Divine Appointments
While ministering in Detroit, a dear friend brought me to the home of a well known, elderly Jewish doctor who was friends with Albert Einstein. While giving me a tour of his beautiful home, which is like a museum, he was pleased to show me original copies of books by Copernicus, Galileo, Darwin and of course Einstein. At the end of the tour, he asked what I thought. I told the doctor that although his home is filled with treasures, there's only one treasure of value. "What's that?", he asked rather astounded.
I gently placed my hand over his heart and said, "Your heart." And with his nurse standing beside him, praying in tears, this doctor heard a clear message of Yeshua. He didn't make a choice to follow Messiah that day but let's pray for his precious soul...
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On the streets of Jerusalem we asked directions from an Orthodox Jewish man and then began to talk. We had the joy of sharing our faith and he was surprised to realize that Messianic believers and Orthodox Jews actually have a tremendous amount of good things in common such as conservative beliefs. He left saying he had plenty to ponder...