Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Being Faithful - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Being Faithful
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Preserve my life, for I am faithful; save your servant, who puts his trust in you because you are my God.” (Psalm 86:2, Complete Jewish Bible)

Ever feel like being faithful is tough? I guess if it wasn’t, then everyone would be faithful. Just by looking around you can easily see that that isn’t happening.

There are days when being faithful can be real weary. Often we are going upstream, as the world flows in the opposite direction. That in and of itself makes us worn out often. We are tempted to back off, back down, or let it go. Standing for what is right, resisting the ungodly ways of the people, in and of itself tends to drag us down. But we must continue to be faithful to the Lord and His ways.

King David prayed often for strength - to resist the enemy, to achieve victory, and to be an overcomer. He continually put his trust in the Lord, declaring to himself and others that the God of Israel was his God. Therefore his trust placed in the right direction, upward, enabled him to be the faithful servant that he was. He had learned through the temptations, trials and circumstances that God was faithful; therefore his trust in Him would bring the ability for himself to be faithful.

Doing the daily tasks we are called to do requires us to keep pressing on. The repeated jobs, day after day, can seem mundane and purposeless sometimes, especially if we see no movement forward in our lives. Caring for children, maintaining a household, showing up every day for the assigned work - week in and week out – bring constant pressures and stress, working on our minds, bodies and spirits. If it wasn’t for the grace of the Lord Jesus, we would end up overdosed, over drugged, and over worked, even as the masses already are. Therefore we must constantly keep our eyes and hearts fixed on Him, as it says in Hebrews.

“…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:2-3 NASU)

Be encouraged that you will make it, you will be rewarded, and you will see the Lord’s end purposes as you continue to be faithful in your daily walk. We are on the winning side.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 05.18.16 - #257 –“Being Faithful” – Wednesday at 5:30 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Some feedback posted on Google+: Pamela  shared your blog post on Google+
Hi Steve, as always with your teaching I am uplifted and refreshed. After a challenging two weeks on the mission fields this particular message is so much appreciated Steve in my pausing to refresh.

Incredible sunken treasure trove found on Israel’s seabed - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

Incredible sunken treasure trove found on Israel’s seabed

Two divers found an ancient treasure lurking in the harbor at Caesarea National Park, and after they informed the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) they returned with archaeologists to dive down and recover the ancient statues and coins from the depths.
Published: May 17, 2016

"I Give To You for a Possession" ✡ Ben Gurion's Key to Judaism - ISRAEL365

When you come into the land of Canaan,
which I give to you for a possession.

כִּי תָבֹאוּ אֶל אֶרֶץ כְּנַעַן אֲשֶׁר אֲנִי נֹתֵן לָכֶם לַאֲחֻזָּה

ויקרא י’’ד:ל’’ד

kee ta-vo el e-retz k'-na-an a-sher a-nee no-tayn la-khem la-a-khu-za

Today's Israel Inspiration

The book of Leviticus includes not only today’s verse, but the pivotal maxim: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Lev. 19:18). Over the centuries Judaism has made great contributions to the world, but according to Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, it is the three words, ואהבת לרעך כמוך (‘Love your neighbor as yourself') that are the key to Jewish law and best express Judaism’s major contribution to civilization. Live the words of the Bible by joining with Meir Panim to care for the needy throughout Israel. Meir Panim's restaurant-style soup kitchens give dignified assistance to Israel's most impoverished citizens, including many Holocaust survivors, widows and orphans.

Come See the Wildflowers of the Negev's Shokeda Forest

A nature guide brings you to the Negev among the remarkable burst of spring wildflowers in the Shokeda Forest.

Eagles' Wings Ministry Sees Firsthand the Results of their Tithes

Ever wanted to come and see firsthand the results of your support of Israel? Eagles' Wings collects hundreds of dollars per month in tithes for Meir Panim. They finally got to see the fruits of their donations.

Learn how to ritually cleanse your hands before a meal

According to Jewish law, one must cleanse his or her hands ritually upon waking up in the morning as well as before partaking in a meal with bread products. Learn how to properly wash your hands before eating bread and how to say the correct blessing after washing.Then check out our beautiful washing cup!
Get this Great Deal »

Today's Israel Photo

Today's beautiful photo by Bar Artzi was taken in the Shokeda Forest in southern Israel. Many come to visit this eucalyptus forest during the winter, when magnificent wildflowers blossom.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Thanks to everyone who responded to yesterday's photo trivia, which featured an incredible signpost on Mount Bental in the Golan Heights, on the Israeli-Syrian border. 

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Helps Me Know What to Pray For”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

The news from Israel that I receive from you helps me know what to pray for my friends there. Got to go in September with Mike Evens and to be part of the museum dedication. I left my heart with the people and send love to you Rabbi  for your work and sending us the news from there. GOD BLESS!!! Barbara Madam

Shalom, thank you for this beautiful picture of Israel, I immediately made it my desktop photo. My heart yearns for Israel and can't wait till Abba will make it possible for me to visit again, I pray that it will be soon.  Shalom and warm greetings from South Africa- Erika Koch
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Days of Noah Are Almost Upon Us (Day 1) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Days of Noah Are Almost Upon Us (Day 1) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

David Lankford, Steve Quayle
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2993 | Aired on May 10, 2016

Genesis, Hebrews, I Kings, John, Matthew, Philippians, Psalm
Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Miracle Prophecy: 'I Am Ripping Out the Seams' - CHUCK PIERCE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

God wants you to allow him to rip some of the seams from you.
For His purposes, God wants you to allow Him to rip some of the seams from you. (Flickr )

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
On Sunday morning, I began our day by ministering on "Who Is Your Enemy?" The Lord asked me to share this understanding so we could press forward in our path of healing and restoration.
Unless we understand who is opposing us, we will not rise up to defeat the devil and take back what has already been won for us. This is a time we have access to revelation that will keep us in God's perfect timing.
A Miracle Prophecy and Parable: a Time to Rip Open Seams!
Sunday was one of those days when you couldn't help but hear the voice of the Lord. He asks us to celebrate firstfruits because He desires we hear what He has to say. When we choose to hear and listen to His voice, we are positioned to prosper in a new way. This journey began on Sunday with the release of a tongues message, and the following interpretation:
"The way that you have been seamed together, and what you have displayed in days past, I am ripping out the seams. Some of you are being distressed because of the ripping that's going on, but there is light captured within you that cannot come forth. Therefore, if you will allow Me to rip these seams, what I have put on you will be more of a translucent mantle, and what is in you will be seen. Let My light shine! Let My light shine! Let My light shine through you!
"What you are seeing in the Earth in this hour, know that it is not just a move of revival. Although I will revive My people in a new way, this is not a move of revival. This is not just a move of restoration, though surely I will restore in this hour. I will restore what the canker worm and locust have eaten away, and the losses of the last season. But this is more than restoration. This is more than a move of transformation, but know that I will transform; I will make all things new.
"This move that I am releasing in the Earth is a move of glory. For I am bringing back the glory that was lost, even at the fall. My people shall release a move of glory in this hour, and this glory shall brighten up the dark places of the Earth. My glory will come and bring change. Darkness will not be able to overpower My glory, but My glory will overpower darkness.
"This is your finest hour! Let the glory come—even the glory that was upon My Son on the Mount of Transfiguration. It was the glory that was released. It was not just on My Son, but I have put it into My sons and My daughters—that same inheritance of glory. This is the time I release My glory to brighten up and bring light out of darkness in this new season."
At this point, Mary Ellen Jansen brought up to me a seam ripper. When she woke up that morning, the Lord told her to bring it to the service to give to me. She had no idea why she should bring it, but chose to be obedient to do so. Only the Lord could have orchestrated such an unusual prophetic act to confirm the message He had brought forward through a tongue and interpretation!
The revelation then continued:
"For this generation I am ripping out and bringing forth that new mantle, but I am also bringing a new source of provision for that next generation in these days. Where people thought you were just a weed to be plucked up and cast into the fire, I am going to transform those things into that which is glorious, to bring forth the fragrance of My glory. So invest into that which is to come, for the provision is here.
"In the last season, many of you were in a wineskin, and it was not a wineskin of Me. In that ripping of the seams, you must listen to Me and release your sound as you have never before. If you will take that sound and pierce those membranes that kept you from going forward, I will burst you forth. So arise, release your sound in this hour and see My kingdom established in your midst." (Prophetic word by: Acijam Otxoa, Chuck D. Pierce, Barbara Wentroble, Diane Roussel, Raymond Banks.)

Know that there has been something sewn into you that is coming loose so you can come into a new structure. The Lord wants you to know He is ready to rip a seam out of your life and put a new translucent garment on you that He can shine through you.
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as president of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as president of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting, which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time and Time to Defeat the Devil.
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Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Is something afoot between Israel & her Sunni Arab neighbors?


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Is something afoot between Israel & her Sunni Arab neighbors? (If not, why are Egyptian & even Saudi leaders suddenly talking so nicely to the Jewish State?)

by joelcrosenberg
Is something afoot between Israel and her Sunni Arab neighbors? Consider a curious chain of events in the region over the past month or so:
  1. On the one hand, in recent weeks, the Israelis have flatly turned down an offer by the French to attend a summit in Paris later this summit aimed at kick-starting the moribund peace talks with the Palestinians. Israeli leaders say they keep calling for direct talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, but Abbas keeps refusing to come to the table. Abbas says he wants an international conference, and supports the French approach.
  2. In recent days, however, the opposition leader of the Israeli parliament -- Zionist Union chief Isaac Herzog -- told reporters he is actively considering joining the Netanyahu government (likely as Foreign Minister) in order to pursue a "rare" opportunity for peace with Israel's neighbors. “I have identified a rare regional diplomatic opportunity that may lapse and not return,” Herzog told dozens of party activists at a gathering that was secretly recorded and leakedto an Israeli TV station and newspaper. "I don't say this based on nothing, but based on knowledge. don’t know if it will happen. But it could be that it will happen only due to a change in the government’s composition."
  3. Some Zionist Union leaders have blasted such talk in recent days. They've said there is no rare moment for peace and have sharply criticized Herzog for being willing to sell out to Netanyahu. They say he's simply angling for a senior government post because he's slipping in the polls and could soon be voted out of leadership in his own political party.
  4. However, there are curious signs of possible rapprochement between Israel and Sunni Arab neighbors. Over the last several years, Israeli and Saudi officials, for example, have been developing strategies to thwart Iran's nuclear program. Mostly this has been done under the radar, with only occasional leaks to Israel, Western and Arab media. Earlier this month, however, something stunning happened: a senior Saudi official and member of the Saudi Royal Family -- His Royal Highness Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former Saudi intelligence chief and former Saudi ambassador to the U.S. -- spoke side-by-side at a "pathbreaking" event in Washington with Yaakov, the former Israeli National Security Advisor and close confidante of Prime Minister Netanyahu. They certainly didn't agree on everything. But they were friendly. They were candid. They talked about various pathways to peace, including the long-discussed Saudi Peace Initiative which was first released in 2002. It was fascinating to watching two former officials from two nations long at war with each other talking respectfully, as friends. Something is afoot. (watch here)
  5. Last week, Netanyahu gave a speech to a gathering of foreign ambassadors that seemed to hint he might be open to some version of the Saudi peace plan."I want to state unequivocally and in front of diplomats from around the world: I continue to support two states for two peoples: a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state -- it's about time," Netanyahu told the diplomats. Then he added. In recent years, I've seen formerly hostile states in the region and beyond, but especially in the region, form new and deep partnerships with us. I think this is a matter of great importance because I think this creates new hope. We can advance peace with the Palestinians directly and through the support of other nations, including in the region. It was once thought that the only way that we could advance peace with the Arab states was to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That would certainly help enormously. But it's also true that we might solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem by enjoying the support of Arab states who now see Israel more and more not as an enemy, but as an ally against the forces that threaten their own countries as well."
  6. Then today, out of the blue, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi offered to mediate an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord. "El-Sisi promised Israel on Tuesday warmer ties if it accepts efforts to resume peace talks with the Palestinians, urging its leaders not to waste an opportunity to bring security and hope to a troubled region," Reuters reported. "In an impromptu speech at an infrastructure conference in the southern city of Assiut, Sisi said his country was willing to mediate a reconciliation between rival Palestinian factions to pave the way toward a lasting peace accord with the Israelis." Curiously, Reuters also reported that "Sisi, who rarely speaks publicly about foreign policy, offered the 2002 Arab peace initiative as a potential way ahead. The initiative offered full recognition of Israel but only if it gave up all land seized in the 1967 Middle East war and agreed to a 'just solution' for Palestinian refugees."
  7. Immediately, Netanyahu spoke to reporters to offer praise for el-Sisi's offer. "I welcome Egyptian President El-Sisi's remarks and his willingness to make every effort to advance a future of peace and security between us and the Palestinians and the peoples of the region," Netanyahu told reporters. "Israel is ready to participate with Egypt and other Arab states in advancing both the diplomatic process and stability in the region. I appreciate President El-Sisi's work and also draw encouragement from his leadership on this important issue."
  8. Then, very shortly thereafter, opposition leader Herzog put out a statement also praising el-Sisi's statement. This was particularly significant given that Herzog is currently negotiating with Netanyahu to create a "unity government" and become the nation's Foreign Minister.
So what exactly is going on? It's a bit early to say. With apologies to Shakespeare, it could be much ado about nothing.
Still, it would appear something is afoot. Netanyahu and Herzog are taking big risks with their political bases to consider a possible unity government which polls show most Israelis do not favor. Why would either leader go down this road unless they sense an opportunity both want to pursue?
None of know the actual contours of what is being discussed, and there are many twists and turns ahead. I'm not saying peace is at hand. History is littered with failed talks. Still, Christ said "blessed are the peacemakers." The Psalmist commands us to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem." It's always important to seek peace with one's neighbors and enemies -- to try, anyway -- is it not, so long as you don't make things worse and not better?
Curiously quiet in the back and forth were Palestinian leaders. Maybe they will say more in coming days. Netanyahu has made the case in recent years that rather than Arab states like Saudi Arabia waiting to make peace with Israel until after a deal with the Palestinians is complete, why don't Arab states make peace with Israel now, like Egypt and Jordan have? This, he argue, just might create a framework of security and trust that could improve the chances of the Israelis and Palestinians finding a deal everyone could accept. I'm not saying he's right or wrong. I'm just laying out the argument.
Until now, it would have been unimaginable that the Saudis would ever warm up to real peace with Israel. But as I've been reporting for several years, there are definitely signs of thaw between Israel and the Sunni Arab states. Never more so than this past month. Many Arab states increasingly see the Apocalyptic regimes of Iran and ISIS as the real threats to regional peace and security, and increasingly see Israel as a potential ally in dealing with both threats. That's not to say the Sunni Arabs are happy with Israel. There are deep-seated cultural, ethnic and religious disagreements for many, and hatreds for some.
But that's an update on where we are today.
[Final note: Are there prophetic implications to such trends, when viewed from the lens of Bible prophecy? Absolutely, and we'll examine them if the process moves forward.]
joelcrosenberg | May 17, 2016 at 7:38 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL: