Showing posts with label plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plans. Show all posts

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Report: Plans for President Trump to Visit Israel Being Finalized - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Report: Plans for President Trump to Visit Israel Being Finalized

Plans for President Donald Trump to visit Israel at the end of May are currently being finalized, according to several media reports from the Israeli media.
The president is expected to make his first foreign visits as commander-in-chief at that time, and the reports suggest he asked to have the Israel trip added to the itinerary. This follows some very strong words of support for the Jewish state made during remarks Tuesday at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.
He said:
I am deeply moved to stand before those who survived history's darkest hour. Your cherished presence transforms this place into a sacred gathering.
Thank you, Tom Bernstein, Alan Holt, Sara Bloomfield and everyone at the Holocaust Memorial Council and Museum for your vital work and tireless contributions.
We are privileged to be joined by Israel's Ambassador to the United States, a friend of mine—he's done a great job and said some wonderful words—Ron Dermer. The State of Israel is an eternal monument to the undying strength of the Jewish people. The fervent dream that burned in the hearts of the oppressed is now filled with the breath of life and the Star of David waves atop a great nation arisen from the desert ...
This is my pledge to you: We will confront anti-Semitism. We will stamp out prejudice. We will condemn hatred. We will bear witness. And we will act. As president of the United States, I will always stand with the Jewish people—and I will always stand with our great friend and partner, the State of Israel."
Watch the video above to hear his complete remarks.
Details of the trip will likely be announced next month, once they have been finalized. An advance team is reportedly expected to arrive in the next week or two to begin coordinating the visit. 
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Closed Doors. Open Doors. - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Closed Doors. Open Doors.

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.” (Acts 16:10 NASU)

The Lord speaks to us in order to get us to where He needs us to be. If we listen, we will hear His voice, know His ways, and fulfill the purpose He has planned for us. Something good will come then.

Do you want Him to do that for you? Are you ready?

There have been many times when I was in a situation that I did not know what to do. I remember once needing to make a critical decision, which would affect not only myself, but my family, friends around us, and the employment I had at the time. It involved a move to another state, for a ministry job opportunity, but at the same time we would be leaving family and that life which we had been familiar with. Prayer, fasting, guidance from others, and the Holy Spirit speaking to me brought the right decision.

We moved. Thank you Jesus.

That may seem just a common situation to some, as many people move all the time. Some would think it was just a matter of time and we would have moved anyway. Or I would have figured it out by myself, given further research and just making the decision to do it, letting the results be as they would.


But then I wanted to depend on the Holy Spirit to guide our steps, so even in that common example I had learned to ask Him to help me. And as I continue to learn, as I am being trained, I will be able to hear His voice distinctly in those times when more difficult, pressing issues come my way, and I really need to know the way to go, and make the right choice. Life or death may depend on it.

In the Scripture given at the beginning of this message, Paul had been trusting the Lord for direction, seeking which way he was to go. He was willing to do what the Lord wanted him to do.  People were depending on him. His team needed his leadership, and he needed to get it right.

He thought it was one way, and so he proceeded, literally, down that road. But in his going, he was directed to another way, another place. It came in the form of a vision. Sometimes His word will come in a dream. Often He tells us in a simple thought in our mind, which hopefully we don’t dismiss as a random thought.

Whichever way He choices to guide, we must know it is Him, and respond in obedience. For Paul, later it became apparent that this was a critical step in his walk in taking the Gospel to the Gentiles, the non-Jews. If he had not been expecting guidance from the Lord, Europe may not have heard the Good News in this time they needed to.

Have you ever been in a place in your life where the doors seemed to keep getting shut? It didn’t work the way you had expected, hoped for, figured it would? Have you ever thanked the Lord later, after His perfect plan was then revealed to you down the road, and you realized how He stopped you from going that way, because He had something better up ahead, and you just had to wait a bit more?I am sure you have, just like it happened in Paul’s life. Just as it has already happened several times in my own, and also in yours.

“They passed through the Phrygian and Galatian region, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia; and after they came to Mysia, they were trying to go into Bithynia, and the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them; and passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas.

A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.” (Acts 16:6-10 NASU)

Paul was on the move. He had been wanting to go to Asia (modern day Turkey and surrounding lands), believing that was the next stop. But the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, did not permit Him. Why did that happen? How did that happen?

The time was not yet right for the one location. The Lord stopped Paul to reveal to him where he was to be. Supernaturally.

You too can hear the Lord’s voice. You too can learn to depend upon Him, to hear His quiet leading, for He is more than willing to speak to you. And when a door is shut as you start to walk through it, you will not get discouraged and give up, but will seek Him for the open door that He has on ahead for you. Through His Holy Spirit’s guidance He will show you the way.

Learning to hear and obey now will be vitally important for when we are put in a situation where knowing the right door to go through is the only one that will work. You may be trying to push open a closed door that would cause harm for you and those close to you, not realizing the right open door is just another step ahead.

Depending on the Holy Spirit to guide our steps, speak to us with His answers, and show us what is the open door, so we don’t try to break down the closed ones, is vital. In these days we are living in, you and I will need to know the way to go, how to go, and when to go. 

Having that close relationship with the Lord and the Spirit of God speaking and leading will not be a luxury, but a necessity.

So think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to bless the families that we do in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Click here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: LoveFor His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 01.26.16 - #238 –“Closed Doors. Open Doors.” – Tuesday at 4:30 am

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 - Plan On God Using You Like Never Before - BILL YOUNT

Posted: 03 Jan 2016   BILL YOUNT
God is going to use you this coming year like never before. Make plans for it. If the Lord has called you to write, write. If it's painting, paint. If speaking, speak. If doors don't open for you to speak anywhere, go out in the woods and speak to the trees. 
You will soon see trees as men walking. Speak to the mountains and you will start seeing them move, even in your own life. Billy Graham started by preaching to cows. God plans on using you this coming year like no other generation.

The first reason is: The Lord needs you more than ever in a world that is falling apart. The second reason: The lost will be calling on you, asking you to give the reason for the hope that is in you. The Lord is sending His angels to loose you into the harvest fields with your gifts and talents. Don't worry about having enough training. Your trusting in the Lord will be your training this coming year. Make your plans now. It's time.

Dear friends,

 I am in the process of publishing a new book. If you have been encouraged by my writings and would like to contribute to this project, your gift will be tax deductible along with a personal thank you note. You may write your check out to Blowing The Shofar Ministry and mail to the following address below.

Blowing The Shofar Ministry
132 East North Ave.
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740

Monday, June 15, 2015

"Connecting the Dots of Your Purpose" - Joey LeTourneau

"Connecting the Dots of Your Purpose"
Joey LeTourneau, Redding, CA
The Elijah List

"I know the plans I have for you..." Jeremiah 29:11

Growing up, for my 16th birthday, my parents asked if they could give me a "Father's Blessing" for my birthday. I was reluctant while imagining the other things a 16th birthday could bring, but I ended up receiving a gift that has altered my life, family and purpose forever.

One particular line my dad spoke over me really stands out: "I hope you never believe that just because you're not like me in every area of life that I think you're a lesser person; that's a common belief among sons of type-A dads. In fact, I believe the very best hope for the LeTourneau name lies in the very ways that you are different from me."

What a revolutionary statement! As people, and Christians, we can struggle not to judge others or expect them to conform to our ways. We often condemn differences that are actually a big part of God's creative design. We often want people to recognize our way of doing things as the "right way."
But here, in a father-son relationship where such conforming expectations can often be at the greatest heights, my dad was actually blessing my differences, recognizing—and helping me recognize—that it was those very differences in my life that were not like him that would probably make the biggest difference in the world. I tend to think our Heavenly Father sees much the same way. (Photo via flickr)

"There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all." 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

You are going to reach people that I will never reach. You have gifts I can't dream of. You are called to different places, through different ways that I am not. And that's a beautiful thing

But those intentional differences crafted straight from the Father's heart are also why we often struggle to live out our purpose—because it's different than the person on our right, or our left. We too often compare and end up hiding the very light that is supposed to rise up and shine from within us!

Identifiers to Help "Connect the Dots"

Here is a stepping-stone like path of identifiers that can help you recognize different, important parts of your life and how they may fit with other pieces God has given you. 

These areas of our lives can look like a big, scattered "connect the dots" puzzle as we try and decide which one to pursue. But start to connect the dots and you just might see the picture He is trying to show the world through you! (Photo via pixabay)

Dream: What do you want to give the world, in a big picture sense? Do you want to give hope? Second chances? Education? Resources? What about new ideas and inventions?

Compassion: Who or what does your heart naturally break for? It might be a cause or subject that always wrenches your heart when you see it in a movie or story. It might be something you or someone close to you has passed through. Is your compassion for orphans or widows? The poor or oppressed? Perhaps broken families, or maybe for those impacted by slavery/trafficking? Your heart has probably already been talking with God about your compassion fairly frequently, we just have to slow down to recognize and identify that it just might be Him speaking to us.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Passion: What subjects do you enjoy? What talents or gifts has God given you? Is it art or music? Sports? Media or technology? Maybe business, government or education? When you combine your compassion with your passion, you can begin to see a new way you might be able to reach out to those you have compassion for.

Purpose: How are you going to make an impact? Will you open a facility or start a business? You could teach, coach, or mentor others in a formal or informal way. Might you write or speak, or maybe travel to encourage or deliver resources? You might simply become a professional in your field. And there are so many other ways.

Nations: This part is pretty self-explanatory. Where? What nation, community, culture or neighborhood grabs your heart? Is it your nation/neighborhood? Is it an Asian nation or an African nation? Perhaps it is a European nation or somewhere else. There are so many possibilities and yours is important.

So imagine you start to connect those dots: What if you wanted to give New ideas and inventions to those who are poor, using your passion for business to open a facility in an urban area. Or, what if you wanted to give hope to victims of trafficking in an Asian nation using art as a method of reviving their spirits. (Photo via pixabay)

First Steps

The truth is we aren't just called to dream big dreams; we must have the courage to persevere and live them out. This all starts with taking a first step into what may start out as unknown territory.
Our impact rarely comes from trying to live out some great thing, or build a great ministry. I believe it starts in a very simple way when we stop looking at what we do not have in our hands, and start to look at the pieces of His heart that He has put into ours. 

Great faith lived out is often little more than great obedience in the presence of difficulty, opposition or the unknown. Our obedience starts simply by taking those first steps with Him into the "Yes."

Our first steps might be to write out a goal or plan. Maybe start to research more about your compassion. You could even take a vision trip to visit the people or place you are called to—not necessarily to do anything yet—just to ask the Lord what He is doing and how He is calling you to join Him. (Photo via flickr)

Each dot in your life might not bring much clarity on its own, but together they represent something awesome! Whether it's a nation you are drawn to or a compassion that makes your heart well up with hurt and hope at the very same time. 

To truly live your purpose don't simply look for the road that goes towards one of these dots as a destination in your life, but get childlike before God and play a good ol' fashion game of connect the dots with your Father. See the picture He has already painted within you, the picture He is trying to reveal through you to the world!

"Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1

Joey LeTourneau
Imagi-Nations LLC

Joey LeTourneau, along with his wife Destiny and their five kids, live in Redding, California, and work across the nations to see the Father's heart revealed, and want to see God's children empowered to live out every purpose they've been created for–that no purpose would fall to the ground. Joey has authored six books and recently created a revolutionary new board game that helps people dream into their potential purpose–especially for youth around the world. Together, he and his wife founded Imagi-Nations LLC, a movement to "Imagine nations changed because you lived your purpose and dream."

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

God of the Turnaround - A Prophetic Word by Steve Porter

God of the Turnaround
- A Prophetic Word by Steve Porter

Identity Network

"I am the God of the turnaround! For some time now you have been asking Me when things are going to turn around - when the winds of change are going to start blowing, when the winds of favor will head your way. Well, the time is now, and I'm going to begin to restore everything that the locust has eaten!
"It's time for your turnaround. Did I not make a pathway for My people through the Red Sea? Did I not provide water from a rock to give refreshment? Did I not send manna and quail to feed My people? Did I not give direction by a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night to lead them?
"If I did that for My people then don't I care just as much about you? Can I not bring order from your chaos or refreshment from the dry places in your life? Can I not resurrect even the dead things?"
"For I know the plans I have for you,' says the LORD. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)
"This is not a time to fold your hands and fall asleep. It's a time to decree and declare that you have victory through Me. So ask Me today for your turnaround.
I'm releasing favor over you. I'm restoring your honor and giving you a fresh mandate from heaven. I am ready to arise and scatter your enemies." (See Psalms 68:1)
New Influence and Favor
New territory, New anointing, New favor!
Time is short; your days on this Earth are numbered.  Don't squander the precious moments you have left. Life's curtain will close suddenly before you know it, but today I see The Lord Jesus reaching out to you and gently calling your name - wooing you closer to Him in 2015.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
Jesus was pretty clear when He said to forsake all and follow Him. What He said then He also means now; even if that means doing things with which we're not comfortable, pushing away anything that hinders our relationship with Him, or sacrificing the things we want most.  "I desire to give you new territory, a new anointing and divine favor...but will you seek me first? I desire to establish you but will you first establish me in your heart?" 
As you seek the Lord first and make Him your first love, He will honor you and bring you forth as pure gold.
God honors us when He is honored as our top priority. He's jealous of us. (Deuteronomy 4:24)
I encourage you to let Jesus Christ be at the forefront of your thoughts and the guide of your heart this year. He will put everything else into place. He will establish you; give you a new beginning and a fresh start. He will place a fresh anointing and favor on your life as He has already promised. Seek intimacy with the Lord, lay at His feet, resting in His presence this coming year and watch Him establish you beyond what you could ever imagine!
"Begin again! New beginnings! Fresh Starts," says the Lord!
Steve Porter

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Big Picture. Full Picture. - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Big Picture. Full Picture.
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“You're a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light.” Psalm 36:9 (THE MESSAGE)

You are surrounded by the forest. All around you is nothing except the dense foliage, with a few streaks of sunlight piercing the darkness. You can’t see much at all and you think this is it. This is the known world.

As the camera pulls back, the forest gives way to a winding river, and then majestic clouds as the view expands higher up. Moving quickly now, you see through the lens a large land mass, surrounded by a huge ocean. Then the round ball of earth comes into further view, followed by a galaxy with massive groups of stars. There is no stopping point to the vastness of the creation.

At times our world we move in seems nothing more than what we can see through the trees in the forest. The daily routines, work schedules, and the ongoing maintenance of life keep us from seeing the big picture. For some, our boundaries are the small confines we are familiar with, and it sometimes seems that is all we can handle. Keeping life simple, within that established and familiar perimeter, is ok within our world, we at times believe.

For many, the bigger picture is rarely seen, if at all. Just maintaining the day in, day out routine is enough for the typical person, seeking to make it through another week, another season, another year. What is happening elsewhere offers nothing that will touch our lives. Or so it would seem.

To have a world concept, to go beyond what we typically come in contact with, requires something outside of ourselves. It will push us to see more than we would normally want to see, to get involved within a sphere outside of our own. Having a world view will require more than the “me and mine” attitude, if we are to affect the world beyond our known borders.

At times I am content to keep within the confines of the world I typically walk in – to do well on the job, maintain the few relationships I have, and accept the routine I have grown accustomed to. It just seems good enough. And yet fulfillment lacks. More must be attained.

Seeking the Lord’s purpose and plan for our lives will bring the full picture in view, as we realize that His world, the one we have been called to walk in, is beyond ours. Having His vantage viewpoint gives us the opportunity to get beyond our immediate surroundings and expand our world view.

As time goes by, the zeal we had to change the world in our youth must not be replaced with a complacency and tendency to shrink back from serving His purposes. Rather than believing we have completed our assignment and can now sit back and let others do it, our prayer must be to have His passion and love for the world renewed in our spirit. It is a daily walk, one that by His grace we can keep pressing on to achieve.

The enemy would like for us to sit back and let the world go by, allowing “que sera sera” – whatever will be will be. But that is not what we have been given to do, and we must continue to walk by the guidance of the Holy Spirt, Ruach HaKodesh, to be overcomers in this life.

The big picture, the full picture, has the world in view. Our place in this world is to continue to bring His kingdom into that part that He has for us to impact and fulfill. Until He calls us home to our eternal reward, let us keep seeking the Lord so we can be instruments of His love here on earth.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #165 - “Big Picture. Full Picture.” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (01.05.15) Monday at 9:00 am in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blessing or Curse - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Blessing or Curse
- Now Think On This
Steve Martin

"Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other gods which you have not known.” Deut. 11:26-29 NKJV

The words you speak impact people more than we often realize. An encouraging word sown at the right time to a person wanting and needing some more hope, for their troubling heart or worrisome mind, can change a direction a person is going in, and effect their life beyond the immediate vision. Spoken with a prophetic impact that the Holy Spirit generates, a spoken word at the right time can even mean life or death for that person. It can be as a lifeline thrown out to one needing a pull out of the engulfing water.

A believing life “spoken” to a generation, one that is lived out of obedience to the voice of the Lord and following after Him, will have even more impact on many people; even a generation or more that follows behind. The lives of countless men and women, who heard the call of the Lord, and responded with, “Here I am Lord, Your servant is listening. Do unto me according to Your word,” have been so instrumental in changing nations by their simple obedience, day after decades of days.

In offering themselves in entrustment to His plans and purposes, their families, their communities, their nations were given the opportunity to be in the overflow of the Lord God’s blessing and provision that fell on them, and then flowed from and through them. Hearing and obeying the Father does that.

In our day, leaders in religion, business, media, entertainment, government, arts and education have a tremendous impact on their cultures – the communities, families and all the ones their waves of influence touch, for good or bad. Understanding that our actions will bring either blessing or curse upon those who look to us for guidance, knowingly or unknowingly, will have long lasting, even eternal, effects as a result of our actions. For those who hear and obey the Creator of all - blessings will flow downward. 

Ones who disregard and even despise the natural and spiritual laws put in place to guide and protect, those set forth by God Himself, the resulting just judgment will come forth, now or for sure later. What we sow we will reap. It is a natural and spiritual law that cannot be broken, except to result in bearing bad fruit.

You break the natural and spiritual laws in the universe and they will ultimately break you. (Any argument on that? Just have a reality check look in the nation you abide in.)

This truth has been proven out again and again in history, both in the written Scriptural documentation of the people of Israel, and in every nation which either followed the Lord’s way or opposed His purposes. Blessing or curse is our choice.

Having been a parent myself for over 35 years now, at the time of this writing, and also having served in several top leadership roles in ministry and secular business for over 40 years, I have seen that the actions leadership take will have even more of a lasting effect in a child’s life, or a company’s future, than just words spoken. The ripple of those actions taken at each point show up years later down the road.

It is true that actions do speak louder than words, for what is really in your heart will truly come out, especially in those times when a decisive response is needed in a critical situation. Then it really shows what you have, or don’t have, in your character. Blessing will follow, or a response as a curse will result.

To say it again - how you respond and deal with situations that come your way will be shown, as that which you really are will come out from that which is within. You can’t give out what you don’t have within you. From a pure spring flows pure water. From a cesspool flows accumulated filth.

“The good person produces good things from the store of good in his heart, while the evil person produces evil things from the store of evil in his heart. For his mouth speaks what overflows from his heart.” Luke 6:45 Complete Jewish Bible

“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.” Mark 7:21-23 NKJV

Speaking to my generation, we have the responsibility, the daily choice to walk in the righteous path we know is the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is black and white. It is already firmly stated in the Lord’s Word. By choosing to follow Him daily, we are impacting the life the next generation will see and then also have the choice to walk in or not. We must do our part if we expect them to do theirs.

We have the option to daily live a righteous and holy life, set apart for the Lord’s purposes. We can choose to “do our own thing, in seeking our own pleasure”, which ultimately will bring a curse on us and the generation that follows, or we can heed the Lord’s word and follow Him.

But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.

"As for this house, which was exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, ' Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?' "And they will say, 'Because they forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers who brought them from the land of Egypt, and they adopted other gods and worshiped them and served them; therefore He has brought all this adversity on them.'" 
2 Chronicles 7:19-22 NASB

As it was for Israel, so choices taken will bring the same results in any nation. We must choose the blessing, and not allow the curse to come upon our land. Today, we must choose the Lord.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #146 “Blessing or Curse” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.24.14) Thursday at 5:00 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This