Showing posts with label REVIVEISRAEL.ORG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REVIVEISRAEL.ORG. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4, 2016

What 'Grafting In' Means for Both Jews and Gentiles in the End Times - REVIVEISRAEL.ORG STAFF CHARISMA NEWS

God is orchestrating the "grafting in," or reconnection, of Gentiles and Jews.
God is now orchestrating the "grafting in," or reconnection, of Gentiles and Jews. (Flickr )

What 'Grafting In' Means for Both Jews and Gentiles in the End Times

Standing With Israel
In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we looked at the Biblical definition of Israel (People, Nation, Remnant) and a few ways in which Christians have been connecting with Israel in our generation. We discovered that, according to Romans 11 and Ephesians 2 and 3, this relationship between Jew and Gentile, Israel and the nations, carries the promise of bringing fullness to God's plan for revival, restoration, and the Second Coming of Yeshua.
In Part 2, we also looked at a few ways of connecting that are good, but miss the fullness. So, how do we achieve this fullness? What can it look like in our generation?
First, if we are looking for a fullness of connection, a full "grafting in," then this should naturally be made with an "Israel" which satisfies all three Biblical parameters.
Thankfully, in our generation we can find such a group of Jews—the Israeli, Messianic Jewish remnant—those who are Jews (People), Israeli (Nation), and the born again, sealed by the Holy Spirit remnant within Israel (Remnant). According to Paul in Romans 11, it is this group of Jews who carry the full deposit of God's covenants and promises to Israel in their bodies and spirits (Rom. 11:1-15).
Three Strand Cord
In Ephesians, Paul describes the mystery of the reconciliation and unity of Jew and Gentile, together in Messiah, as the "One New Man," declaring that this "mystery of Christ" was not made known to previous generations of prophets as it was being revealed in his day (Eph. 2:14-16; 3:1-6). We can say something similar about our day, in which we see three things that bring this mystery into even sharper focus than it was in the 1st century:
1. A believing remnant of Christians among almost every tribe, tongue and nation on the earth.
2. A restored, independent Jewish nation (with Jerusalem as its capital!) after almost 2,000 years of exile.
3. The restoration of a Jesus-believing remnant in the nation of Israel.
The Scriptures promise that when the church from among the nations sees itself in the right, "grafted in" position vis-a-vis the Israeli remnant; and when the Israeli remnant sees that we are, together with the remnant from every nation, "co-heirs, one Body, and partakers of the same covenants/promises," then we will be positioned together for end times fullness—revival, restoration, and the Second Coming. (Rom 11:11-15; Eph. 3:6) Are we ready?
It's already happening, in the following ways:
1. Teaching: We need revelation about these things, and that comes from the Word and the Holy Spirit. We must heed Paul's warning and seek to not be "ignorant" of this mystery (Rom 11:25).
2. Relationship: We are seeing growing fellowship between leaders of the Israeli Messianic remnant and church leaders from around the world. The "One New Man" doesn't mean that every single Jew and Gentile believer will be in significant relationship with one another—the huge number of Christians worldwide and the small number of Messianic Jews simply makes this impossible. This is where the role of leadership in the Body of Christ becomes key: When leaders, who represent communities of believers, come together in prayer, trust, and relationship, then a global One New Man church can be realized.
3. Cooperation: As relationship grows, we are seeing cooperation in prayer and worship conferences, outreach, media, etc.
4. Government: This last one requires a whole article by itself, but we believe that in these days the Lord is restoring a fullness of apostolic and prophetic order and spiritual government to His people. The fullness of this restoration is dependent upon the right alignment with the fullness of the One New Man restoration of relationship between Israel and the nations, in Christ.
For the original article, visit
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

2 Ways Christians Stop Short of Fully Connecting With Israel - REVIVEISRAEL.ORG STAFF CHARISMA NEWS

The Olive Tree metaphor of Romans 11 demands that Christians see themselves as "grafted in" to Israel. (Flickr)

2 Ways Christians Stop Short of Fully Connecting With Israel

Standing With Israel
In Part 1 of this series, we learned that according to the Bible, "Israel" can mean: A) the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the Jewish people; B) the Jewish nation in its land: and C) the emnant of believers in Yeshua—Jew and Gentile together.
The Olive Tree metaphor of Romans 11 demands that Christians see themselves as "grafted in" (covenantally connected) to Israel in a way that reflects the fullness of all three dimensions of biblical Israel. This is God's formula for bringing about the "fullness of the Gentiles/nations," "all Israel being saved," and the Second Coming of Yeshua (Rom. 11:25-26).
Before we study what this full "grafting in" might look like in our day, I want to look at how Christians have been connecting to Israel in ways that are good, but stop short of the fullness that we are seeking.
1. A+B, without C: Connecting with Israel or the Jewish people OUTSIDE of gospel faith – Over the last several generations, many Christians have discerned in Israel the fulfillment of the many biblical prophecies concerning the in-gathering of the Jewish people and the restoration of our nation. After centuries of mistreatment of the Jews, Christians have accepted the biblical mandate to lovingly "provoke" unbelieving Israel "to jealousy" (Rom 11:11). 
Many lead tours to the Land, visit the IDF, meet with politicians, rabbis, etc.; others have donated finances or planted trees to help the nation; and many take a strong pro-Israel political stance. These are all good, but can totally miss "C"—the Israel that is the Israel of faith—the spiritual remnant of Israeli believers in Yeshua.
Romans 9:6 and 11:17-18 tell us that not all of Israel is fully Israel. If one's primary mode of connecting, of grafting into the Olive Tree, is through the unsaved Jewish majority, then one is essentially grafting to branches which are (at least at this stage) cut off from the tree! That's not a good formula for "partaking with them of the rich root of the olive tree!" It's impossible to take blessing and nourishment from the root if you're grafting into branches that aren't even connected to the tree! This error was quite forgivable a generation ago, when the believing remnant in Israel was so tiny as to be practically invisible, but today the Jewish nation is experiencing a spiritual restoration and a growing, maturing remnant of the faithful in Yeshua. It's time for the fullness of the Olive Tree grafting relationship!
2. Jewish/Hebrew "roots" Torah teaching – Today, there is much popular teaching about the "Jewish roots" of the faith. Learning about the Hebraic background of the Scriptures, Jewish culture, the Feasts, etc. can be beneficial—as long as it does not come with a promise to find through their observance spiritual benefits that we already have in Messiah. But connecting with the laws and culture of a people is different from actually connecting with them in a relational way.
Think of it like this: Eating out regularly at a sushi restaurant may help you to appreciate Japanese food, but it may not help you actually connect with the reality that is Japan. Of course, an appreciation of the national cuisine, or studying the language and history of Japan, can help foster deeper relationship with Japanese people—but it shouldn't be mistaken for the relationship itself.
The Olive Tree of Romans 11 is a "people tree," not a "Torah teaching/doctrine tree." According to Paul, the root of the tree (God's covenant people) is to be identified more with the Abrahamic covenant of faith and promise, than with the later Torah-based religious practices that came to define the boundaries of Jewish identity (Gal. 4-5; Rom. 10:4). In context, Paul's whole point is about the right relationship with other peoples in the tree—not with observing Sabbaths or Feasts.
This "tree" of the people of God is also like a rainbow, demonstrating an incredible variety of the unique cultures and identities of the nations, whom John could visibly recognize in his vision (Rev. 7:9). This mistaken way of "connecting" or "grafting" with Israel through Jewish roots teaching can actually be a great deception. One may find himself with a supposedly "Jewish," or "biblical" way of living and practicing his faith, but without any of the biblical connections with Israel—neither A, B nor C!
In the end, according to our experience, this can lead to a very unhealthy focus on the details of one's own religious practice, identity and even the deception of thinking that you have Jewish or Israelite "blood" (Rev. 3:9). 
For the original article, visit
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

3 Biblical Meanings of the Word 'Israel' - REVIVEISRAEL.ORG STAFF CHARISMA NEWS

The Torah
The Torah (Flickr )

3 Biblical Meanings of the Word 'Israel'

Standing With Israel
As Christians, how are we to relate to Israel? How do we connect with her?
In Romans 11:17-24, Paul likens this vital, organic connection to being grafted into the Olive Tree of God's covenant family. For a complete understanding of this teaching, we have to first understand that the biblical term "Israel" has three primary layers of meaning:
1. The Jewish people – "Israel" (Prince with God) first appears as the name bestowed by God to Jacob after his famous wrestling match with a divine messenger in Genesis 22. At this foundational stage "Israel" is simply the name given to the great patriarch of the 12 tribes of Israel and later to their offspring. By covenant, God thus forever identifies Himself as "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ... the God of Israel." So, "Israel" is the physical descendants of these patriarchs, who later become known as the Jewish people.
2. The nation of Israel and the land of Israel ­– Some 400 years later, the population of the tribes of Israel had greatly multiplied, and together they were ready to become a nation. At Sinai, the people received the Torah/Law containing the basic elements that will define their culture, laws, and society. After entering the Promised Land, there is another covenant which establishes the nation as an eternal, Messianic kingdom under David and his descendants (2 Sam. 7). This nation/kingdom has Jerusalem—the City of David—as its eternal capital.
3. Israel, the saved remnant – This is where things get a little tricky. In the NT, and especially in the theology of Paul, we learn that in every generation there is a spiritual subset of the wider Israel—a saved remnant in which the fullness of God's promises to Israel are realized. On the outside, this group of Jewish people looks like everyone else and speaks the same language; but on the inside, their hearts are born again, "circumcised" and sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Even when it appears—as has been the case throughout most of history—that the majority of Jewish people are not faithfully responding to God's graceful revelation for that generation, God's Word of promise to the whole nation is still true because of the holy remnant. (Rom 11:16) This is just as true in Elijah's day, Paul's day, and our day—because "not all Israel is Israel." (Rom 9:6; 11:1-7) What's more, under the New Covenant even believing Gentiles can be "grafted in" to this covenantal olive tree of faith in the saving grace of the God of Israel. (Rom 9:24; 11:17) So, Israel is the remnant people of faith in Jesus—first to the Jew and also to the non-Jew, together as "One New Man" (Eph. 2:15).
In summary, one and two refer to Israel as physical realities, while three refers to Israel in a more mysterious, spiritual way. All three are biblically valid expressions of what the Bible means by "Israel," and we may find ourselves connecting to one or the other at different times. But Romans (especially 11:11-26) and Ephesians (2:11—3:6) teach that the "fullness" of the revelation of God's plan for Jew and Gentile (Israel and the nations) depends on us rightly discerning His priorities of "grafting" in the Olive Tree.
Paul's letters teach us that under the New Covenant the fullness of the mystery of God's intention for "Israel" is found in Christ (Messiah), and by aligning the relations between Jew and Gentile according to all His covenants with Israel: people, nation and remnant!
(In part two of this series, we will look at what these relations may look like practically.) {eoa]
For the original article, visit
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Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Is it any wonder anti-Semitism is growing?

The Real Reason Anti-Semitism Exists

Is it any wonder anti-Semitism is growing? (

Standing With Israel
This month (March 23-24) is the celebration of Purim. Most people do not notice that the book of Esther takes place at the same time as the prophetic books of Zechariah and Haggai. What is the significance of this timing?
In the books of Zechariah and Haggai, we find a small, Jewish remnant having returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the altar, the Temple and the city. In the book of Esther, we find a worldwide wave of anti-Semitism coming out of Persia (ancient Iran). There is a connection between the two.
The restoration of Jerusalem represents the advancement of the kingdom of God. The wave of anti-Semitism is an evil movement that represents a spiritual attack on that kingdom restoration. The restoration of a faithful remnant in Jerusalem fuels the hatred against the Jewish people. The destruction of the kingdom remnant in Jerusalem is the goal of international anti-Semitism and genocide.  
We see a similar pattern today that has a similar prophetic significance. The nation of Israel has been restored, even with Jerusalem as its capital. The Messianic remnant of faith within Israel is being restored at the same time. There is a worldwide movement of propaganda and terror whose central aim is to discredit Jewish claims to Jerusalem and to destroy Israel.
Both in the time of Zechariah and today, the logic of this spiritual warfare has to do with stopping the return of Messiah. The first restoration of Israel led to the first coming of Yeshua. The second restoration will lead to the second coming of Yeshua.
Yeshua indicated in Matthew 23:39 that His return will be at the response to the nation of Israel—especially Jerusalem—calling for His return with the cry of "Blessed be He who comes in the name of YHVH." The nation of Israel is in place; a Messianic Jewish remnant in Israel and Jerusalem is growing little by little.
The devil knows his time is short and therefore is hysterical, panicking and angry (Rev. 12:12). Therefore, such demonic hatred, lies and murder are being released against the plan of God. This is the hidden spiritual cause of much of the evil happening in world politics today.
For the original article, visit
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