Showing posts with label tour to the tour guides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tour to the tour guides. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Giving a tour to the tour guides - ONE FOR ISRAEL

A record breaking 2.1 million tourists came to visit Israel just in the first half of this year. We have to agree - Israel is an amazing place, full of history and wonder! The large number of tour groups means there is also a large number of Israeli tour guides.

Recently, we held a day seminar for Israeli tour guides, specifically inviting those who believe in Yeshua to come and hear about our research on Messianic believers in Israel. But we were surprised that we also had non-believers wanting to come as well! It was a great success, and we intend to open this seminar up to a greater audience next year.
Dr. Erez Soref, President
The story that hasn't been told:

The day included four sessions presented by Dr. Erez Soref, Adv. Thomas Damianos, Dr. Jim Sibley and Dr. Seth Postell respectively:

Messianic Jews in Israel 1948-2018: Direction and Vision

The Arab Evangelical Church in Israel: History, Reality, and Future

Messianic Jews in Jerusalem During the Ottoman Period

The Torah's Storyline in Matthew's Gospel
The day was a great success, and there was a lot of interest in the subjects shared. We showed the tour guides around our college campus and gave them a taste of what God is doing here at ONE FOR ISRAEL.

One elderly gentleman (who guided both John McCain and George Bush when they visited) was very hungry to learn and hear more. We are grateful to God for how the day went and look forward to opening it up to more not-yet believers next time!
My lecture on 'Messianic Jews in Israel 1948-2018: Direction and Vision' was based on the chapter I recently contributed to the book,Israel, the Church, and the Middle East: A biblical response to the current conflict, which can be purchased here.

How Two 16th Century Messianic Jews Impacted Rabbinic Bible Study
by Jim R. Sibley, PhD

There is one text that is accepted in Rabbinic circles and read in synagogues around the world. Like many Christian study Bibles, it comes with commentary on the text and notes to help the reader understand what they're reading.

But what most people don’t know is that those behind the final establishment of that Rabbinic Bible were Jews who believed in Jesus.
Messianic Believers: Pioneers Of Photography In Israel
by Jim R. Sibley, PhD

The modern State of Israel developed at a miraculous pace, but you might be surprised to learn how many disciples of Jesus were among the pioneers of various aspects of Israeli life. The 1800s saw startling advances in communication and transportation, education and medicine, but one long-overlooked window, or aperture, into the history of Jewish believers in Israel may be found in the field of photography. 

It was believers who first introduced the art of photography to our nation.