Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a warm welcome at the White House yesterday for a meeting with President Donald Trump about the hopes of soon reaching a long-sought Mideast peace agreement.
According to Fox News, "both world leaders try to make international progress amid the strains of domestic investigations into each of their governments." Trump and Netanyahu have met several times to "discuss a range of issues beyond Israeli-Palestinian peace, with Iran, Syria and now North Korea topping their list."
The American Pastors Network (APN) has explored the topic of "Israel's Elusive Peace" through its daily, live radio ministry "Stand in the Gap Today."
In recent programs, APN President Sam Rohrer, co-hosts and guests have discussed topics such as relations with Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East; economic and natural resources development; and Israel's internal and external threats.
"The simple reason we must support Israel is because God does," Rohrer said. "The Jews are His chosen people, and He gave His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that He would not only bless them but also bless every nation that blesses them and curse every nation that curses them. It was through the Jews that God brought the Messiah. The entire plan of redemption and all of Scripture came to us through the Jews. Throughout history, God has miraculously protected the Jewish people although the nations around them have sought to annihilate them. For these reasons, news from Israel should be extremely critical to Christians, and the importance of Israel to today's Christian leaders cannot be overstated."
Listen to the entire program, "Israel: Imminent Threats, Elusive Peace," from earlier this month, as well as the following clips:
"Additionally, we cannot ignore the biblical significance of standing with God's chosen people in Israel," Rohrer continued. "What America does in relationship to the support of Israel is the difference between experiencing God's blessing or God's judgment on our nation. Additionally, Israel has long been America's strongest ally in the Middle East, continues to be the only truly democratic nation in that region and is the only nation in the Middle East that allows true religious freedom."
Rohrer added that the entire plan of redemption and all of Scripture came to believers through the Jews. God prophesied that He would bring His people back to the land He gave them—the land of Israel.
"He has done this and He is still doing it," Rohrer added. "Throughout history, God has miraculously protected the Jewish people despite evil efforts to annihilate them. All Christians should desire for America to send the clear message that we will support the State of Israel, because God supports the State of Israel."
Fox News also noted that the friendly relationship between Netanyahu and Trump is a far cry from the "frosty" reception the leader often received at the Obama White House, with Trump stating, "We have the best relationship right now with Israel that we've ever had." The U.S. president is popular among many Israelis for his support of the nation, as well as his announcement of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and the impending relocation of the U.S. Embassy there. 

"Stand in the Gap Today," which airs on 425 stations nationwide, can be heard live online from noon to 1 p.m. EST at American Pastors at the orange "Listen Live" button on the right-hand side of the webpage; find a station here.
View the media page for APN here, which also details information about "Stand in the Gap." For more information on APN, visit, its Facebook page or follow APN's Twitter feed, @AmericanPastors. To form a state chapter of APN, contact
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