Showing posts with label Brighter Future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brighter Future. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2017

A Brighter Future for the Children of Shiloh ✡ "Give Forth With a Timbrel" - ISRAEL365

Raise in song and give forth with a timbrel,
a pleasant harp with a lyre.

שְׂאוּ זִמְרָה וּתְנוּ תֹף כִּנּוֹר נָעִים עִם נָבֶל

תהילים פא:ג

s'-u zim-ra u-t'-nu tof ki-nor na-eem im na-vel

Shabbat Inspiration

We can learn a valuable life lesson from David's harp. The harder you pluck the strings of a harp, the sweeter its sound. King David asked God to be tested and challenged because he knew that, like a harp, he would confront life’s challenges and emerge a better person. The children of the biblical town of Shiloh have suffered from a disproportionate number of terrorist attacks, but it is their faith in the Almighty and the light of Torah shining in their souls that keeps them going strong. Shiloh Israel Children's Fund helps them heal with therapeutic programs, and the sound of their music is as sweet as a harp.

An Inspiring Glimpse into Healing Victims of Terror

Two Israeli children converse: “An Arab killed my brother,” says one. “Well,” says the other, “an Arab tried to kill me but he didn’t succeed.” Enter the Shiloh healing center, where over 100 children receive life changing therapies to cope and heal.

Welcome to Shiloh, Where the Modern and Ancient Collide

One of the most dramatic sites in Israel is the newly refurbished and rebranded Tel of Shiloh, where the archaeological remains of the Tabernacle lie. A person can literally stand in the place where Jews sacrificed to the Lord 3,500 years ago!


All of Your Worship Needs

The Jewish Prayer Shawl, in Hebrew Tallit, is customarily wrapped around oneself during prayer. Donning a Tallit is the fulfilment of the biblical commandment of tying fringes onto the corners of a four-cornered garment. It is imperative to keep a talit in a safe and protected environment when it is not in use. Along with the Talit Satchel is a smaller, matching bag in which you can keep phylacteries or other personal items used during your worship.
Buy Your Prayer Shawl and Satchel Today! »

Today's Israel Photo

Almond blossoms in the beautiful Biblical city of Shiloh are a sure sign that Spring is just around the corner!

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"Todah Rabbah" to Katharine Yeo, Mary Smith, Vrad Teter, Dianne Roberson, Derek Puchert, Jose Martinez, Family Boshoff, Winston Jennings, Isobel Silber, Dale Graham.
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Stop the Land Grab! Plant a Tree in Israel »

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"Todah Rabbah" to Robert Greene from Kentucky; Odessa Jean Offman from Virginia; Stephen Hay from South Africa; Marcy Schwartz from Ohio.
Ensure a Festive Passover for Israel's Neediest »

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Hello I am from Redding California and I pray daily for the Jerusalem.May God continue to cover you and protect you,peace be with you Amen -Nina Embry
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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