Each of the twelve tribes of Israel received a special portion of the Land to correspond to their unique spiritual attributes. According to Jewish tradition, Zebulun, the successful sea merchant, had a ‘partnership agreement’ with his brother Isaachar, who were the Torah scholars of the family. The arrangement was that Zebulun worked in order to support Isaachar’s noble profession of full time Torah study and they ‘split’ the spiritual revenue and heavenly reward that the joint venture earned. Learn more with our new interactive Bible website, TheIsraelBible.com, with Hebrew and English text and exciting modern features. Sign up for a free personalized reading plan and receive a free eBook, “24 Inspirational Verses from the 24 Books of The Israel Bible.”
Israel is "only one call away." Watch this truly inspiring video.
A new website is using modern technology to share Israel's great biblical significance with people all over the world. An audio component allows readers to hear the authentic Hebrew text, while interactive maps and other content bring the verses to life.
This handmade bracelet is made with high quality materials from a studio in Israel. Artist Chen Zuker uses leather, Swarovski crystal, semi precious stones and silver plated metal to create beautiful designs for the modern woman. Silver plated with charms of the Star of David, Shema Israel, and leaves.
Can you guess where Rebecca Kowalskytook this glorious photo of fishing boats in Israel? Take a guess and send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!
Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Colleen Gibson of Auburn, Washington in honor of her husband, Don, on his birthday.
“Thanks for the Updates”
It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thanks for the updates, many blessings- Monika Chand
Thank You so much for the message! I'll always stay with Jerusalem, with Israel...as for me, I am just like Ruth the Moabitess: "...for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy G-d my G-d!" Yours in the Holy One of Israel. Esa Heiska |
Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz RabbiTuly@Israel365.com |