Over the last five years we have produced over 100 evangelistic videos, explaining the gospel and giving answers to common objections to faith, along with over 30 testimonies of Messianic Jews in Israel - all in the Hebrew language. And they have been viewed over 10 million times. We always say that Jesus is "the best kept secret in Judaism". The rabbis might try to keep it quiet, but the secret that Jesus really is the Jewish Messiah is well and truly out of the bag!
Many Israelis now recognize Eitan, Moti, and Anastasia on the streets and are super enthusiastic about the message we are bringing. A lot of people in Israel have become tired of dead religion and are open to the exciting message of new life in Jesus.
Every day we get about five calls from Israelis wanting to know more about Yeshua and our faith.
"Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes,
and see that the fields are white for harvest."
(John 4:35)
Keep praying for the people of Israel! They're open, thirsty and searching for the truth.