Showing posts with label Braces for More 'Surprises'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Braces for More 'Surprises'. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Israel Braces for More 'Surprises' from Obama Admin. - CBN News Julie Stahl,Chris Mitchell

Israel Braces for More 'Surprises' from Obama Admin.

Jan. 6, 2017 CBN News  Julie Stahl,Chris Mitchell

JERUSALEM, Israel – For thousands of years, Jews have prayed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. It was part of the outside retaining wall of the second Jewish Temple during the time of Jesus. Now, according to the United Nations Security Council, it's occupied Palestinian territory.
Many in Israel and the U.S. are waiting to see what other surprises President Obama has in store during his last weeks in office, following the U.S. failure to block the UNSC resolution condemning Israeli settlements.
"This resolution will go down as another shameful resolution but it will be thrown into the dustbin of history," said Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett.
Just before Christmas, the U.S. abstained from voting against UNSC resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlements in biblical Judea and Samaria, also known as the West Bank. In doing so, the U.S. abandoned its long-time policy of vetoing anti-Israel resolutions.
"It is unfortunate to see someone who claims to be a friend, this administration, basically abandon us in such a profound way," Bennett told CBN News.
In a lengthy speech last Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry argued that condemning settlements was the best way to promote Israeli-Palestinian peace.  
Bennett said the resolution was like a "self-inflicted wound" for the world.
"It gave backwind to thousands of terrorists around the world that want to destroy Israel because when they see the U.N. taking such a crazy resolution against Israel, essentially saying that Jerusalem is occupied territory," Bennett said.
Palestinians were pleased with the U.N. decision. They hope it will force Israel to give them land without giving anything in exchange.
"We know now that it was a pre-meditated move by the Obama administration, together with the Palestinians, against Israel," Bennett said.
Israel says it has evidence it will give incoming President Trump that the Obama administration helped write the resolution.
According to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute, the Egyptian daily Al-Youm Al Sabi published the minutes of a secret meeting between Kerry and National Security Advisor Susan Rice and PLO Executive Committee Secretary and chief negotiator Saeb Erekat.
"The minutes of the meeting…reveals that the sides agreed to collaborate regarding a resolution on the settlements," the article says according to MEMRI. "The American side focused on coordination of positions between Washington and Ramallah regarding the resolution on the settlements, which was brought to a vote in the Security Council and adopted."
It's not clear what can be done to reverse the effects of the resolution. But many are concerned that the upcoming Paris Peace Conference will deliver yet another international blow to the Jewish state.