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Dr Alveda King, the niece of famed civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King Jnr. has is feeling positive about America's future. She belie... |
 | | Saeed Abedini Says Ex-Wife 'Emptied His Bank Account' Whilst He Was In Prison
Formerly imprisoned American-Iranian pastor Saeed Abedini has vowed not to use social media to address the controversies surrounding his... |
 | | Ravi Zacharias Gives INCREDIBLE Advice On How To Lead Someone To Jesus
Leading someone to Christ is one of the most exciting things you can do as a Christian. But it doesn't always come easy. Perhaps you h... |
 | | Benny Hinn Responds To IRS Raid And Fraud Allegations
Televangelist Benny Hinn has responded to the news that his Texas offices have been raided by IRS agents, who are investigating tax eva... |
 | | 'Happy Days' Star Erin Moran Gave Her Life To Christ Before Her Death
Happy Days star Erin Moran passed away on Saturday at the age of 56. Her husband, Steve Fleischmann, recalled her last m... |
 | | Rev. Graham: 'Christians Will Hold Trump 'To His Word' To Protect Religious Liberty'
The Trump administration has accomplished a lot in it's first 100 days, but many Christians are concerned that the President has still not... |
 | | Christian Leader Boycotted From Speaking At Mayor's Prayer Breakfast
In a shocking turn of events, Christian leader and president of Focus of The Family, Jim Daly, is being boycotted from speaking at a Mayo... |
 | | Why Going To Church Every Week Matters
A few Saturday nights ago I texted my Worship Pastor:Me: “Been outside yet? Stunning. 15 people in church tomorrow.”W... |
 | | The Most Serious And Severe Departure From The Faith In Our Day
Heresy abounds. It always has and always will, until such time as Jesus returns and exposes the misguided theological fabrications of men an... |
 | | A Biblical Response To “Things Only Christian Women Hear” Twitter Trend
The hashtag #ThingsOnlyChristianWomenHear has been trending on Twitter after being coined by female pastor and author of Jesus Femin... |
 | | Ugandan Pastor Torches Bibles Calling Them "Fake" And "Demonic"
A Pentecostal pastor in Uganda has reportedly torched thousands of Bibles because he believed they were “fake” and &... |
 | | Republican Lawmakers Urge Trump To Sign Religious Liberty Executive Order
An increasing number of Republican lawmakers are requesting that President Donald Trump sign an executive order that will seek to... |
 | | Franklin Graham: 'It's Encouraging That The President’s Cabinet Gather Weekly For Prayer'
Franklin Graham has expressed how encouraged he is at the news that many members of President Trump's cabinet meet together eve... |
 | | Joyce Meyer: "God Views You, And Sees You As His Own Righteousness"
When we get things wrong and keep messing up, it can be easy to start beating ourselves up. As Christians, we run the risk of thinking... |
 | | IRS Agents Storm Offices Of Preacher Benny Hinn, Investigating Tax Evasion And Fraud
IRS investigators have stormed the Texas office of preacher Benny Hinn, after obtaining a search warrant on Wednesday. U.S. Po... |
 | | Three Ways You Can Find Hope When You're Experiencing A Crisis Of Faith
As Christians, it is natural to experience some doubt and trial in your relationship with Jesus. We are just human beings after all, and we... |
 | | 7 Signs You Love The American Dream More Than Jesus
I enjoy writing in different settings, particularly when blogging. I’m not sure why. Maybe I love watching people. I might even enjoy... |
 | | China Convicts Christian Lawyer Of 'Subverting State Power'
A Chinese court has convicted a well-known Christian human rights lawyer of subverting state power, and sentenced him to three years... |
 | | 'What A Beautiful Name' Song Story
What hides in the name of Jesus? The name of Jesus encompasses more than we can hope or imagine—more beauty, more wonder... |
 | | 14-Year-Old Pakistani Christian Girl Kidnapped By Armed Men
Persecution.org - A group of armed men has reportedly robbed the home of a Christian family in Pakistan's Punjab province and kidnappe... |
 | | Planned Parenthood Promotes New 'Grandmas For Abortion' Group
Abortion business Planned Parenthood is seeking to promote a new group called 'Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights' (GRR). The Ma... |