Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

'America Is in Trouble': Franklin Graham's 'Decision' Tour Heads to Oregon, Washington - CBN News Alegra Hall

Franklin Graham
'America Is in Trouble': Franklin Graham's 'Decision' Tour 
Heads to Oregon, Washington
CBN News Alegra Hall
Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, thinks it’s time to bring the 
country together.

Coming on the heels of news headlines highlighting the tremendous unrest in the country as well as 
divisions along party lines and tragic mass shootings, Graham senses the need for America to feel 
and know the love of God.

"We want to unite people from all walks of life, from every church and denomination, to pray for our 
leaders, our communities and our neighbors. Only God can change people's hearts and heal our 
country," says Graham.


Samaritan's Purse Shifts to Family Care in Ebola Crisis

Billy Graham - Integrated Crusades

As the head of the international Christian relief organization Samaritan's Purse, Graham has seen 
tragedy and distress all over the world.

While traveling to places like Guatemala, East Africa and the Middle East, he brought the message 
of hope to millions.

Now he says he wants to bring the message of hope and unity to the people right here in the USA. 
According to the evangelist, "We all face crossroads in our lives—moments when we need to make 
important decisions."

Graham says that important decision is whether or not to walk with Christ.

He wants to offer everyday people “the opportunity to make a spiritual decision that can impact 
their lives not only now, but for eternity."

Graham, 65, is taking his message of God’s love throughout Oregon and Washington state this summer.

The national tour, known as Decision America, hit all 50 state capitals in 2016 and aims to reach as 
many souls through the ministry or prayer as well as worship with Christian artist Jeremy Camp.

The Grammy-nominated Camp will lead the crowds in worship each night at this free event.

His hope is that people in the Evergreen State will sense the presence of God and embrace His love.

According to his website, Graham thinks he has the key to restoring America.

“The most critical thing you can do is pray, pray, pray. The intercession of God’s people is crucial if 
we are to see a return to the biblical faith of our fathers, the faith that has guided and sustained our 
country for so long,” said Graham.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Why Are So Many Conservatives, Preppers and Christians Moving to the Great Northwest? - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed.
Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed. (Brian Wolfe/Flickr/Creative Commons)

Why Are So Many Conservatives, Preppers and Christians Moving to the Great Northwest?

Thousands of Americans are flocking to "Big Sky" country, and this movement has become so prominent that it has even caught the attention of the mainstream media. Within the last several weeks, both the Chicago Tribune and the Economist have done major articles on this phenomenon. From all over the country, conservatives, preppers and Bible-believing Christians are moving to Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and the eastern portions of Oregon and Washington. As you will see below, this region has become known as the "American Redoubt," and for a variety of reasons it is considered by many survivalists to be one of the top "safe zones" for when things really start falling apart in this nation.
Many of you that are reading this article may think that it is quite strange that families are quitting their jobs, packing up everything they own and moving to the middle of nowhere, but for those that are doing it this actually make perfect sense. A recent Chicago Tribune article on this phenomenon began by profiling an ex-California couple that decided to flee the state for the friendly confines of north Idaho:
Don and Jonna Bradway recently cashed out of the stock market and invested in gold and silver. They have stockpiled food and ammunition in the event of a total economic collapse or some other calamity commonly known around here as "The End of the World As We Know It" or "SHTF" – the day something hits the fan.
The Bradways fled California, a state they said is run by "leftists and non-Constitutionalists and anti-freedom people," and settled on several wooded acres of north Idaho five years ago. They live among like-minded conservative neighbors, host Monday night Bible study around their fire pit, hike in the mountains and fish from their boat. They melt lead to make their own bullets for sport shooting and hunting—or to defend themselves against marauders in a world-ending cataclysm.
And of course the Bradways are far from alone. Over the past 10 years, approximately five million people have fled the state of California. If I was living there, I would want to move out too. Once upon a time, countless numbers of young people were "California Dreaming," but those days are long gone. At this point, the California Dream has become a California Nightmare.
Only a very small percentage of those leaving California have come up to the Great Northwest, but it is a sizable enough number to make a huge impact. Unfortunately, many of those that have come from California want to turn their new areas into another version of what they just left, and that is often firmly resisted by the locals.
But it isn't just California; there are people streaming into the "American Redoubt" from all over the nation, and many of them are some of the finest people that you could ever hope to meet.
An article in the Economist points to a 2011 manifesto posted by James Wesley Rawles as the beginning of the "American Redoubt" movement:
In a widely read manifesto posted in 2011 on his, Mr. Rawles, a former army intelligence officer, urged libertarian-leaning Christians and Jews to move to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and a strip of eastern Oregon and Washington states, a haven he called the "American Redoubt."
Thousands of families have answered the call, moving to what Mr Rawles calls America's last big frontier and most easily defendable terrain. Were hordes of thirsty, hungry, panicked Americans to stream out of cities after, say, the collapse of the national grid, few looters would reach the mostly mountainous, forested and, in winter, bitterly cold Redoubt. Big cities are too far away. But the movement is driven by more than doomsday "redoubters," eager to homestead on land with lots of water, fish, and big game nearby. The idea is also to bring in enough strongly conservative voters to keep out the regulatory creep smothering liberty in places like California, a state many redoubters disdainfully refer to as "the C-word."
Who wouldn't want to live where the air is clear, the water is clean and the sky is actually brilliantly blue and not the washed out grayish blue that you get in most major cities?
And just having some breathing space is reason enough for some people to move to the Great Northwest. If you can get at least a few acres, you will quickly discover the joy of not having neighbors crammed in around you on every side.
Others wish to move to an area with a low population density for more practical reasons. As the New York Times recently reported, crime is rising in large cities all over America:
Murder rates rose significantly in 25 of the nation's 100 largest cities last year, according to an analysis by the New York Times of new data compiled from individual police departments.
The findings confirm a trend that was tracked recently in a study published by the National Institute of Justice. "The homicide increase in the nation's large cities was real and nearly unprecedented," wrote the study's author, Richard Rosenfeld, a criminology professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis who explored homicide data in 56 large American cities.
Sadly, this is just the beginning. The chaos that we have seen in Dallas, Baton Rouge, Milwaukee, Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago and elsewhere is going to get much worse. As the economy continues to unravel, we are going to see civil unrest on a scale that none of us have ever seen before. When that time comes, those that have moved to the middle of nowhere will be very thankful that they got out while the getting was good.
Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed.
In the vast majority of cases, families tell us that they moved to the Great Northwest because they felt that God was calling them to do so. Individuals from many different churches and denominations have all felt the same call, and that creates a sort of kinship that is quite unusual these days.
Something big is happening in the Great Northwest. If you have never been up here, you might want to check it out some time.
And once you get here, you may never want to go home ever again.
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Urgent Crisis of the Young American Male - J. LEE GRADY

Why are so many disturbed young men in the United States carrying out massacres?
      Why are so many disturbed young men in the United States carrying out massacres? (iStock photo )

Why are so many disturbed young men in the United States carrying out massacres? (iStock photo )
Just one day before a crazed young gunman killed nine people in Oregon last week, police arrested four males who planned to go on a bloody rampage at their high school in central California. Fortunately those four juveniles are now in custody—but it doesn't lessen the pain of the families who lost loved ones in the Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon.
What is happening? Why are so many disturbed young men in the United States carrying out massacres? Consider these four recent cases:
1. Christopher Harper-Mercer, 26, killed nine people at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 1, 2015, using five handguns and a rifle. He killed himself after the rampage. An unemployed loner, his parents were divorced and he lived with his mother. He suffered from mental disorders, and neighbors said he sometimes paced the floor of his apartment until 4 a.m. According to posts online, he was fascinated with guns and frustrated that he didn't have a girlfriend. When he broke into a classroom last week he asked some students if they were Christians before shooting them in the head.
2. Dylann Storm Roof, 21, is an avowed white supremacist who shot and killed nine people, including a pastor, in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 17, 2015. He used a .45-caliber Glock pistol. His mother left his father before he was born, and his father was later accused of abusing his second wife. A high school dropout, Dylann used drugs, showed signs of obsessive compulsive disorder and was convinced that African-Americans are taking over the world. In his online posts he talked of starting a civil war. He will stand trial in July 2016.
3. Elliot Rodger, 22, went on a bloody rampage on the University of California/Santa Barbara campus on May 23, 2014. First he stabbed three Chinese men (two of them his roommates), then he shot three students at a sorority house using three semi-automatic pistols. Then he killed himself. Coming from a divorced home, he was described by those who knew him as a loner who had been bullied in school. In a video he posted on YouTube just before his shooting spree, he said he wanted to punish women who had rejected him, and to punish sexually active males because they had a more enjoyable life.
4. Adam Lanza, 20, was responsible for storming into the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 14, 2012, and killing 20 first-graders and six adults. He murdered his mother first, then used her rifle to shoot his victims, and then killed himself. After the incident, investigators learned that Adam suffered from numerous mental problems. He loved horror movies and was fascinated by mass killings. Adam had had a strained relationship with his father since his parents separated in 2002.
A growing number of young men—even teens—are snapping. What is causing this?
The debate rages today about gun control—and certainly a case can be made that these men should never have had access to handguns or rifles. But this dilemma can't be solved simply by stricter background checks. (Elliot Rodger, for example, stabbed three of his victims with a knife, one of them 94 times. In other cases, they used guns owned by family members.)
In the cases I've described, each young man came from a broken home marked by abuse, rejection or neglect. Each was tormented by inner demons that caused him to be fascinated with conspiracies, weapons and violence. And after each massacre, people who knew these young men said they detected that they were deeply disturbed and needed intervention.
Other factors may have played a role, including drugs, video games, violent entertainment and broken relationships. But one clear factor is mental illness and an obvious lack of support for families that struggle with this problem. A lot of young men in this country today are battling anxiety, compulsive behaviors and serious psychological problems, and we can't sit back and wait for politicians to solve this.
We need spiritual answers—and the church must step up to the plate to provide more help to people like Christopher, Dylann, Elliot and Adam before they reach the breaking point. That's why I'm grateful California Pastor Rick Warren and his wife, Kay (whose 27-year-old son battled depression and committed suicide in 2013), have organized a conference on mental illness that begins today. The Gathering on Mental Health and the Church will convene at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, Oct. 7-9.
"It's time to break the silence and stigma surrounding mental illness," says Kay Warren. "Every church, regardless of size or location, can be a place of refuge and love and compassion for those who need it most."
Hopefully Saddleback's willingness to apply the gospel to this taboo topic will result in a wave of healing in this country. For too long we have ignored this complicated problem—or we've deliberately swept it under the rug. The church should be the place where families go to find answers to mental illness—and not after a school massacre but before it happens.
For more information on the Gathering on Mental Health and the Church, go to 
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of The Mordecai Project. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. Check out his ministry
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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Christian Bakery Fined $135,000 for ‘Discrimination’ Against Gays. Then They Get More Bad News.

Christian Bakery Fined $135,000 for ‘Discrimination’ Against Gays. Then They Get More Bad News.

Aaron and Melissa Klein, the Oregon-based owners of Sweet Cakes Bakery, learned Friday that the judge overseeing the sentencing of their discrimination conviction recommended a $135,000 payment to the lesbian couple which was refused service.
The backstory: two years ago, the bakery refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, citing religious beliefs. In January, 2014, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries brought charges against them for violating Oregon’s Equality Act of 2007. They were found guilty in January, 2015, with a financial penalty potential of up to $150,000, to be determined at a later date.
The judge’s recommendation was issued Friday. In a statement on the ruling, which awards $135,000 to Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, for “emotional suffering,” the Bureau of Labor and Industries said this:
The facts of this case clearly demonstrate that the Kleins unlawfully discriminated against the complainants. Under Oregon law, businesses cannot discriminate or refuse service based on sexual orientation, just as they cannot turn customers away because of race, sex, disability, age or religion. Our agency is committed to fair and thorough enforcement of Oregon civil rights laws, including the Equality Act of 2007.
The amounts are damages related to the harm suffered by the Complainants, not fines or civil penalties which are punitive in nature.
According to the Washington Times, the order is not final and both sides have 10 days in which to respond before a final amount is issued by the labor commissioner. Also, either party could appeal the decision via an appeals court.
Melissa is clearly distraught about the decision in an interview she did for The Daily Signal:
In an interview with the Family Research Council, the Kleins responded to the news:
It’s very discouraging. This is not money coming from a business, this is not money coming from an insurance fund, this is money coming straight from our bank account.
This is money that should be used to pay my mortgage, money that should be used to feed our kids, not something that should be given to others. This is a decision I made because of my faith, and now the government is now saying it doesn’t matter, your kids can suffer for it as well.
You have unsubstantiated emotional damages — that’s what this came down to. There was never any physical or financial harm done to the plaintiffs. This was specifically to emotional damages. It takes a lot to explain where $135,000 comes from.
Immediately after the ruling was issued, the Facebook page for the bakery announced that a GoFundMe account was set up but a subsequent post stated that it was shut down:
This is what is written:
“The gofundme account that was set up to help our family was shut down by the administrators of gofundme because they claimed it was raising money for an illegal purpose. We have told gofundme that the money is simply going to be used to help our family, and there is no legitimate breach of their terms and conditions. We are working to get the account reinstated.
However, in the mean time, if you would like to donate, you can do so here:
For all of you who gave to the gofundme account before it was shut down, we so appreciate your love and generosity. Gofundme has told us that we will still receive those funds.”
There is a donation page that people are taken to upon following the link:
sweet_cakes_top_img_by_g-f_017-764x460 (1)
Image credit:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon... Find Your Footing" - Chuck D. Pierce

February 23, 2015
"I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon... Find Your Footing"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I wanted to RUSH THIS ALARM ACROSS WASHINGTON STATE AND OREGON just as soon as I received it. Please hear me... when some prophets speak, it has interest for me. But when Chuck Pierce prophesies, I SIT UP, TAKE NOTICE, AND I TAKE ACTION.

One such action is informing you, our readers, that Chuck Pierce is truly one of the most accurate prophets I've ever known. Pay attention!!

This was prophesied Sunday, February 22, 2015. We have transcribed it word for word, and then we've given you a video link so you can listen to it for yourself in context.

I live in Oregon, and many of my family and friends live in both Oregon and Washington. Some may ask, "Is this about an earthquake?"

I can only tell you that from my reading, it SEEMS to me, Steve Shultz, to say that! If it is not about an earthquake, it would be about "earthshaking events" in Oregon and Washington.

It IS called an ALERT and it IS an ALARM and when it says, "Wake up and watch," that means, WAKE UP AND PRAY AND KEEP PRAYING!

In addition, this word includes cities, regions and countries such as: Tennessee, New England, Japan, and Africa.

Now a specific note: When this word refers to "this month" it is speaking of the Jewish/Hebrew month of Adar that just began on the evening of February 20, 2015 and goes through March 20, 2015.

So be alert and PRAY!!

Steve Shultz
P.S. Please send this to your friends and family in these areas mentioned in this word. Be sure to suggest they subscribe to the ELIJAH LIST (always a free subscription) to have more alerts like this sent to their email box (and many encouraging prophetic words), 365 days a year by going to

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

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"I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon... Find Your Footing"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX

Prophetic Words Spoken by Chuck Pierce at Glory of Zion in Texas, on February 22, 2015, Sunday Celebration Service - Firstfruits:

"The Ground Will Make a Shift"

"Pray for Washington State and Oregon. I send an alarm from Zion across Washington State and Oregon and I say, 'Wake up and watch, for there is a change coming to your ground and a new, new opening is coming from Heaven, but now the ground will make a shift.

"I say to Tennessee, 'Watch, for this is a time that there will come a movement from the NE portion. You need to watch the movement.'

"I say to, 'New England, you need to awaken now because if you will awaken now I will cause a new generation to rise up in here.'

"I say to Japan, 'This will be a month that you must stand firm because of the shaking... so I say to you.'

"And I say to Africa, 'Get ready'. Algiers, you will be heard from: Let My people go," saith the Lord.

Find Your Way Through the Movement... Find Your Footing

Chuck Pierce continues:
I decree there's a shaking loose of promises that have fallen in the ground. And you're going to be walking this month and all of a sudden you're going to say, "I just stepped into a place of glory that I saw several times back," and then all of a sudden you'll decree a thing and it will happen.

Now I want you to decree. You decree: "I'm coming into my promise." You decree that though the enemy has blocked you, though you have done things you shouldn't have done, this month you are shifting to go up, and you will see a manifestation.

There is going to be a meeting of Heaven and earth. You need to know. You need to find your steps this month.

Hear what I'm your saying to you: Find your steps this month. There is going to be Heaven and earth colliding and shaking around us. Find your footing.

It's not going to be like where it's been, starting now. A new season has blossomed. Find your way through the movement.

God says, "Right now, I have begun a movement. You find your way through it. This is what it looks like. It's not going to be like other seasons."

You will not be controlling how the movement affects you. You'll just have to get in it.

...You get ready. Things will start moving all around you. Some of you are going to move in your jobs. Some of you are going to move where you live. Some of you are going to move in your life. Some of you are going to move in your house. Some of you are going to move in your nation. Things will be sliding and shifting this month, and God says, "Find your footing. Find your footing. Find your footing."

Something has stirred up. What Firstfruits is about is shifting into alignment with God's will in Heaven. Once we do that, let me tell you this month, something is going to shift around you and you are not to get frustrated in all the changes around you, but you will find your footing and you'll be stronger in the latter than you were at the beginning. Let's thank God for that. -end of transcription

Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here or click on the image below. This video starts with worship and after 39 minutes, the prophetic words start from Chuck Pierce and others and continues through worship.

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 

Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellersGod's Unfolding Battle PlanInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Christian Bakery Must Pay Damages to Gay Couple

Christian Bakery Must Pay Damages 

to Gay Couple

Associated Press photo
The owners of a bakery in Oregon are being ordered to pay "damages" to Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman, a lesbian couple, after declining to bake a cake for their same-sex wedding.

A hearing is scheduled in March to determine how much the owners of Sweet Cakes Bakery will be required to pay.

The judge says the Aaron and Melissa Klein discriminated unlawfully against the lesbian couple by denying them full and equal access to a place of public accommodations.

The owners say they don't have a problem serving gays and lesbians, but they cannot make a cake celebrating a same-sex wedding because of their religious beliefs.

"First Amendment, Constitution. Freedom of religion. I'm free to exercise my religion however I see fit," Aaron Klein said. "If I'm told to make a wedding cake for a same sex marriage, I feel that I'm violating my beliefs. I don't think I should have to do that."

The Kleins had to close their shop and work from home after gay rights activists organized protests and threatened vendors against doing business with them. Their children were subjected to death threats, Fox News host Todd Starnes reported.

Investigators for the State Bureau of Labor and Industries recommended each of the Kleins pay $75,000 in damages.