Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

Man Pleasers Don’t Need Courage - Steve Martin


Man Pleasers Don’t Need Courage


“Therefore, brothers, just as you learned from us how you had to live in order to please God, and just as you are living this way now, we ask you — indeed, united with the Lord Yeshua, we urge you — to keep doing so more and more.” 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2, Complete Jewish Bible


If you have ever been to China, which I am thankful for Derek Prince Ministries that my good wife Laurie and I did go in 2002, as we snuck in Mandarin Chinese Bibles and Derek’s Mandarin Chinese translated books, you will realize one thing.

Courage is not something you talk about. Courage is something you do.

For you English experts out there, I know that “courage” is a noun. Thank you, Sister Mary Matthew, for teaching me that subject in English while in 8th grade at St. Patrick’s Elementary School in Cedar Falls, Iowa. But in this case, I want to use it as a verb. An action word means to actually do something about something.

And to have courage, to “do” courage, you can’t be a man-pleaser.

High School for most of us was probably traumatic. In fact, now it begins in middle school, and even younger, when kids face opposition, ridicule, and meanness. Our grandsons and one sole granddaughter (Dylan Joy, a senior this year!) will most likely face that again, knowing this school year is about to start again for them here in North Carolina and Florida. Lord, protect them!

When I was in high school for the wonderful years of 1969-1973 at Columbus High School (Catholic) in Waterloo, Iowa, the Lord taught me one major lesson that I have used for my entire life.

If you are going to live for Him, you can’t be a man pleaser. And if the world is going one way, brother and sister, you can bet the Lord is going the other.

When kids wore the latest fashion to be “cool”, I never did.

When kids teased and ridiculed the “last one on the pecking pole”, I chose to be that one’s friend.

When talk at the school lunch table was of “what they did last Friday night with that girl” (yes, this was a Catholic high school), I did not participate.

No drinking for me. No carousing in the back seat. No disrespect to my parents and teachers.

Was I a “goody two shoes” as some would say? Or a “brown-nose” as was another common slur towards those who chose to do right?

No. The Lord had given me the courage to trust Him and let the others go their own way. I had already learned that you reap what you sow, and I could foresee what they would reap after all their “wild oats” sowing.

We have to at some point in our life choose to be “God-pleasers” and not seek the approval of men. They fade away. They die in their sin. But we who choose Him, and His ways will reap eternal life in heaven, while at the same time live a fruitful and victorious life while yet on this planet.

"If you decide that it's a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you'd rather serve — and do it today. Choose one of the gods your ancestors worshiped from the country beyond The River, or one of the gods of the Amorites, on whose land you're now living. As for me and my family, we'll worship God."

The people answered, "We'd never forsake God! Never! We'd never leave God to worship other gods.

"God is our God! He brought up our ancestors from Egypt and from slave conditions. He did all those great signs while we watched. He has kept his eye on us all along the roads we've traveled and among the nations we've passed through. Just for us he drove out all the nations, Amorites and all, who lived in the land.

"Count us in: We too are going to worship God. He's our God." Joshua 24:15-18, THE MESSAGE

We need a whole lot of God pleasers today, men and women who will stand for righteousness, peace, and courageous enough to say something, write something, do something when it is necessary to do so.

A man pleaser doesn’t need courage. It is far too easy to not do anything about anything.

But you - have some courage! DO some courage today, in and around you.

Following Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, is a hard road as we know it is at times. But when you keep focused on Him and His Word, it goes a whole lot better, along with the courage that He puts in your heart.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin, Love For His People founder

Sunday, November 20, 2022

“We must keep on keeping on.” Steve Martin, Love For His People


“We must keep on keeping on.” Steve Martin, Love For His People

Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the Name of Jesus (Yeshua) Our regular communication to share the Love For His People with our friends. Blessings on ye head!
Nov. 20, 2022 Charlotte, North Carolina

Greetings to my family and friends of Love For His People Ministry.

Rest for the weary cometh. I believe that (and like to practice my Old English every so often.)

Be not weary with another email. This one is for you!

“Keep On Keeping On” follows below. And check out the Elvis video from Jerusalem!

Ahava and shalom. Happy Thanksgiving!

Steve Martin, Founder, Love For His People Ministry
Keep on Keeping On 

“’He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.” Daniel 7:25, NASU 

The Word of God speaks to us from times past to show us what was then, is now, and what is to come. Even as the enemy of our soul continually seeks to stand against those who side with the Living God of Israel, we are most aware of his motives and schemes. The enemy of our very being will always seek to tear down the saints, the believers; those who are called and commissioned to join the battle and stand on the ramparts. We are aware of his tactics and stand strong against him, together. 

When I returned from my ahava (love) adventure to Israel on Nov. 12, 2022, I was a bit weary. No, in fact, I was just plain worn out. Having given all that I had to make full use of the three weeks I had been given for the days there, my body, soul, and spirit needed some rest.

But with relatives coming in a few days; my good friend still in the hospital going on six weeks (the one who was to have joined me on this trip for his first one to Israel) there just seemed to be no time to rest, and then another close prophetic friend was moving out of state and needed some help; a concert trip to bless my son on his birthday was the same week… 

All important, but at times the saying, “No rest for the weary,” holds true. Yeshua and the disciples knew the feeling, but they kept on keeping on. The days are short, and the night comes when no man can work. So we must keep on going. 

“The apostles then rendezvoused with Jesus and reported on all that they had done and taught. Jesus said, “Come off by yourselves; let’s take a break and get a little rest.” For there was constant coming and going. They didn’t even have time to eat. So they got in the boat and went off to a remote place by themselves. Someone saw them going and the word got around. From the surrounding towns people went out on foot, running, and got there ahead of them. When Jesus arrived, he saw this huge crowd. At the sight of them, his heart broke — like sheep with no shepherd they were. He went right to work teaching them.” Mark 6:30-34, THE MESSAGE

“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:4-5, NKJV 

Many times I have silently prayed the prayer, “My times are in Your hands, and when I am weak then You are strong.” It has kept me going at times when I would rather sleep in bed. 

We are living in those hours when it is fast approaching when no man will be able to work. So, we must be about our Father’s business when the day is light, and not give in to weariness and discouragement.

Governments will keep trying to shut down our travel (the “planned-demic” had been in place for years beforehand, based on truth accounts) and stifle our means of earthly support; leaders will say they have our back when it is only theirs that they care about.

How is it that so many “broke” men and women get into positions of power and then leave being millionaires after decades, or even just 8 years? 

These are times when we must rely on the Lord’s strength, His grace, His power, and provision, to complete the works He has set before us to do. Only by Him working through us will we be able to complete the glorious tasks we have been given to do while here. The Lord did not let Moses in the promised Land due to the mishandling of his commission. We must press on in complete obedience so we can complete ours. 

“At that same time, I begged God: “God, my Master, you let me in on the beginnings, you let me see your greatness, you let me see your might — what god in Heaven or Earth can do anything like what you’ve done! Please, let me in also on the endings, let me cross the river and see the good land over the Jordan, the lush hills, the Lebanon mountains.” Deuteronomy 3”23-25, THE MESSAGE 

Fulfilling the mission set before us will only get done if we keep our eyes on Jesus, call on His Name in the midst of battle and war, and keep our faith and trust fully in His ability to finish His eternal plans and purposes, using us in those plans and purposes. We too set our hearts like flint, as He Himself did. 

“For the Lord God helps Me, therefore, I am not disgraced; therefore, I have set My face like flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed. He who vindicates Me is near; who will contend with Me? Let us stand up to each other; who has a case against Me? Let him draw near to Me. Behold, the Lord God helps Me; who is he who condemns Me? Behold, they will all wear out like a garment; the moth will eat them. Who is among you that fears the Lord, that obeys the voice of His servant, that walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.” Isaiah 50:7-10, NASU 

Carry on and do that which you too are to do. Get some rest as you can along the way. 

Ahava and shalom, Steve Martin, Love For His People Founder 

P.S. We would like to thank those who have supported Love For His People ministry in the past 12 years and continue to do so. We prayerfully ask you to consider supporting our mission to be Yeshua’s hands and feet to love on the Jewish people here in Israel. Even the smallest gift helps us to be the blessing we are called to be. See our ways of giving online or through checks and banking Zelle, all on our website Love For His People.  

Message #165 in this series – in the year of our Lord 11.20.2022 – “Keep On Keeping On”  Sunday, 6:30 am in Charlotte, North Carolina

I did a bit of walking while in Israel this month. That may have added to the weariness, but it was still a joy to have walked in the Land where our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, walked all over! Come with me on this “Walk With Me” to go to the place where the Elvis American Cafe’ is, so I could add another annual mug to my collection. (I believe it makes it about 8 now.)

Walk in the Land where the King did. (And where Elvis may have longed to also.) Look here:

Shalom, Steve Martin

Have you bought my latest book yet? Click here: WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO- Paperback, Kindle, and HARDBACK, for only $14.95!
WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO by Steve Martin (published Nov. 14, 2022)

On Nov. 11, 2022, as I awaited the shuttle to the Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel, I asked the Lord what the title of my 36th book should be. “Why We Do What We Do – We Live For the Lord” came the response from the Holy Spirit. So, I named it that. 

The morning after I got home on Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022, I opened the November/December 2022 issue of Charisma Magazine which my good wife Laurie had been reading on the kitchen table. I skimmed through the pages and noticed an article by Rod Parsley entitled, “Seek the Father’s Face, Hear His Voice”. I had known of Rod and his ministry, but not a regular listener. 

On page 57 of his article, the written paragraph header was, “His Voice in My Ear”. In the 4th paragraph, he wrote of the Lord asking Him this question, “Why do you do what you do?” Confirmation! Thus, I had heard the Lord also. 

This book contains the five months of messages I shared with subscribers to my weekly email, and then posted on our website and other social media platforms. For each of us to accomplish the Lord’s will, plans, and purposes for our individual lives we must know what we are to do and do it. We will then understand the “why we do what we do” question, as we walk out His ways. 

Be inspired and encouraged as you read, either as a daily discipline or as a book with examples as to how to walk the Christian faith in your own life. And as you know the “why”, your courage, boldness, and firmer commitment to live for Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, will be evident to many. You may not even have to say a word. 

I have also included the six messages I wrote from Jerusalem, between Oct. 24-Nov. 11, 2022 when I was there on my 26th journey to the Land. Since 2010 I have called these journeys “Ahava Adventures”. “Ahava” is love in Hebrew. 

Blessings on ye head. Ahava and Shalom, Steve Martin, Founder
Love For His People Ministry Aug. 14, 2022

To purchase on Amazon: WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO– Paperback $10.95 Hardback $14.95 E-book $2.95

SPECIAL NOTE: Our ministry’s mobile app is available for iPhones and Androids. This is a free app download. Look here: Love For His People free phone app 

Love For His People Ministry. is a charitable, USA humanitarian ministry started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations, especially to and within Israel. If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry.  Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards, Zelle, or PayPal Contribution checks can be sent to:  Love For His People Ministry P.O. Box 53  Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) Please share this encouraging message with your friends. 

Full website: Love For His People Ministry 
Facebook page: Steve Martin   
Twitter: Martinlighthouse 
Blog: Love For His People          
YouTube: Steve Martin/Love For His PeopleAhava Moments With You 

You can sign up for my email messages: Love For His People. The sign-up form is on our ministry website: ministry newsletter 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

“Do as in your heart.” Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry


“Do as in your heart.” Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry

Sept. 15, 2022 Charlotte, North Carolina USA

Greetings to my family and friends of Love For His People Ministry.

Now that we are home from this last Ahava Adventure to Israel, Laurie and me will continue to strengthen the hands of those around us with encouragement, while at the same time sharing the Lord’s heart for His people the Jews with others. As Gentiles, we as believers are called to do this. Both you and us.

My message, As In Your Heart included below will strengthen your heart to do as the Lord has given you. Together, in His purposes and plans, we will accomplish through His grace what we are here on this earth to walk out.As each of us hears and obeys the Lord, that which we give out will return even more so to us. “Give and it will be given to you.” (Luke 6:38) This is truth.

Along with this new message, I also share another delightful “Walk With Me video. I have uploaded 24 thus far but have another 14 to go! I also hope you have seen the hundreds of photos I captured while in Israel, on my Facebook page: Steven L Martin (Steve Martin)

Check this fun video out: Church of All Nations car ride up to the Mount of Olives – Ride With Me, Steve Martin and Nouri Hawa

Ahava and shalom to you, while you serve the Lord today with all your heart.

Steve Martin, Founder, Love For His People Ministry

P.S. I am going back to Israel Oct. 23-Nov. 12, 2022 for more Love For His People Ministry, and bringing my friend for over 25 years Edgar Persad with me. This will be his 1st trip to Israel, and he will be 70 on July 4, 2023. Never too late to go to the Land and serve His people!
As In Your Heart  

“Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.” So his armorbearer said to him, “Do all that is in your heart. Go then; here I am with you, according to your heart.” 1 Samuel 14:6-7, NKJV  

Jonathan, King Saul’s son, had a very big and courageous heart. His faith grew as he did what the Lord had placed him in a position to do. As you read of his love for the people, and especially for his friend David in the two books of Samuel, you see that the Lord was with him, as he was with the Lord. What an example for us to know and follow the story of this young man.

And then to see he had alongside him an armor bearer, a trusted friend also – one who stood side by side with him, to carry out God’s purposes through Jonathan. A loyal friend who said to him, “Do all that is in your heart. Go then; here I am with you, according to your heart.” 

In the Complete Jewish Bible version of the same verses (1 Sam 14:6-8) it reads, “Y’honatan said to his armor-bearer, “Come on, let’s go across to the garrison of these uncircumcised people. Maybe Adonai will do something for us, since Adonai can rescue with a few people as easily as with many.” His armor-bearer replied, “Do everything you think you should; I’m with you, whatever you decide.” 

The Lord, Adonai, had put it in Jonathan’s heart to go up against the Israelite’s enemy, the Philistines, even before the rest of the Hebrew army led by his father King Saul did so. He knew in his heart that “Adonai (the Lord) can rescue with a few people as easily as with many.” Alongside Jonathan was the one who carried his armor (an armor bearer — a biblical reference to the one who carries the spear and shield of a warrior). He had to be one who had proven himself loyal and faithful. You don’t want someone who will stick your own sword in your back if the opportunity arises!

The armor bearer knew that which was in Jonathan’s heart – to be the instrument of God to carry out the Lord’s will and save His people from the enemy, the Philistines. When others would just wait and let “God do it”- as many seem to think is the action to take in our day – Jonathan moved out in faith.

“(King and father – my addition) Saul was staying in the outskirts of Gibeah under the pomegranate tree which is in Migron. And the people who were with him were about six hundred men.” 1 Samuel 14:2, NASU

Jonathan did what the Lord had spoken through this trusted friend, “Do all that is in your heart.” He did not also sit idly by and let the enemy just run over his people. Even with just the two of them, they went forward as led by the Lord.

It is easy to sit back and let someone else do it. It doesn’t take a lot of faith or courage to sit on the couch and say, “If the Lord wants to take care of it, He will. Let the big guys and women in ministry do it. As for me, I am waiting for the rapture to take me out of this hell hole.”

As Yeshua (Jesus) told the parable of the woman pleading continually to the judge for righteous action to be done on her behalf, Yeshua said, “I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8, NASU

Will you too step out in faith and act, knowing what you have been called to do? Will you have faith when the Lord returns? Will you be as Jonathan and his armor-bearer did, and do now what the Lord has put on your heart to do?

We must walk in faith now. People are in real need; they need to know the Savior and the Lord. The Lord has put us here to be His armor-bearer, to be His feet, to be His hands. We are most of all to show His heart of love for His people in the nations, to the Jew first and then to the Greek (non-Jews.)

While on this last Love For His People Ministry “Ahava Adventure” to Israel September 7-14, 2022, Laurie and I shared the love of Yeshua to His people, the Jews, and others in the Land of Israel. They know we come in the Name of the Lord, and they are being drawn to His salvation found only in Him.

May you too have faith and courage to do all that the Lord Himself has put in your heart to do.

Ahava and shalom, 
Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry Founder 

Message #109 in this series – in the year of our Lord 09.15.2022 – “As in Your Heart”, Thursday, 5:25 am in Charlotte, North Carolina

Since I first met my now good friend, Nouri Hawa, while in Jerusalem in October 2019, it has always been a real delight to be with him. If you need a great taxi driver in Israel, call or WhatsApp him: +972-54-7766260) He will be there for you.

But until then, come "Ride and Walk With Me" as he takes Laurie and me up to the Mount of Olives, using the very narrow road behind the Garden of Gethsemane and Church of All Nations in Jerusalem. But I warn you…hang on!

Have you bought it yet? My latest book.
Click here: SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN – Paperback, Kindle, and now HARDBACK, for only $12.95!
SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN by Steve Martin (published August 21, 2022)

There was a song popular in 1967 entitled, “Silence Is Golden” by The Tremeloes. They were a British band sharing their songs there and in the USA.

But that was then. This is now. We are not to be silent when our voices and courage are to be loud and strong.

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to speak His Word, share His love, do that which He has commissioned and ordained us to do. That means speaking up.

SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN are messages to inspire and encourage you to speak, write, go, and do that which the Lord has put in your heart to do. We must do it now, or it will be too late.

It is our moment to shine. It is our time, given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ, to take His love, His life, to a needing and dying world. His sacrifice on the cross, His death, His resurrection, had brought Him to this earth to save the nations. Not one. Not two. But all. And He has called us to let the world know.

Do not be silent, for silence is not golden.

Through the Jewish people, whom He chose to express His eternal love, He has shown that He is able to deliver what He has promised and will fulfill all that He has yet to finish. Just look at Israel and the return of the Jews after centuries. It is all in the prophetic Scriptures.

This book is to encourage you to speak up, stand up, be the one whom the Lord has called, appointed, and anointed you to be.

As it was in a popular commercial years ago, before the “wokeness” and “cancel culture” overwhelmed the people with its godless agenda, the USA Armed Services had the statement, “Be all you can be.”My word to you is, “Be all He has called you to be!”With this, I hope you read the inspired words the Holy Spirit has given me, and for those not quite into “reading” – enjoy the many photos and images I include!

To purchase on Amazon: SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN– Paperback $9.95 Hardback $12.95 E-book $2.99

SPECIAL NOTE: Our ministry’s mobile app is available for iPhones and Androids. This is a free app download. Look here: Love For His People free phone app 

Love For His People Ministry. is a charitable, USA humanitarian ministry started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations, especially to and within Israel. If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry.  Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards, Zelle, or PayPal Contribution checks can be sent to:  Love For His People Ministry P.O. Box 53  Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) Please share this encouraging message with your friends. 

Full website: Love For His People Ministry 
Facebook page: Steve Martin   
Twitter: Martinlighthouse 
Blog: Love For His People             
YouTube: Steve Martin/Love For His PeopleAhava Moments With You 

SPECIAL NOTE: Our ministry’s mobile app is available for iPhones and Androids. This is a free app download. Look here: Love For His People – sign up/free app 

You can sign up for my email messages: Love For His People. The sign-up form is on our ministry website: ministry newsletter 


Steve Martin

STEVE & LAURIE MARTIN - LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE FOUNDERS My good wife Laurie and I (45 years in October 2022!), through the ministry of Love For His People we founded in 2010, give love and support for our friends in Israel and in other nations with friendship, humanitarian aid, and social media support, along with Steve's messages, and our Ahava Adventures trips to Israel. Steve has also authored and published 34 books. We live in the Charlotte, NC area. We have four adult children, spouses, and eight grandkids.