Showing posts with label Demolishes Fourth Underground Terror Tunnel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demolishes Fourth Underground Terror Tunnel. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

IDF Demolishes Fourth Underground Terror Tunnel Since November - Breaking Israel News

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IDF Demolishes Fourth Underground Terror Tunnel Since November

20 Dead Sea Scrolls in Major Israeli Antiquities Exhibition in Denver

WATCH: Revolutionizing Diabetes Treatment With An Artifical Micro-Pancreas

ICYMI: Is Rabbi’s 2017 Prediction of Rise of Idolatry Coming True?

Trump’s Urgent Lebanon Problem

By Caroline Glick
A year into the Trump administration, there is bipartisan support for Trump and his advisers to end Obama’s policy of supporting Iran and its proxies in Syria and Lebanon and stand with Israel. It is well past time — and indeed, it is urgent — that the administration heed the message.
By Louis Rene Beres
By Daniel Greenfield
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