“I will bless those who bless you And curse him that curses you; And all the families of the earth Shall bless themselves by you.” (Genesis 12:3)
“Blessed is Hashem, my rock, who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for warfare.” (Psalms 144:1)
“Sing Him a new song; play sweetly with shouts of joy.” (Psalms 33:3)
“Remember that it is Hashem your God who gives you the power to get wealth, in fulfillment of the covenant that He made on oath with your fathers, as is still the case.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)
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A video shows dramatic footage of the storm that is hovering over Israel, bringing a mixed blessing. Israel sorely needs the rain but the normally tranquil coastline is being pounded.
Modern day Israel is the realization of the Biblical prophecy of the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. Thousands of members of the Ethiopian Jewish community gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the festival of Sigd...