Showing posts with label Ministry of Social Affairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ministry of Social Affairs. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2014

Jew-Killing Has Become Lucrative Palestinian Profession

Jew-Killing Has Become Lucrative Palestinian Profession

Monday, July 07, 2014 |  Yossi Aloni  ISRAEL TODAY
Israel’s security cabinet is exploring ways to curb monthly stipends paid by the Palestinian Authority to Palestinian terrorists sitting in Israeli jails.
The issue was again brought to the forefront as Israel sought ways to put pressure on the Palestinians to return three abducted Jewish youths, who have since been found murdered.
Data presented to the cabinet revealed that a terrorist sentenced to 10–15 years in an Israeli jail receives a salary of 6,000 shekels (USD $1,750) a month. A terrorist serving 25–30 years receives 10,000 shekels.
Terrorists with “blood on their hands” - those who have succeeded in murdering Israelis and are serving more than 30 years - can expect a monthly income of 12,000 shekels (USD $3,500), which is nearly five times the average salary in the Palestinian Authority.
With those kinds of numbers, the murder and attempted murder of Jews has become one of the most rewarding professions in the Palestinian Authority.
An Israeli Foreign Ministry report shows that in 2012, the Palestinian Authority paid USD $75.5 million to jailed terrorists and their families. And that represents only the transfers from the PA’s Ministry of Prisoner Affairs.
Additional monies are regularly paid to the families of jailed terrorists by the Ministry of Social Affairs, and to the families of deceased terrorists, including suicide bombers. These additional payments reached USD $78 million in 2011.
All together, the Palestinian Authority is spending some 20 percent of its annual foreign aid and five percent of its overall annual budget on supporting terrorists and their families.
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