'A Powerful Month of Breakthrough': 7 Prophetic Words for August
Over the past few weeks, I have been traveling and ministering quite a bit. While I have been traveling the Lord has been speaking to me about these seven prophetic words. I have been saying this for years, but it is still so true. Every month, I get a stronger anticipation of what God is about to do. I feel no differently about the month of August.
The first word the Lord gave me was "acceleration." I have never seen this many people in the body of Christ accelerating in their personal relationship with God. I am encountering more passionate and persistent people in this hour than I have ever seen before. Passionate people are people who quickly accelerate. Those who are going after the things of God are about to experience great acceleration starting this month. There are many people in the body of Christ who have spent previous seasons living in complacency. However, for those who are willing to start moving forward, God is going to bring great acceleration, first to their walk with Him and then to whatever God has called them to.
The second word God has been speaking to me about for August is "opportunities." God is about to open up many opportunities people have been praying and believing for. If you have seen it in the spirit, you can have it in the natural. Many have had visions and dreams from the Lord in the heart for years. Many have seen in the spirit things that God has promised them. But in the month of August, acceleration and opportunities are coming to move you from just believing for something to actually having and doing those things tangibly.
The third word I have been hearing in my spirit is "second chances." God is the God of second chances. There are many people who have stepped out into something prematurely and failed. But don't let that stop you. Take the wisdom you learned from it and move forward again. This is your time. In August God is sending a strong word to many people that second chances are coming to you. Allow God to restore you and start to dream again.
The fourth word God has been speaking to me, He has been speaking to me for months. The fourth word is "doors." God did not give me the word "door" but "doors." God is not just opening single doors of opportunity to people, but He is going to open one door after another for His people in this hour! I recently had a vision where I was walking down a hallway, and there were doors all along the sides of the hallway. I kept walking straight ahead and came to a door directly in front of me. I opened the door, and as I walked through it, I came upon another door. I opened it and walked through the next door, and another door opened to me. This happened many times. What God was showing to me in this vision is that August will be a month where many doors will be opened for you. You will know which doors to walk through and which doors to stay no to. God is sending open doors to you, one right after another, after another. You don't have to look for doors of opportunity; open doors will find you. You won't have to go looking or knocking on doors. As we stay humble and walk in humility, God is opening up multiple doors for His children.
The fifth word the Lord spoke to me was "wisdom." This word is probably my favorite. God is about to give you wisdom. In the month of August, seek the Lord diligently, because He is releasing divine wisdom, divine knowledge and divine understanding in a greater measure. The wisdom God releases in this season will give the body of Christ key insight to be able to walk through the doors of opportunity He is opening. You received vision and assignments in the past, but now God is giving the wisdom so you can walk in it.
The sixth word the Lord gave me was "finances." You had the vision in the last season, but now God is giving the wisdom and finances to fulfill the vision. Some of you need a financial investor or monetary supporter to come alongside you. God is about to speak your name to the right people. The right people are going to come alongside you, and finances will be there to provide for the vision God has already given you. Many will receive strategic promotions this month. My wife always says this, "Favor knows my address. Favor finds me." There was a time where I worried about money. But I don't worry about money anymore. Finances come to those who are faithful and say yes to God in good seasons and in bad seasons. God loves His people, and divine finances are coming their way!
The seventh word the Lord gave me for the month of August was "It is the right time." August is the right time! August is the "do it now" month. It is time to stop talking about whatever God has said for us to do and actually move forward with it. August is a time to stop being just hearers and start being doers. Many have been hearing the prophetic word of the Lord; it has been in your spirit for years. You've been hearing ministers preach the Word and have been reading the written Word, but it is now time to stand up, move forward and start taking action with the Word.
The seven words that God is speaking over the month of August are "acceleration," "opportunities," "second chances," "doors," "wisdom," "finances" and finally "It is the right time." Let your expectation for what God is about to do in this month rise. August is going to be a powerful month of breakthrough in many areas. Get ready! 

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of ROAR Apostolic Network and ROAR Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson, and they have three children, Malachi, Judah and Ezra. The Dawsons live and teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening. Their desire is to see every believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God. Joe Joe is also the author of Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival. To connect with Joe Joe or for more information, visit joejoedawson.net.