymour prophesied in about 100 years another greater revival would come!
Go and participate in this history-making experience!
8. A little over a year ago, the blockbuster film, God's Not Dead inspired people of faith and served notice to secularists that God is alive and well and on the move in America.
This past weekend, God's Not Dead 2 was launched to large crowds and positive reviews once again. It looks like the trajectory is upwards once again! This one brings a sober warning to people of faith and I highly recommend it for everyone concerned about religious freedom today.
9. People are hungry for God and biblical truth as evidenced by two massive gatherings in Georgia and Texas. Last week over 7,000 Christians convened in Atlanta for a fantastic "Stand Up for Their Faith" event with David Jeremiah. This followed Greg Laurie's  "Harvest America" event at AT&T Stadium where over 82,000 participants were present! Over 6,000 conversions were recorded while hundreds of thousands more engaged on the Internet, TV and radio!
10. Author David Garrison declares in his book, A Wind in the House of Islam, that, "we are living in the midst of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history." The book is the result of 2 1/2 years of research and involved traveling more than 250,000 miles to conduct interviews with more than 1,000 people around the Muslim world.
"In total he found 69 movements that had started in the first 12 years of the 21st century, in comparison with virtually no voluntary movements of converts to Christianity in the first 12 centuries of Islam."
Finally, we can be greatly encouraged as we consider two additional developments today.
11. Franklin Graham continues to cross the United States in his "Decision America" tour, stopping at every state capital to fearlessly declare prophetic encouragement and sober warning to assembled crowds. He challenges believers to not only repent and pray but to engage in Christian activism to see America turn back to God.
12. The innovative 15-min/30-day Bullseye Challenge initiative has been launched across America equipping us to understand and communicate confidently a biblical worldview on 30 hot button issues today like illegal immigration, radical Islam, transgenderism, abortion, gay marriage, income inequality, climate change and cohabitation.
Endorsed by America's top senior leaders, it is a resource for pastors, parents, educators, youth leaders and patriotic citizens. Thirty immediately accessible, compelling three-minute videos accompany the easy-to-read life changing chapters.
We are all called to be faithful messengers in this challenging time of history. This weekend is my wife and my 40th wedding anniversary but considering the condition of America we will not be sunning in Bermuda but praying in D.C. for awakening in America!
Let's realize the negatives surrounding us today but remember the encouraging reports of God's supernatural activity to keep us "strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" (Eph. 6:10).
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 43 yrs, Liberty Counsel public policy adviser, Intercessors for America board member and best-selling author. His new, innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days ( Click (here) for his "Here's the Deal" weekly podcast.
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Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.
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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Jerusalem Mayor Met With ‘Nazi-Style Salute’ by Anti-Israel Students in San Francisco By Alexander Apfel - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Protests During Nir Barkat’s Lecture in San Francisco University, 6.4.2016 (Photo: Jerusalem Municipality / TPS)
Protests During Nir Barkat’s Lecture in San Francisco University, 6.4.2016 (Photo: Jerusalem Municipality / TPS)

Jerusalem Mayor Met With ‘Nazi-Style Salute’ by Anti-Israel Students in San Francisco

“And they have laid upon me evil for good, and hatred for my love.” Psalms 109:5 (The Israel Bible™)
Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters barged into a lecture by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat in San Francisco State University on Wednesday, April 6, chanting “Long live the intifada!” according to a statement released by the Jerusalem Municipality.
“The protesters raised their hands in a stiff-arm salute, called for the continuation of the intifada, called for an end of ‘the occupation’ and for the death of Israel. They also called for Barkat to be expelled from the campus and defined Israel as a terrorist and apartheid state,” the statement read.
The students entered the hall clad in Keffiyehs, waving Palestinian flags and hurled insults against the state of Israel using a loudspeaker.
The disruptions caused by the protestors prevented questions and answers from being heard, yet footage from the event shows Barkat apparently unfazed as he descended from the podium to answer the crowd’s questions face to face.
Police and security guards were called to the scene to protect Barkat who nevertheless insisted on completing his lecture.
NO to BDS and YES to Israel!
He said later in a statement that “anyone who thinks that incitement and unruly calls for violence will succeed in silencing us or will change our stance is seriously mistaken. We will continue to build, to develop and to strengthen the nation of Israel which includes a united Jerusalem.”
“We will make our voices, positions and the justice of our ways clear in any forum to which we are invited. That includes in places where people attempt to prevent us from coming,” Barkat declared.
He further claimed that he had voiced his opposition to the “disgraceful behaviour in front of the university president and the mayor of San Francisco. I also said that such dangerous incitement cannot be allowed in a democratic society and especially not on campuses.”
The talk was part of a lecture series on American campuses about Jerusalem and Israeli policies. Barkat is scheduled to continue his lecture tour on Thursday before hundreds of university students in Columbia University, New York.
Barkat has faced off against more serious threats, such as in February 2015 when he encountered a Palestinian terrorist stabbing a Jewish man on a Jerusalem street and personally wrestled the attacker to the ground.

Temple of Ba’al Replica Arrives in London Just in Time for Ancient Pagan Festival By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

From the 2012 Beltane Fire Festival bonfire on Calton Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland (Photo: Stefan Schäfer, Lich / Wikimedia Commons)
From the 2012 Beltane Fire Festival bonfire on Calton Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland (Photo: Stefan Schäfer, Lich / Wikimedia Commons)

Temple of Ba’al Replica Arrives in London Just in Time for Ancient Pagan Festival

“Because they have forsaken Me, and have estranged this place, and have offered in it unto other gods, whom neither they nor their fathers have known, nor the kings of Yehuda; and have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons in the fire for burnt-offerings unto Baal; which I commanded not, nor spoke it, neither came it into My mind.” Jeremiah 19:4-5 (The Israel Bible™)
Whether by accident or design, the arrival in London of a full-size replica of an arch which stood on the site of the recently-destroyed Temple of Ba’al coincides with an ancient pagan festival that connects the modern replicas with their ancient roots: serving false idols.
The 28-meter tall 3-D printed model, created by the Institute for Digital Archeology, represents a famous arch of the original Temple of Palmyra in Syria, which drew 150,000 visitors a year until it was destroyed by ISIS in September. The first replica arch will be on display in London’s Trafalgar Square later this month during UNESCO World Heritage Week, beginning April 18th and ending on the 22nd, as a symbol of protest against religious extremism; another arch will rise in Times Square next autumn.
April 19th is not a meaningful date to most, but to occultists and worshippers of Ba’al, it is a most auspicious time. Halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, it marked the first day of summer in ancient times, initiating a 13-day period known in the occult as “the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast”.  This period culminates in Beltane, the major festival for the worship of Ba’al – or, as it is known in the Western world, May Day.
The Temple of Ba’al, built 2,000 years ago to honor the god of orgies and child sacrifice, was the stage for this pagan festival in ancient times.
This time period of the Blood Sacrifice was so significant that, after the pagans, the Romans celebrated a festival of fertility, called Fordicidia, on the same dates, beginning April 15th and ending April 19th with the festival of Cerealia.
Ba’al, worshipped by the Mesopotamians, was a major influence in ancient times. Mentioned more than 90 times in the Bible, most notably when Elijah defeated the priests of Ba’al in a contest to bring down fire from heaven to burn a sacrifice, Ba’al became the archetypical form of idol worship.
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Followers of Ba’al engaged in bisexual orgies and sacrificed human infants, burning them alive. Pantheistic, they worshipped Mother Nature while denying the existence of a creator.
Though worshipping Ba’al and other idols is not especially prevalent in Western culture today, their holidays persist, taking on different meanings but retaining some of their ancient symbols and meaning. Fertility is symbolized in the Westernized version of the May Day holiday by the phallic Maypole ceremony. Bonfires, another prominent aspect of May Day celebrations, are reminiscent of the fires used for child sacrifices.
Beltane, an Anglicized reference to the god ‘Ba’al’, is still observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. At the same time the Arch of the Palmyra Temple of Bel is standing in Trafalgar Square, the Beltane Fire Festival will be held on the other side of England in Edinburgh. Beltane Fire Festivals are, in fact, held all over the world, perpetuated as part of ancient Gaelic culture. In an unfortunate misunderstanding of the festival’s roots, they are frequently billed as family events, with children being given special discounts.
Other Beltane festivals more closely resemble the original as it was celebrated in Palmyra so many years ago, with revelers painting their bodies and dancing around the bonfire, nude.
It is unlikely the Institute for Digital Archaeology, a joint project of Oxford and Harvard universities, or UNESCO chose the date for the Palmyra arch to stand in London based on pagan festivals. Nonetheless, it is an eerie coincidence.

Faith Group Challenges AT&T, Marriott, Comcast, Allstate and Wells Fargo to Stop Excluding Christians - FAITH DRIVEN CONSUMER CHARISMA NEWS

Faith Driven Consumer logo

Faith Group Challenges AT&T, Marriott, Comcast, Allstate and Wells Fargo to Stop Excluding Christians

Faith Driven Consumer logo (LinkedIn)
Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Faith Driven Consumer (FDC)—representing 41 million Americans who spend $2 trillion annually, has earned wide recognition for its groundbreaking (FEI), which scores more than 500 major brands for compatibility with the FDC community, and also for its Faith-Friendly Film Review entertainment rating system. FDC serves as a key resource for audiences and entertainment industry leaders alike, measuring the faith-compatibility of entertainment offerings and predicting how they will resonate.
Last week, the group launched a national grass-roots "movie to movement" campaign—called #GodsNotDead2Us—with a message of respect and inclusion for Christians that parallels the theme of God's Not Dead 2
"Today, the campaign enters a new phase as the group shifts its attention specifically to five companies who have been recognized as leaders in diversity and inclusion, yet continue to exclude Faith Driven Consumers.
"God's Not Dead 2 is a cause-oriented, destination film. It was successful this weekend because millions of consumers of all stripes registered their support for universal inclusion. They recognize the only way to achieve true diversity is to ensure that all of the colors in America's rainbow are welcomed, celebrated and embraced equally—including Faith Driven Consumers," said Chris Stone, founder of Faith Driven Consumer.
"After leaving the theater, millions are seeking action—turning this movie into a movement. The natural place to start is by changing the behavior of the companies Faith Driven Consumers work for and shop with every single day. 
"Today, we are asking our community, and all who value equality, to hold AT&T, Marriott, Comcast, Allstate and Wells Fargo accountable for their conspicuous exclusion of Faith Driven Consumers.
"These companies all have high marks from the most respected diversity indexes, demonstrating a sustained, serious and deeply intentional commitment—including other prioritized communities. 
"However, when those high marks are compared to each company's Faith Equality Index score—built using similar standards and methodologies as the other indexes—their low scores reveal a massive gap.
"While each company states clearly that they do not discriminate—even on the basis of religion—in practice, that is exactly what they are doing. That's not inclusion, it's not diversity—it's hypocrisy—and it's time to change. 
"Today, we ask each company to demonstrate true diversity—close the gap—embrace Faith Driven Consumers equally with other groups."
A new survey by LifeWay Research finds that two-thirds of Americans (63 percent) say Christians face increasing intolerance, up from half (50 percent) in 2013. 
Newly released Faith Driven Consumer analysis of leading Diversity and Inclusion scores and rankings from six sources shows that these five Fortune 500 brands are champions of diversity across the spectrum with one glaring exception—Faith Driven Consumers. 
AT&T, Comcast, Allstate, Marriott, and Wells Fargo all score high on the HRC CEI (LGBT), HACR CII (Hispanic), Black Enterprise 40 Best, and rank among Diversity Inc.'s Top 50 Companies for Diversity
However, none of the five score higher than 27 out of 100 on Faith Driven Consumer's Faith Equality Index.
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Could the World's Largest Muslim Country Become Israel's New Friend? - SEAN SAVAGE/JNS.ORG CHARISMA NEWS

Indonesian president

Could the World's Largest Muslim Country Become Israel's New Friend?

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (left) visits the country's capital of Jakarta. (Wikimedia Commons)

Standing With Israel
At a time when Israel is seeking to boost its ties with Arab and Muslim countries in order to counter the threats posed by Iran and terrorist groups, could the world's largest Muslim country become the Jewish state's new friend?
In a March 28 meeting with a delegation of senior Indonesian journalists visiting Israel as guests of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for a normalization of ties with Indonesia. 
"The time has come for official relations between Indonesia and Israel. We have many opportunities to cooperate in the fields of water and technology. Israel has excellent relations with several countries in Asia, particularly China, Japan, India and Vietnam," Netanyahu said.
The prime minister added that Israel's "relations with the Arab world are also changing."
"Indeed, we are allies in the fight against radical Islam," he said. "Relations between Israel and Indonesia must also change. I have more than a few Indonesian friends on Facebook. The time has come to change our relations. The reasons that prevented this are no longer relevant, and I hope that your visit will help with this."
Indonesia, however, pushed back against Netanyahu's call for diplomatic relations, with Foreign Ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir saying the country regrets "that such activities are politicized by Israel."
"We want to assert that Indonesia's support and efforts to push for the independence of Palestine will not change," said Nasir, The Jakarta Post reported on March 31.
Whether or not Indonesian-Israeli relations are imminent, Shira Loewenberg—director of the Asian Pacific Institute for the American Jewish Committee (AJC)—said she views Indonesia "as being of critical importance to Israel, both symbolically and in actuality."
"As the world's largest Muslim-majority country, Indonesia's recognition of the Jewish state would have tremendous symbolic value for both countries as well as for democracies around the world. It would have great meaning for Muslim nations and populations around the world as well, which is perhaps why diplomatic recognition has not already taken place," Loewenberg told
A former Dutch colony, Indonesia is a volcanic archipelago of more than 14,000 islands in southeast Asia that is home to roughly 255 million people, the world's fourth-largest population. More than 87 percent of Indonesians practice Islam.
"Indonesia does offer an important opportunity, as part of the general trend in Israel, of opening up to Asia," Natan Sachs, a fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution think tank, told
Unofficial contact between Israel and Indonesia began under former Indonesian president Abdurrahman Wahid from 1999-2001. 
Indonesia's relationship with Israel "warmed as Wahid aimed to establish closer commercial ties with the stated goal, eventually, of establishing formal diplomatic ties," Loewenberg said.
While Israel has formal diplomatic relations with some Muslim-majority countries, like neighbors Jordan and Egypt, such cooperation is mostly limited to the nations' governments and militaries due to lingering anti-Israel sentiments within the countries' actual populations. Israel has also sought informal or even secretive ties with some traditional foes like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in addition to trying to repair ties with Turkey. Muslim-majority Azerbaijan, meanwhile, has already become a diplomatic and economic ally for Israel.
In March, Israel prevented Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi from entering Ramallah to meet with the Palestinian Authority because Marsudi intended to skip a state visit to Jerusalem. But during a Knesset debate on the issue, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely revealed that Israel has had "continuous contact" with Indonesia, including an unofficial visit to Indonesia by Israeli Foreign Ministry Deputy Director-General in the Asia-Pacific Division Mark Sofer. During that trip, Israel and Indonesia had secretly agreed that Marsudi would visit Jerusalem, but Masrudi later backtracked on that deal.
In the business world, cooperation between Israelis and Indonesians is a poorly kept secret. At a foreign trade conference in Israel in January, an Indonesian investor who did not want his name used in the press confirmed those ties in a speech to more than 600 people.
"There's already a great deal of business going on between Indonesia and Israel. Indonesia is a quickly growing country with a lot of needs in areas where Israeli tech has made important breakthroughs, like agricultural technology," the investor said in Tel Aviv.
Unlike some of its neighbors in southeast Asia, Israeli allies Thailand and Singapore, Indonesia is not home to an official Israeli trade mission. As such, most Israeli-Indonesian administrative or economic matters are handled through Israel's mission in Singapore. These unofficial ties have allowed for nascent trade between Israel and Indonesia.
"As the world powers pivot to Asia, Israel, of course, is pivoting to Asia too," AJC's Loewenberg told "Asia represents more than 60 percent of the world's population, and the current trajectory and future economic growth of the region point to Asian dominance. With economic power comes political power, already visible in Chinese and Indian aspirations and actions. Cultivating productive, warm ties to Asia is critical for Israel and friends of Israel and the global Jewish community."
Despite being a Muslim-majority country, Indonesia differs culturally and politically from its Muslim brothers in the Middle East, which also lends itself to viewing Israel differently.
"The Indonesians don't quite share the same characteristics of some of the Sunni [Muslim] Arab states. Indonesians are more pluralistic and view themselves that way," said the Brookings Institution's Sachs.
Yet according to a 2014 BBC poll, roughly 75 percent of Indonesians had a negative view of Israel. 
"In Indonesia, a lot of the [population's] support for the Palestinians comes not because they are Muslim, but because Indonesia has a very long-held anti-colonial attitude. ... In that sense, many Indonesians see the Palestinians as the underdog and suffering from colonialism, so they identify with them in that regard," Sachs said.
That attitude was reflected in Indonesian officials' statements following Netanyahu's recent appeal for normalization.
"We will not forge diplomatic ties with a country that colonizes another country. That is the mandate of our constitution," said Tantowi Yahya, a lawmaker from the Indonesian House of Representatives commission that oversees foreign and security affairs, The Jakarta Post reported. 
The Indonesians "are far from the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict geographically and are not major players," Sachs told, explaining that the conflict "is an important point for them, but not central part of their foreign policy. It is more symbolic." 
For the original article, visit
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