Victoria Boyson: "A Women's Movement Will Catapult the Church into a Great Harvest of Souls!"
As I read through Victoria Boyson's latest article about God raising up women in the Kingdom...I kept smiling and saying, "Amen!" over and over. I felt as if I were in a powerful women's conference while reading through this...I bet many women will feel the same way too.
We have been receiving more and more prophetic words from those who speak of a mighty move of God coming to women across the earth. Just think about it...women and children are among the most persecuted people groups across the earth, even today. WHO better to speak truth into them and help set them free?
Being from Thailand, I know very well the persecution of women and children and it grips me in a real tangible way. I know with everything in me that God is raising up His daughters to confront some of the toughest issues of our day.
As Victoria shares: All over the world, God is raising up multitudes of women who've been united by the Holy Spirit's plans for the deliverance of women and helping them discover who they are in Christ. We are seeing an army arising from even unexpected places across the earth, validating and encouraging women everywhere. This is not an accident!
I encourage both men and women to read this the men of God need to come alongside God's daughters and help support and encourage them in their destiny calling.
Women of God...this is going to be one of the greatest hours for you in the Kingdom! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Women's Movement Will Catapult the Church into a Great Harvest of Souls!"
"The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields." (Luke 10:2)
"In the last days, I will pour out My Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy..." (Joel 2:28)
Seventeen years ago, I was attending Francis Frangipane's church in Cedar Rapids, IA and I distinctly remember a life-changing encounter I had with God there. As I lay on the floor of the church, I was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and could not control my sobbing. God was showing me His heart for women and it was then I saw the rough outline of a women's movement that would literally catapult the Church into the greatest harvest it's ever known; a harvest so substantial it would dwarf any previous revivals by millions.
Then I realized why the enemy has tried so hard to keep women from the labor fields of revival. Satan will do or say anything to keep the elements of this harvest from coming together.
A Spirit-Led Women's Movement
"Love for my heavenly Father has driven me to fight for His truth to be told to His daughters. I want them to know He is indeed a good, kind and loving Father."
Recently, a movement of women has risen up, but it was not of God. For someone like me, it felt like a big punch to the stomach and I feared it would turn people against women in ministry even further. But God said, "This is only a counterfeit movement to try and deter the real movement of God among women that is coming!"
Satan can't stop what's coming, he can only try to keep as many people as he can from receiving it; that's what he's been working so hard at doing. Understand this: the things the enemy fears the most are what he works the hardest to defeat; but God laughs at the workings of the enemy and He uses those things the enemy meant for our destruction to boost levels of effectiveness for Him.
Years ago, as I wrote my book, God's Magnum Opus: The Value of a Woman, I felt the Lord release me to start a ministry geared on raising up women in ministry and giving them a platform to affect the Kingdom of God. My oldest daughter Cassandra and I worked hard to release the ministry and book around the same time. Indeed, Women of Impact Ministries was birthed out of the teaching I wrote in response to the struggles Cassandra and I had years ago; how the enemy tried to destroy her life by subverting the calling of God on her. The Biblical study God gave me then to save her was the basis for what Women of Impact is all about – teaching women the truth about who they are in Christ!
When I think about how much God loves His daughters, I literally feel overwhelmed by Heaven! It's as if Papa God was downloading a portion of His heart toward His girls into my heart. I suddenly realized that we, as women, do not yet fully understand what He really thinks of us – what He's created us for and the passionate love He feels for us.
A Revolution Led by God
Truly, any way of thinking that does not line up with His truth is worthless. It has no lasting value and will produce no fruit.
As women, we need to find out the truth of what God thinks of us! (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Since 2004, I've been preaching the message of liberty for women and it has not been easy. I've prayed for God to raise up an army of women to fight for this world—especially the harvest. Yet, in the last few years, I've seen God shift things in the spirit-realm and now I see a great company of women shooting lights of truth into the darkness. Truly a great army is emerging!
All over the world, God is raising up multitudes of women who've been united by the Holy Spirit's plans for the deliverance of women and helping them discover who they are in Christ. We are seeing an army arising from even unexpected places across the earth, validating and encouraging women everywhere. This is not an accident!
It was prophesied many years ago in Joel 2:28, in Psalm 68:11, and many more places in the Bible: We are living what our ancestors only dreamt would eventually come to pass. The harvest is very ripe and we need all our laborers in the fields to gather it. Like Joel said, "My sons and daughters will the last days."
Deliverance and Freedom for Women
Yet, there are still many many women in bondage all over the world. Their chains are not necessarily physical, but chains created by the oppressive lies the enemy has sown into the consciousness of women throughout the centuries. Since I have seen the Father's reality, the cultural bias and twisted religious doctrines used to train women to think of themselves as less valuable or unusable to God seem outrageous to me and they are not true!
"The Lord is moving across the earth, raising an army of men and women who will become His fire starters!"
If you were the heavenly Father, whose love for His daughters knew no bounds, would you be upset if someone was trying to convince your little girls that you didn't love them as much as your sons? I think I would be very upset and I would want the truth to be told. I would want all my children to know the truth of my love for them.
Love for my heavenly Father has driven me to fight for His truth to be told to His daughters. I want them to know He is indeed a good, kind and loving Father. I want them to know they are heirs to His incredible Kingdom just as much as His sons.
Truly, in the twelve plus years I've been teaching about God's value of women, I've not had many men fight with me over the truths I present. No, men have even encouraged me to keep it up and spread the message to both men and women. Sadly, it's been women who've had trouble receiving the truth about what God says about them. Yes, women have struggled to receive the truth even when shown plainly through Scripture.
I want women to be free, because I know what it feels like to think of myself in limited terms. It took years of study and receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit through the Scripture for me to really believe what I was receiving from the Word of God about God's intention for women.
When I really examined the fruit of what this divisive teaching has produced, only then did I see that this cannot be what God designed for humanity. I realized then why Jesus had to come and bring a fire to this earth; to burn up the remnants of the enemy's lies against the daughters of Eve and liberate the Kingdom of God to bring in the last day harvest! For truly, I saw the house of the Lord would not be WHOLE until women were raised up to serve in the Kingdom as God intended.
God is On the Move
The Lord is moving across the earth, raising an army of men and women who will become His fire starters! The harvest IS WAITING for YOU! The prodigals need your help to come home to their waiting Father's arms!
We love you, pray for you and believe in YOU. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
In Him,
Victoria Boyson is a powerful and genuine prophetic voice. She is the founder of Victoria Boyson Ministries and Women of Impact Ministries, a ministry dedicated to raising up an army of women who will impact and revolutionize their world. She is a passionate speaker, operating in extraordinary authority to awaken the Church to their victorious reality. Through revelations of the Holy Spirit and the Word, Victoria is breaking down strongholds which have kept the Church from fully realizing the great commission.
Based out of the Houston, Texas area, she is called to awaken and prepare the Bride of Christ for the end-time harvest and compel His Church to embrace a passionate relationship with their heavenly Father. She is the author of The Birth of Your Destiny, His Passionate Pursuit, Awakening: The Deep Sleep, and God's Magnum Opus: The Value of a Woman.
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