Eileen Fisher:
Press Forward In the Run of Faith
The Lord said, "There is a new season the Body is going to go into. They are crossing the Red Sea. But some will be too tired to cross the Red Sea, because they have exalted themselves, and they have left themselves weary. Others will run across the Red Sea, because they have exalted Me, and have refreshed themselves by My Spirit.
"Others will be on the shoulders, and ride on the back of others, because they're weary, and they're tired, from trials. But others are strong, and standing in faith, and will be so overcome with love, that they will reach down and carry them across the Red Sea."
"Others will be on the shoulders, and ride on the back of others, because they're weary, and they're tired, from trials. But others are strong, and standing in faith, and will be so overcome with love, that they will reach down and carry them across the Red Sea."
They did not want to know what was ahead, and because they did not know the unknown, they chose not to enter into the unknown. But it will be a year of 'unknowingness', to where you will see that faith that has been tested by fire, after fire, after fire, will be the very faith that you will walk upon and with, and it will carry you out."
"You will see others who have been in the fire, and they will come out of the fire, but they will not come out weak. They will come out hot, fresh, burning flames; ready to devour the works of the enemy, and take back what they knew was promised unto them and their household.
"It will be a year where My people will come, and they will enter into the Promised Land of My Word. Many have forsaken the promises in My Word, and have taken the word of man, and it has not profited anything. For they have looked to man to fulfill man's word, and so they have tried to gain knowledge, they've tried to gain insight, they've tried to gain influence and power. But it has all been of a soulish mentality. And yet I've said in My Word, 'I have come to restore the souls.'
"But there will be others whose spirit will come out, and they will be so in-tune with My Spirit that they will not merely walk beside Him, they will walk in Him. And He in turn will walk in them.
"Get ready to see this move that will happen," He said. "Yes, the world is going to have a shaking. And yes, you have been shaken. Call My Word to come forth. Command My Word to become alive and active. Let My Word devour your flesh, so that you can be so devouring with My Word, that all that will not obey, will have to bend, because My Word is eternal," says the Lord your God.
"But there will be others whose spirit will come out, and they will be so in-tune with My Spirit that they will not merely walk beside Him, they will walk in Him. And He in turn will walk in them.
"Get ready to see this move that will happen," He said. "Yes, the world is going to have a shaking. And yes, you have been shaken. Call My Word to come forth. Command My Word to become alive and active. Let My Word devour your flesh, so that you can be so devouring with My Word, that all that will not obey, will have to bend, because My Word is eternal," says the Lord your God.
The Power of His Blood
Lord, what's in Your heart? What do You want for Your people?
And He kept talking about the Blood. He said, "My people have gotten away from the true knowledge of the power of My Blood, and yet they wonder where the power is. And He said, "The power is in My Blood.
"Much used to be done about My Blood in My Blood. It was a Bloody Gospel, but was full of life. But the 'Bloody Gospel' has been put aside; to pat the hand of others and give sympathy.
And He kept talking about the Blood. He said, "My people have gotten away from the true knowledge of the power of My Blood, and yet they wonder where the power is. And He said, "The power is in My Blood.
And really what happened was that it became a counterfeit compassion that really encouraged the flesh, rather than bringing the flesh into obedience to the Word. And there is going to be a flipping of that, that you are going to see happen.
The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on December 10, 2013 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:
I hear the Lord say, "Wear the crown of glory that I would have you wear uprightly. Lay down any identity that man would come with. Man would come and try to push My crown off your head, and put upon it a counterfeit identity.
"Lay down all these things that rush into your mind – to where you cannot even come into My presence, because your mind, your spirit, is somewhere else. Press it aside.
Press forward in the run of faith. And know, as you run in faith, you will meet Me, face to face, for in My Presence are the answers that you seek.
For every circumstance you are in, I hold the answer in My Presence. You do not understand what is available to you. When you cry unto Me, I answer you. And I bring forth that which would birth life around you.
"Call everything that would command you to die – to give up dreams and visions and hope – command it to be cast behind you, for it is of satan. Tell him to get behind you. Tell him that he cannot hinder the call that I have placed upon you. Understand who I call you to be. I call you to be more than conquerors in Me, through Me, and with Me, and by My Spirit through you.
For you do not come to My throne and walk away empty, but you come and present a petition to the King of kings. And I take your petition, and I hold it close, and I begin to move and process on your behalf.
"Know I intercede for you. Know that I have come to serve you strongly; not with a weak heart, not with regret, but with all of My might, it is for you. And I long to baptize you in the full mightiness of My Spirit. But I would say, 'What would you do with the might of My Spirit?' Would you allow it to flow out of you? Would you allow it to change you, and raise you up in My own glory?
"Do not let man cause you to fall, to slumber, or to come halfheartedly before My throne. But press forward, and come in boldly, for you have an appointment through My Blood," says the Lord.
"The curtain shall never be hung again by the sin of man, for the Blood of your Master, your Lord, your King, your Savior, touched the fallen earth, the fallen man, the fallen situation, or whatever is causing you to fall.
"Let My Blood come and bring life. For have I not said in My Word, there is life in My Blood?
Let My Blood come and transfuse back to you the might of My Spirit, so you too can do signs and wonders, and come to the understanding of who you are, and who I am.
"I am the great 'I AM'. And I ask, will you use your might towards Me; that My might will not only flow out of you, but will flow to you? For I come to be with you, not against you. And as I come to be with you, I invite you to come forth in humility, but also in confidence, knowing that no man is turned away, because My Blood has already parted the way.
"Come boldly. Come, allow Me to let My hand rest upon you, and give peace to your mind, peace to your heart, multiplication to your finances, answers to those who need answers, and healing to those who need healing. Come unto Me all that are heavily laden. Let Me alone be the one that gives you rest," says the Lord your God.
Eileen Fisher
Eileen Fisher Ministries
Eileen Fisher Ministries
Eileen Fisher speaks and ministers before many groups and has a desire to fulfill the commission that Jesus gave us all. Eileen is available for retreats, workshops, meetings, banquets, or other special events. Eileen is also the author of two books titled Embraced by the Holy Spirit and Embracing the Prophetic.
She travels, is a frequent TV guest, and teaches Schools of Prophecy and Healing. Her husband Fred oversees the ministry and is the ministry administrator. Fred and Eileen are active overseers and members of the board of directors for Freedom Christian Fellowship Church.
They have one married daughter, Theresa, their son Michael went home to be with our Lord in 1993, and they have four grandchildren.