Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Thursday, May 8, 2014

An Overview of Recent Events in the Ukraine - Michael Zinn

Michael Zinn - Chosen People in Kiev, Ukraine

Chosen People Ministries 

1:47 AM (5 hours ago)

Shalom dear friend in the Messiah,

I recently returned from a trip to Kiev, where I participated in the European section meeting of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism. This group has existed for thirty years, and was initiated by Jewish mission leaders involved with the Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelism. The meetings for the European group were held in Kiev April, 28 - May 2, 2014.

There were many reasons for the event to be held in Kiev, not the least of which is because there has been a growing, authentic and indigenous Messianic Jewish movement in Ukraine - centered in Kiev - which began in 1989 at the beginning of Perestroika. The conference statement is well worth reading, and reflects the sentiments of the attendees.

The history of the Jewish people of Ukraine is significant. Ukraine was part of the Pale of Settlement, where Jews were allowed to live, and included land that is now part of Russia, Poland, Romania, Belarus as well as today's Ukraine. The borders were quite fluid for many years, and so many Jewish people's "country of origin" frequently changed. However, the borders stabilized after 1945 and the formation of the Soviet Union. The area has always been important to Jewish evangelism, as more than ten million Jewish people lived in the region before World War II.

Fifty-plus years later, the Soviet Union would become the Former Soviet Union and countries that were once part of it would again assert their independence and individuality. This is most assuredly what is taking place now as the Ukrainians, especially in the Western and more European part of Ukraine, seek continued independence from Russia. The conflict between various parts of Ukraine and Russia is at the heart of current conflict. Although the conflict appears to be purely political and nationalistic, there is a spiritual aspect to the situation as well.

The Ukrainian Christians - Baptists, Pentecostals and those who identify with the mainline churches - have been deeply involved in the political struggle, hoping as well that an independent Ukraine would be best for the spiritual atmosphere of the country's people. This is understandable, as the Russian Orthodox Church has been a very controlling presence in Russia and throughout the Former Soviet Union for many years.

Ukrainian Christian with Michael Zinn of Chosen People Ministries

The Christians in the Ukraine believe they now have greater freedoms than others in the Former Soviet Union, and part of their political struggle stems from a desire to maintain this freedom of religion. The fierce and early fighting took place in what is known as Madan Square, the very heart both symbolically and physically of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Many born-again believers have found extraordinary opportunities to minister in the midst of the conflict, and as a result of the fighting many Ukranians have come to the Lord.

Many Jewish people believe that Ukraine is an anti-Semitic country. Certainly this is true historically; however, after meeting some of the believers in Kiev, I can honestly say that these believers have renounced this history of anti-Semitism and assured me that they love the Jewish people, affirm the state of Israel and work hard to make the Gospel known among their Jewish friends and loved ones. 

This was deeply encouraging to me.

Our Israel Director, Michael Zinn, who grew up in the Western Ukrainian city of Lvov gives us an overview of the events and interviews Yuri, one of the key leaders of the prayer tent movement in Madan:

Michael Zinn: An Overview of Recent Events in the Ukraine

Michael and Yuri: God's Work Through the Prayer Tent Ministries

It was eye-opening to visit Madan Square last week and see for myself some of what transpired. I know a picture is worth at least a thousand words and so you can see for yourself the pictures of the barricades, tents, tires, para-military groups, nationalist allies and more!

My hope is that you will pray for Ukraine and especially for our brothers and sisters who have been so involved in helping, praying, serving food and leading many to Jesus in the midst of the conflict. Messianic Jews from Ukraine were in the trenches as well, sharing the love of Jesus with their fellow Ukrainian citizens.

Chosen People Ministries has had a ministry in the Ukraine for many years. It started in the midst of what I call the "Russian Jewish Jesus Movement," which I date from the fall of the Soviet Union until today. Tens of thousands of Russian, Ukrainians and other Jews living in the Former Soviet Union have come to faith in the Messiah Jesus. In fact, at our LCJE European gathering, about a third of the participants or more spoke Russian or Ukrainian as their first languages. This is miraculous when you consider that the citizens of the Former Soviet Union were once forced to renounce all religious faith, and Jews especially were not allowed to worship in communities.

It is incredible to see what God has done. In fact, twenty-five years ago, Chosen People Ministries may have had a missionary or two that spoke Russian... but today we have 25-30 Russian speakers on our staff, serving around the globe from Russia and Ukraine to Israel, Australia, the United States and Germany!

Vladimir Pikman, who became a believer through our early ministries among the Jewish people in Kiev, tells the story of the founding of our work in front of the building in Madan where our ministries began (now damaged by fire):

Vladimir Pikman: My Testimony and the Birth of Chosen People Ministries in Kiev

I was also able to speak briefly about the work of those dedicated disciples who are the fruit of God's work through Chosen People Ministries in Kiev. There are a number of fine Messianic Jewish congregations in Kiev and Ukraine and quite a few mission agencies that are laboring in various cities throughout Ukraine, bringing the Good News of Messiah Jesus to Jewish Ukrainians and to Gentiles as well.

Mitch Glaser: Appeal for Prayer for Ukrainian Jewish Evangelism

Remember to pray for Ukraine, as we all have many brothers and sisters there who are enduring hardship and trying to bring the Gospel to their people in trying times. There are still hundreds of thousands of Jewish people in Ukraine, and we are asking God to help us increase our ministry to win our kinsmen to the Savior.
We do have one Messianic congregation in Harkov, led by Sasha Sareda, a Ukrainian Baptist pastor called to serve among the Jewish people. We support Sasha and would appreciate your prayers.

As time goes by it becomes clearer and clearer that we will need to expand our work in Kiev. If you have interest in working in Ukraine with Chosen People Ministries, please take a moment to reply to this e-mail so that we can talk about your involvement personally.

I hope you will enjoy the videos - and please pray about supporting our efforts among Russian-speaking Jewish people today!

Make an online donation now!

Please type Ministry to Russian and Ukrainian Jews in the Special Designation box

Your brother in the Messiah,


Remnant and Renewal: The New Russian Messianic Movement
Who are the Jewish people of the former Soviet Union and what is their relationship to the Gospel?
Remnant and Renewal: The New Russian Messianic Movement tells the story of the Russian-speaking Jewish people, and the sometimes heartbreaking, often heroic tales of those who have sought to bring the Gospel to them throughout their troubled history.

Follow Chosen People Ministries:
Chosen People Ministries 
241 E. 51st Street 
New York, NY - 10022 

Russia's Putin Cozies Up to Jews

Russia's Putin Cozies Up to Jews

Thursday, May 08, 2014 |  Yossi Aloni  ISRAEL TODAY
Amidst mounting tension between Russia and Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin opened official government facilities to host the largest conference of Russian-speaking Jews to discuss the topics of Zionism and Judaism.   Over 1,200 young Jews from all over the former Soviet Union gathered in Moscow for the “Limmud FSU” (Learning FSU) conference. Now in its ninth year, Limmud FSU is a festival of Jewish learning that includes lectures, workshops, roundtable discussions, music and a variety of cultural events in Russian, English and Hebrew.
The conference was addressed by Prof. Zeev Hanin, the chief scientist at Israel’s Ministry of Absorption, who lectured on a new emerging identity among young Jews living in the former Soviet Union.
According to Hanin, these Jewish youth can be labeled as the “first post-Soviet generation.” As such, this generation, while maintaining a deep connection with Jewish culture and the Jewish state, are also beginning to identify more with the land of their birth.
In the latest issue of Israel Today Magazine, we explore burgeoning ties between Russia, Israel and the wider Jewish world. Local experts and politicians told us that this phenomenon is greatly complicating relations between Israel and America, but also said this might not be a bad thing, considering the Obama Administration’s fumbling of major international crises.
CLICK HERE to subscribe and read the full analysis.
PHOTO: Young Russian-speaking Jews attend ‘Limmud FSU 2014’ in Moscow
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ukrainian Jews Flee Violence, Fulfill Prophecy

Ukrainian Jews Flee Violence, Fulfill Prophecy

Julie Stahl and Chris Mitchell, CBN News  May 7, 2014

JERUSALEM, Israel -- The disintegrating situation in Ukraine has led to an increase in anti-Semitic attacks against Jews living in the country. Many Jews are talking about escaping to Israel.

Nineteen Ukrainian Jews arrived in Israel this week after escaping the violence engulfing their country. Others still wait and worry about relatives left behind.

Ilena Hila Feingold, who has lived in Israel for many years, works for The Jewish Agency.

"I'm from Donetsk. I arrived to Israel in 1991 with my family but still now I have in Donetsk my aunt," Feingold told CBN News. "She's 86 and I'm very worried -- what about her, I don't hear about her. I'm only praying that it will be okay."

Feingold's job is to help other Jewish people come home to Israel.

"For the Jewish people it's different and it's different in all cities -- in the Western part of Ukraine, it's not the same to the eastern part -- but the one thing is common that we feel that the Jews want to go to Israel more, [many] of them," Feingold said.

In the early 1990s, more than a million Jews immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union, many of them from the Ukraine. That tapered off, but now immigration from the Ukraine has risen more than 100 percent in the first months of 2014.

Ilena and Daria, friends in their early twenties, arrived on this week's flight.

"It's a difficult situation in my country. I'm from Ukraine; that's why I'm here and I love Israel," Daria said. "I've been here many times. I have relatives here. That's my country."

Ilena came earlier on a study program and now she's back to stay.

"Oh it's a hard situation. Everyday people are dying there," Ilena said. "I don't know if it's safe for now to be there for Jews."

The flight that arrived in Israel this week was sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, which began helping Jews immigrate to Israel more than 25 years ago.

"The Embassy has already helped more than 40,000 Ukrainian Jews; sometimes it was in times of conflict like this," ICEJ spokesman David Parsons said. "This seems to be another occasion where Jews are in danger in the Ukraine. There have been an increase in anti-Semitic attacks and they're wanting to come home."

Parsons sees this return as a part of biblical prophecy.

"We do believe that the return of the Jewish people is fulfillment of God's promises to bring the Jews back," Parsons told CBN News.

"Some Christians sort of focus on the dark side of prophecy -- Who's the anti-Christ? When is Armageddon going to happen? -- but we focus on the positive side, the return of the Jews," Parsons said.

"Even in the Hebrew prophets it speaks of gentiles assisting with this," he continued. "And we see ourselves in Scripture as those gentiles that God has beckoned to, as it says in Isaiah 49, come help with the return of the Jews back to the land."

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Prophecy - JOHN PAUL JACKSON - USA, Euro Dollar fall, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Israel, weather catastrophes worldwide

John Paul Jackson - prophetic message that will let you know
we must intercede in prayer.

Published on Mar 5, 2014 on YouTube. 

Originally his message was given on Jan. 22, 2012.

This is just a 15 minute clip of the full 1.5 hr video. The entire video can be seen at:

Watch full message here:

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jerusalem Dateline Show: Russia, Ukraine and Israel - CBN News

Chris Mitchell

CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief

This week on Jerusalem Dateline: Russia's assault on Ukraine. How does it affect that country's Jews, and the nation of Israel?

Plus, thousands of years ago, the Jewish people faced extinction at the hands of a Persian official. Today, they celebrate their deliverance, well aware that it could happen again.

And, an anti-Semitic party gains ground in Hungary. Why the country's Christians and Jews it could become even more powerful in the upcoming elections.

Watch video: Jerusalem Dateline - Russia, Ukraine and Israel

Print Email to a Friend posted on Friday, March 21, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Vladimir Putin: The Rise of Gog and the Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 by Dr. Jeff Crwaford

Vladimir Putin: 

The Rise of Gog 

and the 

Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39

Vladimir Putin, Russia
Dr. Jeff Crawford, The Good, The Band & The Ugly

March 10, 2014

We may be seeing a biblical prophecy fulfilled in front of our eyes.  Ezekiel 38-39 foretells the coming invasion of Israel from a northern land known as Magog.  The ruler of Magog is said to be Gog, a name that most biblical scholars identify as a title rather than a proper name itself.
The prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 is fascinating because it is so specific in the way it names a coalition of nations that will come up against Israel.  The prophecy foretells this axis of evil that invades Israel will be miraculously destroyed by the hand of God and that Gog, himself, will be killed.   What is remarkable about Gog’s defeat is that the Bible declares he will be buried in Israel and not in his homeland.  This will be a sure sign as to the literal fulfillment of this prophecy.
It is no secret that Israel has her share of enemies.  The focus tends to always be on the Palestinian conflict and tensions with Israel’s immediate neighbors.  But the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy points directly to an invasion led by Russia.  What clues in the prophecy point to modern day Russia as the biblical land of Magog?
  • Magog is referred to as the land in the north.  If you draw a line from Jerusalem all the way to the North Pole, that line will pass through…Moscow.
  • Gog is referred to as the prince of Meshech and Tubal.
  • Meschech refers to the ancient peoples who live along the Black and Caspien Seas, the Moschi, or the Moschovites.  This is the word from which Moscow is derived.
  • Tubal is a derivative of the modern word Tobolsk.  Tobolsk is the former capital of Russia and one of its most famous cities.
It is chillingly clear that the ancient land of Magog is modern day Russia.  More startling are Russia’s allies as named by Scripture.  A quick survey of Ezekiel 38:5-6 and the reader will note:
  • Persia – modern day Iran.  It is no secret the role Russia has and is playing in Iran’s nuclear program.  Iran is located to the east of Israel.
  • Cush – modern day Ethiopia.  A north African nation located to the south of Israel.
  • Put – modern day Lybia.  Another north African nation and one that has become completely hostile to the West in recent days.
  • Gomer – while a modern day equivalent here is difficult, biblical scholars agree that the people of Gomer were the Cimmerians, who lived around the Black Sea and were expelled to what is modern day Turkey.  So Gomer could be Turkey.  However, the ancient Cimmerians lived in what is now known as…Ukraine.  We should take particular notice of this as Ukraine has sprung onto the world scene as Russia is on the doorstep of invasion of this sovereign nation.  Could Gomer be Ukraine?
  • Beth-togarmah – this too is not certain but some scholars have suggested Germany as the modern day equivalent of this ancient land.
  • The uttermost parts of the north – when one looks at a map of the nations north of Israel they will certainly see Syria, among others.  Once again, the role of Russia in Syria is unavoidable.
The point is clear.  Russia, the ancient land of Magog, is on the move.  The headlines declare it so.  The pieces of its coalition are quickly falling into place.  And it is this collection of nations, led by the great bear of the north, that will at some point make a move against Israel.
Is Vladimir Putin the biblical leader, Gog?  Only time will tell.  But consider…
  • Putin is emboldened.  Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, Russia has been kept in-check by the United States.  Putin no longer feels “in check.” In fact, he is playing his own game of chess and doing his best to put the United States in “check.”
  • Just two weeks ago, Russia signed an arms agreement with Egypt, Israel’s southern most neighbor.  Egypt now gets it military arms from Russia and not the United States.
  • The world watched as President Obama, walked back from his red-line in Syria over the use of chemical weapons.  Putin was paying close attention as well.
  • The world watched as our ambassador and his team was slaughtered in Libya.  To this day our government has done nothing by way of response.  This too has been noted by Putin.
  • The world has watched as the United States has been fixated on domestic issues such as the economy, same-sex marriage, immigration, climate change regulations, the minimum wage, etc. and in turn has treated international matters as less important.
  • The world has watched as the United States has proposed defense cuts and troop reductions to pre-WWII levels.
So while the United States is gearing down, self-focused, and too timid to respond to international matters, Putin has decided to make his move.
Watch Russia.  Watch Putin.  Watch the response of the United States, or lack thereof.  And watch as biblical prophecy unfolds in tomorrow’s headlines.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Kim Clement: Concerning Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and the Jewish People (The Elijah List)

Kim Clement:
The Elijah List

Kim ClementMarch 8, 2014 – From The Den:

"Am I, the Lord, to be insulted? Am I, God, to be dictated to and told, 'He is unable?' What about Ukraine? What about Russia? 

You think I have looked away? No! I have prepared to strangle, to throttle the princes who have raised themselves up and called themselves kings before their time.

"This next week I will show you as a people that your prayers, your proclamations, your provision will make a difference. 

This nation has stood through much, but now I will rattle and shake each one of those who have usurped authority. Many would say the nation is going down, but," God said, "the only way down is up.

"I will show you that I will humble My people in such a way that I will cause the bright and shining star of this nation to shine like it has never shone before.

"And then I will take the people of Ukraine and I will remove them from the stronghold of that one calling himself 'King Putin.' King Putin, who are you? Nothing, without Me. 

Therefore I will do it, and I will do it swiftly; and out of the ashes of Ukraine I will bring glorious light, and My Church will prosper and My light will shine in Ukraine," says the Lord.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Lord Shall Rule From Jerusalem, Israel

As Kim is praying for the nations of the world, he states: "Awake the glory of America, England, Ukraine, Russia, the East and the Middle East; South America, Norway, Sweden," then prays for Germany.
Watchman by Jennifer Page
God says, "Watch out. Watch out for Germany. Watch out," says the Lord. "The enemy has endeavored to tempt her again – endeavoring to tempt Germany to join forces with the wickedness of this earth. 

But there are saints in Germany; there are prayers coming from Germany as well, but yet it is being tempted at this hour to join forces or would stand and be passive.

"How can you be passive when it was in your land that you saw anti-Semitism? How can you be passive when you saw in your land the oppression of the Jews? 

And it is rising up again, where the Jews are being looked at," says the Lord, "where Israel is being looked at for the Jews in Ukraine, and the Jews in Russia, and the Jews in Germany, and the Jews in Europe."

God said, "Would they go through a holocaust again? No! It shall never happen again, for," God said, "once is enough. 

Now they have returned to My land, and because they've returned to My land, I shall rule from Jerusalem and I shall rule from Israel," says the Lord.

Kim Clement
Kim Clement Center

Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined "the prophet" for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. Kim's prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. 

His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel, and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

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March 14, 2014

Kim Clement:
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

As Kim was prophesying live... last Saturday, March 8, 2014, God gave him specific words regarding Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and other words concerning the Body of Christ and concerning the Jewish People.

This transcribed word is short, but it has some potent revelation from the Lord concerning Putin and other world leaders.


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