Showing posts with label Brilliant America First Move. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brilliant America First Move. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Bolton’s Appointment is a Brilliant America First Move - Breaking Israel News


Bolton’s Appointment is a Brilliant
America First Move

By  Caroline Glick
President Donald Trump’s decision to appoint former UN Ambassador John Bolton to serve as his National Security Advisor is arguably the most significant single step he has taken to date toward implementing his America First foreign policy. The news hit America’s enemies and competitors — from Pyongyang to Teheran to Moscow to Beijing — like a wall of bricks Thursday night.

Despite Anti-Israel Resolutions, UNHRC Undergoing a Positive Change

By Ben-Dror Yemini
Five anti-Israel resolutions have created once again, and rightfully so, a feeling that “the entire world is against us.” But a meticulous examination of the distribution of the votes actually points to a small positive change. We already know there is an automatic majority against Israel in the United Nations Human Rights Council. That’s a given situation. But last Friday, the number of opposing and abstaining states was higher than in previous votes.

Palestinian Christian Theologians Against Israel

By Dr. Denis MacEoin
It is sad but possibly to be expected that many Palestinian Christians – who are constantly under threat but have not been killed or expelled – identify closely with the cause of their Muslim fellows as they engage in often violent “resistance” to Israel and the limited Israeli “occupation” of the West Bank (Judaea and Samaria). Christians may have a long history in Syria and Palestine, but the earliest Christians, including Christ, were, of course, Jews.

Why Palestinians Need an Israel Victory

By Daniel Pipes
I shall propose an entirely different approach to resolve the conflict, a reversion to the strategy of deterrence and victory associated with Zionism’s great strategist, Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940): Israel should aim not to please its enemies but to defeat them. Counterintuitively, I shall show why Palestinians need precisely such an Israel Victory to slough off their current oppression, extremism, and violence, and to become a successful people.

Palestinians: Why Hamas Will Not Disarm

By Khaled Abu Toameh
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is living in an illusion if he thinks that his rivals in Hamas would ever agree to lay down their weapons or cede control over the Gaza Strip.
Hamas has no intention of dismantling its military and security apparatus. It also does not have any intention of allowing Abbas’s security forces to be stationed in the Gaza Strip.
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NGOs Use ‘Children’s Rights’ to Harm Israel

By Ronn Torossian
New Israel Fund organizations continue their work on multiple fronts against the State of Israel. A few days ago, we had a new B’Tselem report entitled “Minors in Jeopardy: Violation of the Rights of Palestinian Minors by Israel’s Military Courts” which attacks the Israeli Army and legal system for harming Palestinian Arab children.

The Passover From Materialism to Unity

By Dr. Michael Laitman
Passover is an opportunity to pass over from a state of divisiveness, disregard, and coldness in modern society, to one of unity, care and warmth.
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