Monday, June 9, 2014

Israel Encourages Farmers to Honor Biblical Sabbatical Year

Israel Encourages Farmers to Honor Biblical Sabbatical Year

Sunday, June 08, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
The Israeli government has reportedly set aside NIS 100 million (~$29 million) to encourage local farmers to honor the biblical command to let their fields lie fallow for one year every seven years.
Exodus 23:10–11 reads:
You may plant your land for six years and gather its crops. But during the seventh year, you must leave it alone and withdraw from it. The needy among you will then be able to eat just as you do, and whatever is left over can be eaten by wild animals. This also applies to your vineyard and your olive grove.
The commandment is repeated in the Book of Leviticus just prior to the Children of Israel entering the Promised Land.
The next sabbatical year (known in Hebrew as shmita) will begin on Rosh Hashanah in late September. While farmers in modern Israel have rarely, if ever, honored the commandment due to the loss of income they would incur, the government and religious authorities are hoping to influence a change of heart.
The new shmita budget will go to the Religious Affairs Ministry, which will use a portion for promotional materials and educational assistance for farmers wishing to honor the commandment.
Another small portion of the budget will be used for the special ceremony that is to mark the end of the shmita:
At the end of each seven years, at a fixed time on the festival of Sukkoth, after the year of release, when all Israel comes to present themselves before God your Lord, in the place that He will choose, you must read this Torah before all Israel, so that they will be able to hear it. (Deuteronomy 31:10)
That ceremony will take place at the Western Wall in Jerusalem during the Sukkot holiday in 2015.
The bulk of the money will be used to support farmers who are unable to suffer the loss of income, but who nevertheless choose to keep the shmita.
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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Leadership Through Love - We need a few more of those who do...

Where would churches, ministries or businesses be without the administrators, the directors of departments, or the executive secretaries and administrative assistants? Those organizations who have them know their value. Those who don’t may or may not realize what they are missing. It has been my desire to share a bit of what I have experienced, and learned, over 40 years.

Each one of you who now serves in this capacity is very important to the “visionaries”. The work that you do, and the support that you consistently give, enables the top leaders of the organization to do what they have been given by the Lord to do. I like to think of our role as similar to that of my Biblical heroes. Joshua assisted Moses and Timothy served with Paul. 

May the Lord encourage you as you read my thoughts and what has worked for me. I hope the stories and suggestions will impart to you further measures of blessing, for those you support and also to those you give direction to. 

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Available now online: Amazon

Product Details

    Editorial Reviews

    About the Author

    Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries from 1987-2010, all having a national and international outreach focus. During that time he made 14 ministry trips to Israel, China, India, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. On his overseas journeys Steve enjoyed sharing written journal entries with family and friends back home, through Internet media. His light-hearted stories gave an up close and personal touch for those reading along. Many could imagine being there themselves. 
    His extensive collection of photos taken during these trips, of both local scenery and common people on the streets, has touched thousands through their varied images. In 2010, Steve and Laurie began "Love For His People, Inc," a 501©3 non-profit humanitarian aid ministry. This work touches the natural and spiritual lives of those around them with needed encouragement and strength. His regular “Ahava Love Letter”, posted both on the Love For His People Blog and Facebook, feature his love letters of spiritual enrichment, plus selected photos and commentary from abroad. 
    Since 1994, Steve and his good wife Laurie have lived in the Charlotte, NC area, after having homes in Illinois, Michigan and Florida. Now married for more than 36 years, they enjoy their four adult children and spouses, along with six additional grandchildren. While continuing to serve organizations with his accounting skills, he enjoys writing and growing the ministry of Love For His People, Inc.


    In a rough and tumble world marred by the superficial and the phony, where nothing can be counted on, Steve Martin maps out a straight-line path for Christian organizations. In reality, it's a book on how to steward the factors that too often get side-tracked when navigating a significant call of God. It's a down-to-earth manual of wisdom needed to enable Christian organizations to keep their eye on the big picture, while building a firm foundation to enable it to happen. Steve writes from the stance of one who has served in key administrative roles in a number of key ministries. Every ministry head and administrator will profit from this straight forward operating wisdom.

    Morris Ruddick
    Entrepreneur, Author, Minister, Consultant and Business Coach

    What a great practical book for administration. I have watched Steve oversee several ministries. I know of no better administrator than my friend, Steve Martin. I highly recommend that you read this book.

    Dr. Peter Wyns, President, Christians for Messiah Ministries and Pastor of Antioch International Church. Dr. Wyns is also the grandson of Derek Prince.

    God has created in Steve a heart for worship and service. His desire has been to see the body of Christ united and to see ministries come together to co-labor for the purposes of God.

    Jack Alongi, former Director of Development
      at Derek Prince Ministries

    I had the pleasure of working on an almost daily basis with Steve Martin for many years while he served several Christian ministries. While Steve had the control of whether we worked together, he always made me feel we were working as a team with a common reward in serving God. He enjoyed my family as I did his.  He is intelligent, thoughtful, patient to the extent he could be, a good listener, open to new ideas, joyful and passionate about serving the Lord. The projects may be over long ago but not the bond we hold to this day.

    George Payne Write Hand Publishing Andalusia, Alabama

    We are honored to write an endorsement. Anyone that has worked with you Steve knows what a blessing you are and I was SO HAPPY to read that you finally realize the gifting that God has given you. Love to Laurie and the family. 

    Jeanette Alongi, formerly of Derek Prince Ministries
     - Fort Lauderdale, FL and Charlotte, NC

    I just finished reading Steve Martin’s new book, “Leadership Through Love” - Steve’s heart of goodness and faithfulness to His God shines on every page.  Of great importance is the practical hands-on wisdom that comes from actually leading through love, giving integrity to the words that are written.  Steve’s sense of humor always kind of sneaks up on me, and I found myself chuckling so many times at his stories and honest, from-the-heart insights!  It is the mandate of all of us who follow the One called Faithful and True to complete the work that our Father has given us, and Steve’s book will shine the light on how to do just that, whether you are an administrator or leader in the secular marketplace or in volunteer or paid ministry positions.  Loving leadership – a high calling – Steve’s done it, and it shows in this book!

    Cathy Hargett, Founder/Director, Highway to Zion Ministries

    Steve - I read your excellent book! I want to share this: I've known Steve now for several years. He's a man of faith and a man of action! Both are desired in true men of God. Steve is a manager - management is something he knows and can help you with. His future may be in ever-expanding ways, but he can help you manage. Read this book intently - honor the Lord by letting it wash over you and help you become the Manager that God intends you to be. And Steve, thanks for the book - thanks for your honesty and openness! Amen and blessing!

    Robbie Phillips, Founder, Present Word Ministries
     - Columbia, SC

    Steve, I finished your book “Leadership through Love”. I think it is a great book, one that will help those who choose to glean from your practical (tried and proven) pointers, and at the same time, woven through the pages are thoughts and encouragements to those reading it, to build a good biblical foundation from which to lead and serve from.

    I had the pleasure and great blessing of serving under the leadership of Steve Martin for five years. I witnessed firsthand his integrity and faithfulness. I watched him lead me and others with respect, appreciation, love and boundless encouragement. Although our paths have taken other directions over the past six years, I cherish his friendship which continues on today. I nicknamed Steve, “Heavy Hand of Blessings” because I have never met a person who takes such pure delight in blessing others as Steve Martin. I was blessed to call him Boss and am continually blessed to call him friend.

    Terri Whitaker, Derek Prince Ministries

    Every now and then you have the privilege to get to know someone whose character and life radiate honesty, sincerity, loyalty and Christian love.  Steve Martin is that type of person.  I first met Steve at a Messianic conference in Charlotte, NC, in 2007.  One of the things I quickly noticed about Steve was how "approachable" he was.  Even though he was the US Director of an international ministry, he still had time to talk with people at the conference and demonstrated a genuine interest in helping to bring about a network of Believers, as well as area groups and churches, for the purpose of serving the Lord more effectively.  As the years have passed I've come to realize just how deep Steve's roots of love and service for the Lord are. 

    It has been exciting to walk with Steve, as he's "stepped out of the boat" and moved ahead with the vision the Lord gave him for LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE - a ministry that helps connect Believers around the world with the people of Israel.  He is a husband, father and grandfather.  Steve, and his wife Laurie, serve as leaders of the Ahava Love Band, a group of singers and musicians who provide praise and worship at area assemblies.  Whether you call him Messianic, a part of the "one new man", or a "Jewish Rooter", if there's anyone who knows how to demonstrate "Leadership Through Love", it's Steve Martin. 

    Curtis Loftin Founder, Beit Yeshua Lincolnton, NC

    Thanks for the opportunity to read and review this book.  I enjoyed it and thought it had some really great insights.  I wish I had this back in my "corporate" days.  You are a good writer too.  In a world filled with an ever increasing list of ‘how to’ books, Steve Martin has provided one which clearly sets itself apart from the rest.  He presents a concise look at the art/science of management and leadership based not on academia but on real life experiences founded on God’s Word and powered by the Holy Spirit.  Based on his vast personal experiences in leadership, reinforced by insights received from others, Steve provides truly practical instruction in how to lead and manage an effective organization whether it consists of one or one thousand people.  If you are a manager, leader, or hope to one day become one, this book is a must read.  

    Dr. Richard E. Tompkins, President, Explore Truth Ministries

    Steve Martin has a gift from God. He is a visionary. That cannot be taught and few people have that.  I've worked with him for three ministries. I was always amazed at how he could take a company from being in the red financially and turn it around into the black - sometimes in a short period of time. I used to say "You should write a book and workbook too."  As his friend for over 24 years, I know anyone who reads this book will say "Wow!" too and gain much timely wisdom. 

    Indira Persad,  Founder, Indira Persad Ministries Charlotte, NC

    I worked with Steve for five years, assisting him in photography in one of the ministries. It was an honor to work alongside of him. He made the job so much fun. The Steve that I got to know did everything that he has written about in his book, "Leadership Through Love". This is a must read book for anyone who is struggling in their administrative jobs. It will help you to re-focus on what really matters. 

    Sandra McCain, Fort Mill, SC

    After a few years of living in a wheelchair, the day came when the Lord revealed Himself to me. And while I sat in that wheelchair He spoke to me and said, “Lech Lecha! Go to Jerusalem and pray for the peace and love for My city!” After my return He made me walk again and started to use me as a pastor of a Messianic Jewish congregation. And with that congregation we started to support a humanitarian work named Vision for Israel & The Joseph Storehouse in Israel. Then several years ago Steve Martin and I met each other for the first time in Israel while serving for this same humanitarian organization. He was one of the inspiring members of the organizing team of the Succot Celebration in Jerusalem. My wife Carla and I were impressed about the way this team was working together.

    The teamwork was based on love and respect for each other. Since then we met annually in Jerusalem for the Succot Celebration, and every time again it was Steve Martin who showed us in practice that love was the ideal basic in working together and serving people. James says: “Faith without works is dead!” The works he means are the works of love. The love we put into our work, in our relations and in all of our life should be the love that God gives us by His Spirit. If we believe, we should use this love; otherwise our faith is nothing. This same love is the theme of this book.

    It shows you that the Love of God through each and every one of us should be used as the main part of our work together. Steve is a man who knows this and showed it to us in practice. And he knows how to explain it, as this book will show you by simply giving you some ideas and tools. Therefore we recommend this book to you. Carefully try to implement these ideas into your relations in your work and daily life. May the Lord bless you, Baruch haShem.

     Peter Nissen, Beit Emoenah, The Netherlands

    “Leadership Through Love” comes from the heart of a man who has been there; who has managed, administrated and served for several decades and he is one who has indeed done it not only excellently, but also from the motivation of love.   His writing reveals the foundational backbone upon which leadership and oversight must rest; love toward God first and secondly love, respect and honor toward the people God has created in His image -  our coworkers and staff.  And because Steve’s foundational motive is right on and rock-solid, the insights, lessons and wisdom-nuggets he offers so eloquently and succinctly are also right on and rock-solid.

    While there are volumes of books on the mechanics of administrating and managing, the author has brought forth in “Leadership Through Love” the all-important underlying truth that must be the motivating factor behind it and all its aspects.  He speaks to the heart of those who are called to lead and oversee - not for their own personal interests or ambitions, but as those who desire to reflect the heart and nature of their heavenly Father.   
    He systematically lays out the pragmatic nuts and bolts that are required to manage and oversee in a creative, productive and excellent manner.  

    Sharing candidly from his own personal journey of experience, he covers some of the pitfalls common to administrating and how they can be avoided – very valuable lessons indeed.  For those who aspire to or feel called to roles of leadership administration, this book will be a very valuable tool in not only the mechanics of leadership, but also in the heart of leadership. 
    On a personal note I have known Steve and Laurie Martin since 1990 and I can testify that they are people of consistent impeccable character and Christ-likeness.  They are humble, kind and honoring of others and they have gained great wisdom through the many seasons of walking their faith-journeys.  They have endured bitter winter-seasons in suffering deep disappointment, but they have kept their hearts right and have overcome and come forth as purified gold.   So dear reader, open wide your heart and receive from this father-of-the-faith as he – and his wife alongside him - have much to teach and share with us.  All glory and honor go to our Father in heaven who administrates and oversees all creation and His family of mankind in perfect harmony and love.  By His grace, may we learn His ways of “Leadership Through Love.” 

    Karla Shrake, Mantles of Glory Ministries, Dallas, TX

    I am pleased to add my personal endorsement to this creative endeavor by Steve Martin. I have had the honor to know Steve for nearly ten years.  Steve is a prolific writer, who has a wonderful gift of being able to share his experiences and insights of life in a practical, yet humorous style.  His writings are often full of delightful "nuggets of truth" which he has gleaned from his remarkable walk with the Lord these many years.

    Dr. William Duerfeldt, Asheville, NC

    Reading Steve Martin’s new book ‘Leadership through Love’ led me to a tear and a quick repentance. How often we can overlook the journey for the objective - what we do as opposed to who we are. Steve uses his life testimony to shine light on the importance of loving relationship in the workplace. It is good to be reminded of that, in spite of our great visions. The higher we climb in the Kingdom the greater the responsibility and the more numerous the people we need to serve and love. I thoroughly recommend this book to all in business and ministry. Thank you Steve for reminding me to love the people I work with.

    Martin Powell, Kingdom Talents, Owner

    Chapter 1                       A Gift for His Purposes                   Page 14

    Chapter 2                       Use the Tools You Have,
                                           But Not the Staff                             Page 19

    Chapter 3                       Women Arising in the Workplace    Page 24

    Chapter 4                       Train and Let Loose                         Page 27

    Chapter 5                       Burn Candles at Both Ends?           Page 32

    Chapter 6                       The Visionaries Need You!             Page 36

    Chapter 7                       Staff Fun Times                               Page 40

    Chapter 8                       It Doesn’t All Depend On You       Page 42

    Chapter 9                       Practically Speaking and Walking  Page 47

    Chapter 10                     Meetings – Need Them?                  Page 50

    Chapter 11                     Acknowledge Him in All Ways       Page 53

    Chapter 12                     Another Man’s Vineyard                 Page 57

    A Few Sayings To Share and Encourage

    Moses Julius & the Provincial Parliamentary in Punjab, Pakistan

    Moses Julius

    Punjab, Pakistan
    June 8, 2014

    Shalom Aleikhem All Prayer warriors.

    I feel excited in my spirit to share my prayer request to all of you. Last couple of weeks ago I had a chance to meet with Senator, Member of Pakistan Assembly (MPA), bureaucrat and Provincial Parliamentary secretary. It's great honor for me to meet these government officers because I have been praying for them since last year.

    One of the Bureaucrat officers told me, "You are very young and you are full of the spirit of energetic to do something for their community. Why you shouldn't join Parliament to raise your voice in the front of government? How many problems you are facing as a Christian in Pakistan."

    Then he gave me an application form to join Youth Parliament of Pakistan. I accepted his invitation and filled out the form. On Monday I am going to submit my application to join the Youth Parliament of Pakistan. Please lift me up in your prayers, if you think that I am a good person to fight for the rights of the Christian community in Pakistan.

    Love and Blessing
    Mr. Moses Julius

    Moses is 3rd from the left.

    Love For His People Editor's Note: We pray for the Lord's clear guidance and grace, as He guides Moses in all his efforts to know and follow the will of his Savior, Yeshua (Jesus). 

    Steve Martin
    Love For His People