Things are fixing to get ugly, poor, violent, and devastating. Welcome to Joe Biden’s America. Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear.
So you say there was no fraud and that Joe Biden was fairly elected by a majority that includes you. Do you realize what you are saying? While I still can’t fathom that–you are taking credit for what has now happening.
For the first time in American history, our President does the unquestioned bidding of people who hate America. That explains his first day in office:
Killing the Keystone Pipeline on cay one: On his first day in office, Biden killed thousands of jobs for union workers and increased America’s dependence on foreign energy. This was a move that both weakened our economy and strengthened our enemies.
Environmental madness: He rejoined the World Health Organization…you know, the folks who helped hide China’s guilt. And The Paris Agreement, both of which further solidified China’s power over Americans and unleashed the unicorn-environmentalists on our economy.
Trading citizenship for votes: In his first day in office, he flung our borders open to millions in a scheme so dastardly as to present a new low, even for Democrats: they are trading American citizenship for Democrat votes. A massive caravan is approaching our southern border at this moment, where they will be welcomed with open arms. And, since he has also halted the building of the wall, America will be less protected from terrorists, MS-13 members, drug dealers and illegals who will quickly disappear into our cities. Vast numbers of them will arrive to be provided with free healthcare—in the middle of a pandemic—amid massive unemployment, and after the death of hundreds of thousands of small businesses. The political elite want to secure their power for decades by providing many grateful voters.
Turning Washington D.C. into an armed camp. Why is the National Guard still there and why are they being ordered to stay months longer?
Mass abortions: He not only bolstered abortions here at home, but ordered that your tax dollars be used to pay for abortions in the U.S., as well as promoting abortions in other nations.
Taking its cue from Biden, New York has made it legal to kill a baby at nine months. Brace yourself believer, because this holocaust on the unborn will multiply.
So, let me ask you: What will America look like after many more days of this?
Many Christians who voted for Biden are bashing those who supported Trump. They are saying we were foolish to follow such a flawed leader. We were wrong to trust prophets. We were heartless to the poor and that we were identifying with racism. We were displeasing Christ and we were wrong to be involved in politics. Blah, blah, blah.
For the moment you look hip, lucid and fashionable to outsiders, but that is a fleeting reprieve. Soon, you will have to reconcile your vote with your Christianity. Soon there will be drag queens reading to children in our public libraries, boys in the girl’s restrooms, unreached heights of terminating babies in late term abortions, and censorship of all things Christian. Not only that joblessness will multiply and you will be shocked that Biden does not care because his vision is global not local. Then you will realize what you have voted for.
Then, there is what you did to your own church. When atheism comes calling with a hatred for God, an atheism that cares nothing about your ‘woke’ version of Christ, and comes with guidelines that only allow their version of Christianity, a version far from the word of God—when you look in your child’s eye and explain how their future will be designed by other nations and other values―just remember your vote. And remember the ridicule you spewed at Trump supporters.
How puny does your offense over Trump’s rudeness appear now? How does anything Trump texted compare to the danger and wickedness you see currently oozing out of the White House?
You are now part owner of everything Biden does to America. Whatever happens from here on out will reflect on your choice. By putting Biden first, you put America last. And I will leave it to God to decide how your vote reflects on your faith.
If you voted for Biden, and still insist you did the right thing, I can neither agree with you nor console you. If you are open to God, there is a peace and forgiveness available, and there is still time to participate in the great work of God here on earth that will soon arrive. Because my hope is in God’s mercy to make the Biden/Harris misery to leave soon.
To those who discerned the times, stood with Trump, and are still standing for one nation under God, there is the peace of knowing you obeyed your conscience and stood with the vision of America that the Founding Fathers received from God. Not only that, but there is still a miracle coming―and it is a miracle that cannot be rigged.
P.S. We do not want to take away from the message you just read. This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s Voice to America. As you can see, we do not sell advertising to raise money. We offer you products that not only win lost souls but will empower you in Christ.
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mariomurilloministries | March 16, 2021 at 10:25 pm | Tags: abortion, China, Donald Trump, Donald Trump impeachment, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mario Murillo, Paris agreement, southern border | Categories: 2020 Presidential election, abortion, America, Attacks on Trump, barack obama, censorship, Christian persecution, Christians against Trump, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, Election Fraud, Impeaching Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris | URL:
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA